The corners of Zhu Changsheng's eyebrows were raised. Although their formation was dissipated by the magic knight and could not be regrouped, they could be made smaller.

"Heh, that's great." He curled his lips and praised it secretly.

At this time, Zhi Wu was being targeted by several magic horses!

They seemed to hate him, and at all costs, staring at him in the **** and hitting him to death.

No matter how strong Zhiwu is, it can't cover the group fight!

Now it can be said that Feng Shui takes turns. Zhi Wu and the others have beaten others in groups before, but now it is their turn.

"Fuck you! Uncle Tujia, burn them to death! How dare you chase our ass!"

"Senior Zhiwu, we are here!" At this moment, Chen Muyu yelled, and together with Luo Qi, summoned the guardian spirit beast to support Zhi Wu.

"Senior Zhiwu, the situation is not so good." Suddenly, Chen Muyu frowned and said solemnly: "Did you not notice that the movements of these magic knights are a bit strange?"

"Huh?" Zhi Wu was stunned, and then observed the movements of the lower demon riding, "They are approaching towards His Royal Highness!"

"Wait!" Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and he noticed that a group of magic horses formed a formation and secretly approached Zhu Ying.

"Xiao Qiqi, Mu Yu, hurry up to support Yingxue, and His Royal Highness!!" Zhi Wu's mind was tight. If he guessed right, these magic horses had been running towards Zhu Changsheng and Zhu Ying from the beginning. Away.

As long as they kill Zhu Changsheng and Zhu Ying, Zhu Yanguo's army will be defeated without a fight.

Huh huh!

At this moment, a group of figures jumped out of the cover of the magic horse, and with a fierce killing intent, they rushed towards Zhu Changsheng and Yingxue.

"It's the spirit destroyer of Hongnan Kingdom!"

Commander Lu Ying exclaimed, and hurriedly shouted: "Protect His Royal Highness, and the Third Prince!!"

He also knew that once Zhu Changsheng and Zhu Ying were killed, their army would be defeated without a fight.

Unexpectedly, in order to win this battle, Hong Nanguo had even dispatched the Soul Destroyer Assassins. This was an elite force belonging to the Emperor Hong Nanguo.

They really have all their cards this time!

"Hmph, want to kill me, dream!" Zhu Changsheng snorted coldly, with a roll of spear in his hand, assassinated the three assassins.

These assassins had agile body and abilities, they immediately dodged, and one by one, they cooperated to kill Zhu Changsheng in a tacit manner.

Zhu Changsheng's pupils shrank. He could handle this, but he could not handle the other two.

"Thunder Curse!!" Luo Qi yelled and played a blue symbol.

Suddenly, the blue talisman exploded and turned into thunderstorms, smashing towards the three spirit-killing assassins.

The soul-killing assassin's mind tightened and quickly avoided these thunders, but this also gave Zhu Changsheng a chance to breathe.

"Brother Luo, thank you!" Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and he quickly looked towards Yingxue, just in time to see three Spirit Exterminating Assassins rushing in front of her.

Yingxue's pupils shrank, and she stared blankly at the three assassins exuding cold air.

She was just an ordinary woman, and she was able to stand on this battlefield, she had already summoned great courage, but now facing these three assassins, she felt weak in her heart.

"Don't think about it!!" With a sweet voice, it exploded, and I saw tassels rolling over.

Yingxue returned to her senses and saw Chen Muyu rushing over, and the red horns behind her shot out tassels, entangled the three assassins.

The three soul-killing assassins were shocked, and they broke free from the shackles of the red horn like snakes and prepared to evacuate.

"Huh, want to escape? Have you asked me?" At this moment, Zhi Wu just arrived, and Tu Jia screamed, and a flame rolled over and stopped the three evacuated Assassins.

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