From now on, the three provinces of Talin were no longer a waste, but a strong man who could make Zhi Wu marvel at them.

"Sister Chi, Da Bai, you are responsible for blocking those magic horses, Little Swallow, you are responsible for blocking the army of Hongnan Kingdom." Lin Sansheng's tiger body was shocked, and he said loudly, "As for me, I will be responsible for crushing these big men!! "

"I wipe it, I wipe it!" Zhi Wu couldn't help but explode, "Brother Mouse has become so handsome, I want to cheer him crazy!!"

Luo Qi and Chen Muyu both looked at each other. They didn't expect that Lin Sanshen would have such a big change after the immortal cave mansion came out. It was really incredible.

They couldn't help but regret that they did not enter the fairy cave!

Hu Yanxiu frowned, snorted coldly, and said, "Don't stand still, take advantage of this, and quickly kill it."

"Good!" Zhi Wu's fighting spirit was mobilized by Lin Sanxing, "Small repairs, we can't let Brother Mouse be handsome by himself!!"


With a move of Hu Yanxiu's figure, he cooperated with the ice lion and slew the giant's heavy soldiers.

When Zhu Changsheng saw this, his heart trembled. He didn't expect that at such a critical moment, there would be a surprise soldier on his side to reverse the disadvantage.

The power of Dabai and Chichi was enough to deter three thousand magic knights, while Ling Yan's ability was to sweep the army of thirty thousand great southern countries.

In this way, they can definitely survive!

"All the soldiers obey the order and kill all these Hongnan dogs for me!!"


Zhu Yanguo's soldiers were all excited and rushed towards Hongnan's army frantically.

Lin Sanxing glanced at Ling Yan's side, and saw that she easily controlled Ji Wanqing, manipulated countless evil spirits, and attacked the army of Hongnan Kingdom. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In this way, he can concentrate on dealing with these giants, and...


A wave of cold light shone over.

Lin Sansheng's pupils shrank and escaped a cold light, but the other cold light couldn't escape.

Puff puff puff!

All these cold lights fell on him, splashing a blood mist.

At the same time, the figure of the Assassin of the Spirit Exterminator appeared, one by one, using a killer move, to smash the corpse of the person who dared to hurt his companion.

Of course!

"Huh?" Lin Sanshen's lips raised slightly, and he looked at these spirit extinction assassins indifferently, "Is this your ultimate move? It doesn't hurt or itchy, what the hell?"

The pupils of the Assassin's spirit shrank, and he looked at Lin Sanxing in shock.

He unexpectedly ate so many killer moves from them casually, and looking at the wounds, he had already stopped the blood.

The Spirit Exterminating Assassin was shocked, and quickly wanted to draw out his daggers, but found that these dagger capitals were stuck by Lin Sanshen's muscles and couldn't get them out.

"What kind of monster are you!?" A spirit extinction assassin couldn't help but exclaimed.

"I am not a monster!" Lin Sanxing squinted his eyes slightly and said coldly: "I am just stronger than you, nothing more."


A spirit burst out and turned into a roaring fierce beast, roaring at these spirit extinction assassins.

Bang bang bang!

Lin Sanxing threw out his fists, as fast as lightning, and blasted all these spirit-killing assassins out.

"Unbearable!" He curled his lips, then his muscles trembled, and all the daggers on his body flew out.


At this moment, there was a burst of anger, and two giants rushed over, brandishing giant sticks, and smashed towards Lin Sansheng. .

"Get out!" Lin Sansheng yelled, then squeezed his fist and blasted a giant heavy soldier heavily.

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