The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 975: She is her own little man!

"This old man is too fierce!" Zhi Wu looked at Elder Hua in amazement. He didn't expect that he had come up with such a way to find death.

Eating flatbread and not drinking water, choked myself to death!

No wonder he insisted on eating flatbread, and ended up trying to stop himself!

"Hey, I didn't expect him to be so cruel. We couldn't prevent it if we wanted to." Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said helplessly: "Buy him and let him die decently. After all, you can live yourself alive. Choking to death is also a personal thing."

Under normal circumstances, it is an individual who has to prepare water when eating flatbread, the feeling of neck stuck is very uncomfortable.

However, Elder Hua choked himself to death without changing his face. Not everyone can do this.

"Xuanzong, there is no one from Xuanzong left, I'm afraid our plan can't be realized." Mo Yuan looked at Luo Xiaoman and said worriedly.

Of course!

Luo Xiaoman took out a lollipop, stuffed it into his mouth, and said calmly: "They thought they were all dead, so they didn't have a handle to grab it for me? Heh, you look down on me too much, right? "

For a moment, everyone looked over and looked at Luo Xiaoman with a look of surprise.

They didn't seem to think that the situation was like this, did Teacher Xiaoman still keep a hand?

"Since we can't disintegrate Xuanzong head-on, then we will tear them apart from the inside." Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and two charming dimples appeared on his small face. "In a few days, I'm going to participate in Xuanzong's opening ceremony and accepting disciples."

"Ha? Open the mountain to accept disciples?" Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at Luo Xiaoman with shocked expressions. "Teacher Xiaoman, are you serious?"

"Of course." Luo Xiaoman raised his hand and turned the lollipop in his mouth triumphantly, "I have been a mentor for so long, and I want to try to be an apprentice."

Everyone looked at each other, they seemed to be able to imagine that Xuanzong's end was coming.

A little devil in the world sneaked into their sect, and it was very exciting to think about it!

"Xiaoman, I'll accompany you." Mo Yuan looked at Luo Xiaoman with a low eye, his eyes firm, undoubtedly, "Don't persuade me, it's useless to persuade. This is not your thoughts, but my thoughts. Understand?"

Luo Xiaoman was taken aback, and then pouted, and said depressed: "You said that, what else can I say?"

"Don't say anything, now lie down obediently for me." Mo Yuan hugged Luo Xiaoman, and immediately jumped, straddling Da Bai.

Da Bai had just eaten a piece of old hard beef jerky. Mo Yuan was sitting like this, and the beef jerky at the entrance almost choked him to death!

If it hadn't reacted quickly and swallowed it in one swallow, it would have followed Elder Hua's footsteps.

"Da Bai, set off, Qinhuai City."

Da Bai pouted, feeling that rejection was impossible. Who would let Mo Yuan hold the little master?

Sister Chi...

He just looked at Chi Chi and wanted to seek comfort, but saw that Mo Yuan had already acted first, grabbing Chi Chi and squeezing it into Luo Xiaoman's arms.

Dabai looked desperate, then screamed, and ran muffledly.

At this moment, Zhi Wu, Chen Muyu, Lin Sanxing, and Ling Yan were all dumbfounded.

I'm a good boy!

What's going on with Master Mo Yuan?

How come you suddenly become so overbearing, where can an apprentice treat his master so much?

However, in Mo Yuan's eyes, all apprentices and masters are all floating clouds.

At this moment, she is her own man.

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