Back to Qinhuai City.

It is as lively and noisy as ever.

As soon as Luo Xiaoman and others stepped into the city, they greeted various cheers.

"Elder Xiaoman, have you come back from a long trip? Have you eaten yet, I have freshly baked buns here, how many for you?"

"Elder Xiaoman, I have warm noodles here. Would you like a bowl?"

"Elder Xiaoman..."

One by one, the diligent shouts made Luo Xiaoman at a loss.

At first, when she was in Baicheng, her appearance would surely cause many small vendors to flee around, but now she has become the elder Xiaoman who is eager to please everyone.

"Little Master!!" At this moment, a figure rushed over quickly.

Luo Xiaoman looked over and couldn't help but twitched his lips. He said, "Little disciple sun, how do you know I'm back?"

"It was Bai Hang and the others. They said that Little Master will arrive in Qinhuai City in the next few days." Zhu Ying came to Luo Xiaoman and said with a worried expression: "Little Master, are you okay?"

As he said, he looked up and down, seeing that Luo Xiaoman was safe and sound, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Bai Hang, Huang Lin and the others are so hateful that they sent me back alone. If that war is lost, I will be a sinner forever!"

"If that war is lost, you should survive."

Luo Xiaoman smiled and said lightly: "You are the future emperor of Zhu Yanguo."

Zhu Ying was slightly startled, her expression complicated.

Now whether it is the emperor brother or the emperor, they all intend to let him inherit the throne.

It's just that he doesn't want to be an emperor at all, nor is he expected to be an emperor!

He just wants to live a simple and comfortable life with Cher.

"Little disciple sun, although you are not a talent for ruling the country, you have a good heart." Luo Xiaoman saw through Zhu Ying's mind and said lightly: "More importantly, you have a good wife."

Zhu Ying was stunned and looked at Luo Xiaoman in amazement.

"Treasure the present." Luo Xiaoman smiled, and his heart was clear. Although Zhu Ying is not a talent for ruling the country, Yingxue is very talented in this aspect.

On the battlefield before this, she had a little bit of prominence. As long as she was given enough time, she would definitely become the most effective assistant to assist Zhu Ying.

"Heh, Little Master, even if you say so, what can I say?" Zhu Ying shook her head with a wry smile.

"That's right!" Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he said in a deep voice, "Xuanzong's people seem to borrow the facade of Sheng Academy to open up the mountains to collect disciples."

"Oh?" Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, and said in his heart, he came very quickly!

In Elder Hua's memory, she already knew that Xuanzong had lost a lot of core disciples during this time, and she had already meant to open the mountain to accept disciples.

However, she did not expect it would come so soon!

"Is the date set?"


Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes, and the corners of his lips twitched, "Little disciple, you will stay in Qinhuai City next time and enjoy the few free days with sister Yingxue. When you take the throne, you can There is no such freedom."

Zhu Ying looked bitter.

The main reason he didn't want to be emperor was to know that he would lose his freedom. At that time, regardless of the size of the affairs, you have to do it yourself.

However, Yingxue also supports herself as the emperor. With her support, he is not so resistant to the throne.

"Xiao Wu, Mu Yu, all of you go back first." Luo Xiaoman turned around, thinking about going back to Luo's house, taking a break.

Wait until tomorrow, and then have a fun at Xuanzong's opening ceremony.

"Teacher Xiaoman, see you tomorrow."

After being away for so long, Zhi Wu also missed the vice president very much, while Chen Muyu missed his family.

However, what she wanted most in her heart was the wood.

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