"Puff!" Luo Xiaoman laughed, waved his hand, and said indifferently: "Why am I still thinking about it? It turns out that it's the same thing."

"His Royal Highness, in fact, I have never taken the previous things to heart."

Zhu Changsheng was slightly startled, and looked at Luo Xiaoman with a look of astonishment.

She really didn’t care about it, or she didn’t care about it, but looking at her relaxed look, it seems that this is the same thing again...

"Little disciple sun, come here!" Luo Xiaoman glanced at Yingxue behind him, and couldn't help shouting.

Yingxue was startled slightly, hesitated, and drove the horse over.

"Little, little Master, what's the matter?"

"Little disciple grandson, I have gained a lot from the Fairy Cave Mansion this time." Luo Xiaoman raised his hand and took out many treasures from the magic ring space and stacked them in front of Yingxue.

There are magic weapons, elixirs, and exercises, just like wholesale, which makes people stunned.

"Come on, I'll give these to you. Don't give it to others." Luo Xiaoman blinked and said playfully: "Good things, I only keep them for myself."

"Okay, okay!" Yingxue was a little dazed. At the moment she received so many babies, she couldn't react to it for a while, but this was all given to Zhu Ying by Xiaoman, so she had no reason not to.

If you shirk, it would be too hypocritical.

The corners of Zhu Changsheng's mouth twitched, his eyes were very venomous, and it seemed that among so many treasures, he saw a lot of five-grade pill, prefecture-level magic weapons, and prefecture-level ultimate moves.

This is an unimaginable treasure in front of anyone.

However, Luo Xiaoman sent it out without blinking.

He couldn't help thinking, how many treasures did she harvest this time in the fairy cave?

However, he was also keenly aware that Luo Xiaoman gave Zhu Ying to the treasure in public to tell them that those of you who once underestimated me and did not treat me like me can only look at them, not a single one!

"Luo Xiaoman!" At this moment, Chief Lu Ying drove his horse and galloped over. "You brought so many treasures from the Fairy Cave Mansion, do you have to give us some too! Don't forget, you can enter the Fairy Cave Mansion, and we also have our strength."

"Yes! You can't swallow it alone, you must share it." Other soldiers also shouted.

Luo Xiaoman's eyes sank, and he said coldly: "Do you have any effort? How do I remember that whether it is the beginning or the end, it is me who is in the layout, even if there is no you, there will be no impact?"

"Hmph, the prince's Royal Highness discovered the Immortal Cave Mansion. And, if you weren't under our cover, could you enter the Immortal Cave Mansion?" Chief Lu Ying said gritted his teeth.

He knows very well how precious the baby Luo Xiaoman took out just now is, just take one out, it's invaluable, how can he just look at it?

"Wow, you are going to be shameless!" At this moment, Zhi Wu and his group rushed over and said angrily: "Before you all didn't believe in Teacher Xiaoman, now you see the baby and want to get a share. Are you so shameless?"

"Yes, you are too shameless!" Luo Qi also said angrily: "Instructor Xiaoman got these treasures from the Fairy Cave Mansion by his ability, so why should I give them to you?"

"Don't you think you are the third prince, the grandson of Xiaoman's teacher?"

The soldiers were blushing, but the baby is in front, even if it is embarrassing, they must fight for it.

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