The eyes of the three assassins sank, and then their figures disappeared from Zhi Wu's, making the flames burn out.

what! ?

Zhi Wu's pupils shrank and his face was shocked, "Where have these guys gone? Why are they suddenly gone?"


Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis came, and Zhi Wu's heart was shaken, and he instinctively hid aside.

Immediately afterwards, a cold light flickered and passed in front of him.


Tu Ku screamed, the flames all over his body erupted, forcing the three hidden Assassins out of the spirits.

However, they did not love war, and immediately retreated to the Hong Nan Guo army.

"Senior Zhiwu, are you okay?" Chen Muyu rushed over and asked with a worried look.

"I'm fine." Zhi Wu shook his head, pondered for a while, and said: "Mu Yu, from now on, you and Xiao Qiqi don't leave His Royal Highness and Yingxue."

He squinted his eyes and said coldly: "These spirit-killing assassins seem to be invisible and more troublesome. I guess they will always look for opportunities to act on them."

"it is good!"

Chen Muyu nodded, knowing that the situation was serious, and immediately rushed to Yingxue's side.

At the same time, Luo Qi guarded Zhu Changsheng and looked around with alert.

At this moment, Hongnan's army and Zhu Yanguo's army are fighting.

Although Zhu Yanguo's army is superior in quantity, it is weaker than Hongnan in quality.

Three thousand magic horses, in conjunction with the thirty thousand army, strongly crushed Zhu Yanguo's one hundred thousand army, and there were faint signs of breaking them apart.

Zhu Changsheng frowned and watched with a solemn look at the situation that was gradually falling into the wind, anxious.

Three thousand magic horses are too annoying!

The heavy armor, the sword is hard to damage, and the brutal collision is even more unstoppable.

In response, they had to mobilize more troops to contain the three thousand magic knights,

"His Royal Highness, let's retreat to the barracks." Battalion Commander Lu gritted his teeth and proposed: "Perhaps, we can use military defense to resist for a while."

Zhu Changsheng shook his head and said, "We will only be caught by Hong Nan Guo's flaws and collapse in one fell swoop. We have no retreat now, we can only die."

His eyes flashed with crazy divine light, "Even if you lose, you must bring a few more people from Hongnan Kingdom!"

Captain Lu's mind trembled, this is a mortal consciousness!


At this moment, there was a loud horn from Hong Nanguo.

Everyone's gazes looked over unconsciously, only to see a tall, heavy armoured person walking out.

"What's the situation?!" Zhu Changsheng widened his eyes and looked at these giants in shock. "When did Hong Nanguo reserve such fighters?"

"Hahaha, Zhu Yanguo's, didn't you expect it?" Meng Zhong grinned and said loudly: "We Hongnan Kingdom and Shi Mingguo cooperated to cultivate this giant army together."

"With the heavy armor of the demon riding and the physique of a giant, it is definitely an invincible existence."

Seeing these giants heavy soldiers, Zhu Yanguo's soldiers all showed fear.

These giants are as tall as two selves, and coupled with a heavy armor, it is simply a mobile small bag, no one can stop.

"The giants are heavily armed, crush them!!"

With a sound of Meng Zhong's falling, these giants stepped on heavy steps and rushed towards the army of Zhu Yanguo in front.

The steps they stepped on shook the earth and the minds of the soldiers of Zhu Yanguo.

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