"Minor repair, do you want something?" Zhi Wu handed over a handful of melon seeds.


Hu Yanxiu glanced at the handful of melon seeds, then turned his head, resolutely not to get along with these guys.

What's more, what's so delicious about these seeds?

"Tsk tusk, this melon seed is delicious. If you don't taste it, it is definitely a big loss in your life." Zhi Wu curled his lips, looking at Hu Yanxiu with contempt.

When they were eating melons and watching the show, Zhu Changsheng and Lieutenant General Lin both looked blank.

They felt that they weren't here to fight, but to watch Luo Xiaoman's performance, and also to see the group of teasers eating melon.


A tyrannical aura surged out, passing everyone's hearts.

Everyone trembled and watched Luo Xiaoman raised his big hammer with shocked expressions.

"What is she doing? Isn't she going to hammer this pile of corpses?"

"Is it sick? Just piled up, and you want to break it up again?"

Everyone talked a lot, they didn't know what Luo Xiaoman was going to do?

"Three styles of breaking the dome, first style, falling marks!"

Luo Xiaoman yelled softly, leaped forward, and slammed down with a big hammer violently.

It's just that the hammer hit not the corpse, but the open space next to it.

Suddenly, there was a complete explosion that shook the sky, and dust was everywhere, blocking everyone's sight.

When everyone came back to their senses and the dust settled, they couldn't help but be stunned!

In front of him, a huge pit appeared.

Could this be caused by Luo Xiaoman with a hammer? How powerful is this?

"Come, bury it!" Luo Xiaoman sighed, then smiled, and the controlled monster mounts pushed the corpses into this deep pit.

"The corpses are all buried, so why don't you have to fire a cannon to pay homage to their heroic souls?" Luo Xiaoman's eyes narrowed, revealing a sly smile. "General, it's your turn to play! To these sacrificed soldiers, fire a cannon in tribute!!"

Suddenly, a huge battle puppet that was as tall as a giant's heavy soldier appeared.

He smashed into a cannon, installed a Tier 4 monster crystal core, and aimed it at the open space in front of him.


Following Luo Xiaoman's soft drink, the general ejected a dazzling beam, piercing the clouds.

Immediately afterwards, this beam of light instantly dispersed and turned into countless tiny beams of light, bombarding the ground indiscriminately.

However, this seemingly random bombardment resulted in a closer look, and the dust that was raised just filled the hole.

"Wow, look good!" Luo Qi exclaimed while licking the seeds.

"Tsk tusk, you said, would it be more dazzling if it were replaced with a fifth-level beast crystal core?" Zhi Wu shook his head and said with a pleasant expression.

Compared with their comfort, both Zhu Yanguo and Hong Nanguo were already shocked by this posture!

At this moment, they knew that Luo Xiaoman was not purely trying to deal with corpses on the battlefield, but to show off his powerful force and give Hong Nanguo a warning.

Dare to commit, this is your fate!

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly!!" Lieutenant General Lin panicked, and hurriedly shouted: "Withdraw to the barracks quickly, no, withdraw to Hongnan Kingdom!!!"

If he hesitated just now, he is now determined to retreat!

Whether it's the ability to control the monster mounts, the ability to smash a deep hole with a hammer, or the shot just now, they can't bear it!

"Hey, don't go!" At this moment, Luo Xiaoman's voice came, but it was like the deadly voice of Jiuyou, making the hearts of the soldiers of Hongnan Kingdom tremble.

"You left things."

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