The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 953: Have you given up your surname?

The giant's eyes widened, and he let out a mouthful of blood.

At the same time, the force of horror took his body and couldn't stop flying backwards, and hit the body of another giant heavy soldier, leading him to fly backwards.

"This is an infinite blow!!" Lin Sanxing squinted his eyes and said grimly, "Next, is your infinite hell!!"

He kicked his leg suddenly, the ground shattered, and his figure flew out like an arrow.

"This is the second blow!!"


Lin Sanxing clenched his fist, and then blasted the giant's heavy soldier with another punch.

"This is the third blow!!"

Without giving the giant a chance to breathe, another blow came over.

Every one of his blows was stronger and more domineering than the last one, layered on top of each other, and destroyed.

This is infinite!

Xingxuan is most proud of, the strongest ultimate move to sweep the fairy world!

One blow after another, layer upon layer, so that the power also stacks up, and the final power can even penetrate the sky.

Of course, this is just a theory, even the founder Xingxuan has never done this step, the most is to penetrate the Immortal World's Wuliang Mountain.

"General Meng, what should we do now?" Hong Nanguo's lieutenant said with an anxious look: "If this continues, our morale will be severely affected."

Meng Zhong also looked solemn.

He couldn't think of the appearance of such a surprise soldier in Zhu Yan's Congress, the strength is beyond imagination.

It must be the chance of Fairy Cave Mansion!

Meng Zhong exploded with anger at the thought of the fairy cave house being controlled by Zhu Yanguo.

If you can take the Fairy Cave Mansion as your own and grasp the opportunities inside, they will definitely become the strongest country in the Central Plains.


When Meng Zhong wanted to retreat and regroup, a series of thunders shone out, and even smashed at those evil spirits.

The evil spirit was frightened and fled everywhere!

"this is……"

He looked suspicious and saw a figure rushing over, with yellow symbols scattered in his hand, sticking to the fallen corpse.

As these yellow symbols were put on, the corpses all stood up and killed Zhu Yanguo.

"It's Yan Er headed!" Meng Zhong's eyes lit up and he was surprised: "Yan Er headed out of the fairy cave mansion!"

The soldiers of Hongnan Kingdom were greatly encouraged when they saw Yan Fanglin, and the depression that had been suppressed was gradually restored.

"Yan Fanglin?!" Ling Yan frowned and looked at him suspiciously. "He has come out, why hasn't the little lady come out yet?"

"Little Swallow, let's ask him." Lin Sansheng ran over the giant's heavy soldiers and said solemnly: "I'm worried that the little lady is in danger in the fairy cave."

He has the inheritance of Star Swirl and has a deeper understanding of Star Swirl Cave Mansion.

This fairy cave was actually not built by Xingxuan, but by someone else.

For this reason, he didn't know what danger this fairy cave mansion hides.

"Yan Fanglin!!!" At this time, Luo Qi rushed out first, and while resisting Hong Nanguo's attack, he shouted: "I want to kill you and avenge my mother!!"

Yan Fanglin was startled slightly, looking at Luo Qi with a complicated expression.

After listening to Luo Xiaoman's words, he had a lot of doubts about Luo Qi in his heart.

"Yan Qi!"

"Yan Qi is dead, now I am Luo Qi!"

Yan Fanglin was startled slightly, then sighed and said, "Have you given up your surname?"

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