Left something down?

Of course!

They were all smashed by the hammer, and they dare not look back!

The shocking scenes just now are still vivid. They feel that if they don't leave, Luo Xiaoman will give them another shot, and it is estimated that one-fifth of the army can be wiped out.

too frightening!

They never thought that someone on the battlefield would be able to sweep the army with their own power.

Now they see it!

That little loli did it with her big hammer!

Luo Xiaoman woke them up with absolute power, letting them understand that there are really strong men in this world who can be a thousand.


At this moment, a sound of piano sounded, passing everyone's hearts.

They trembled all over, and they couldn't help freezing their bodies, unable to move!

What the **** is this?

Lieutenant General Lin's pupils shrank, only to see a black figure slowly descending from the sky, blocking the front of the army.

"Xiaoman said, you left something." Mo Yuan's deep eyes rolled, and he said indifferently.

He raised his hand, plucked the strings lightly, and the sound of the piano rang again, causing everyone in Hong Nanguo to turn around inexplicably.


In addition to Luo Xiaoman, is this boy in black also so perverted?

"Come on, this is what you dropped." Luo Xiaoman chuckled, his eyes flashed with a strange light, and the controlled monster mounts immediately rushed out frantically towards the army of Hongnan Kingdom.

Lieutenant Lin's mind trembled. Shouldn't this little loli use her monster mount to crush them?

They are all frozen now, like wooden stakes, they have no power to fight back at all!

However, when these mounts just rushed forward, and the people in the front row closed their eyes and wanted to face this cruel fact, these monsters suddenly stopped and squatted on the ground.

"Don't be afraid." Luo Xiaoman shrugged and said wittyly: "I just said it, just borrow it. As the saying goes, it's not difficult to borrow again."

Lieutenant General Lin twitched the corners of his mouth. It is not difficult to borrow or borrow again. This kind of thing will never happen again.

It's too scary, too scary!

"But..." Suddenly, Luo Xiaoman's eyes sank, and his tone became very cold, completely opposite to the playfulness just now. "If you dare to set foot on the border again, then...I will kill your imperial city."

When the voice fell, Lieutenant General Lin loosened his body and regained his freedom.

He dared not bear it anymore, and hurriedly shouted: "Immediately, return to the imperial city!"

This time, no one came to intercept them, which made them finally relieved.

However, Luo Xiaoman's horror has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is estimated that they will not set foot in this land of borders within ten years.

On the other side, Zhu Changsheng looked at Luo Xiaoman with a complex expression, he was also shocked by the absolute power just now!

He never expected that such a peerless powerhouse would appear in Zhu Yanguo, not only Luo Xiaoman, but even Mo Yuan's strength was unfathomable.

Thinking back to the various criticisms they had made against Luo Xiaoman before, thinking about it all felt ridiculous.

In Luo Xiaoman's eyes, they are really as ridiculous as a clown. It's not that people don't care about you, but have you ever seen a master who cares about a clown?

"Drive!" Zhu Changsheng pondered for a while, then drove his horse towards Luo Xiaoman.

"His Royal Highness, what's the matter?" Luo Xiaoman tilted his head and looked at Zhu Changsheng with a bewildered expression.

"Luo Xiaoman, on behalf of all the soldiers, I deeply apologize for being rude to you before." Zhu Changsheng clenched a fist, pressed it against his heart, and said sincerely: "We are too self-righteous and make you wronged. Up."

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