The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 948: Minor repair, why are you here?

"Ooooo!!!" The giant roared heavily, waving a giant stick, and it was a sweep against Zhu Yanguo's soldiers.

No one could stop this sweep, and they were swept out roughly one by one.

This is a giant of a hundred soldiers, but it has the momentum of a thousand soldiers.

For a time, Zhu Yanguo's army was defeated, and under the double sweep of the magic cavalry and giants, they were retreating steadily.

"General Meng, we can win!!" Hong Nanguo's lieutenant said excitedly.

"Hmph, if we can't win this, we have to dig a hole and get in." Meng Zhong curled his lips and said with contempt.

Although Zhu Yanguo's army was crushed by them, he was not happy at all.

All because the price paid by Hong Nan Guo was a bit too great.

Three thousand magic knights, spirit-killing assassins, plus a hundred giants, these are Hong Nanguo's trump cards!

They have all their cards in Hong Nanguo, just to deal with Zhu Yanguo's 100,000 army, it can be said to be a bit of a sledgehammer.

Don’t forget, Zhu Yanguo has an invincible dragon army!

Their hole cards were originally meant to target the Dragon Army. If they can't win here, what are they talking about flattening Zhu Yanguo?


The giant roared angrily, waving the giant weapon in his hand, and constantly sweeping Zhu Yanguo's army.

"Uncle Tujia, burn them to death!!"

Their heavy armor is invaded by fire and water!

"Chili, protect Yingxue!"

Their bodies are heavy and cannot be restrained!

"Turn tortoise, block these giants!!"

They are like a moving hill against the Tortoise, which is known for its defensive power!

Zhi Wu and the others desperately resisted these giant heavy soldiers and the charge of the magic knight.

However, the battlefield is a cruel place!

No matter how strong their personal strength is, they can hardly resist thousands of troops!


Suddenly, a giant rushed through the flames of the soil worm, brandishing a giant stick, and slammed towards Zhi Wu.

Zhi Wu's pupils shrank, watching this giant stick smashing at him, and she had the illusion of facing the big hammer of Xiaoman's teacher.

"Senior Zhiwu!!"

Luo Qi and Chen Muyu looked over and couldn't help exclaiming.


At this moment, a burst of anger blew up, shocking everyone's minds.

Even if it was a magic horse that had taken the mad beast pill, he couldn't help but tremble, and then he saw a majestic and majestic mad beast galloping over with a chill.

At the same time, ice cones flew out, hit the giant stick, shook it aside, and landed on the ground next to Zhi Wu.


The power of this big stick was astonishing, and it smashed the ground into a deep hole. Fortunately, it did not fall on Zhi Wu's body, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Hu Yanxiu?!" Zhi Wu's pupils shrank and saw a long figure standing on the ice lion.

His blond hair is particularly eye-catching, especially that handsome face, which makes him have an urge to grab a handful of mud and put it on it.

He is unhappy with anyone handsomer than himself, of course...

Except Mo Yuan!

"Zhi Wu, you are very embarrassed." Hu Yanxiu tilted his eyes and said faintly: "If I hadn't come in time, you might be smashed into flesh."

"I want you to save it?" Zhi Wu glared, and said angrily: "By the way, why did you come here?"

"I went back to the academy and saw that you were not there. Under further questioning, I realized that you actually came to the frontier with Teacher Xiaoman." Hu Yanxiu raised his hand and shot out the sword beams, and gave the approaching soldiers of Hongnan Kingdom. Shot.

"Anyway, it's boring, so I just watched it. As a result, I encountered such a big scene."

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