Ouyang Xuhua gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Huh, for you, I don't need the cyan qualification, the green qualification is enough!"

Immediately, he held the small dzi bead, and when he thought of it, the small dzi bead lit up.

As the light of the small dzi became stronger and stronger, it finally lit up with a green light, shining everyone's eyes.

Green is already a very good qualification.

In this, it is estimated that few people can have green qualifications!

"Master Ouyang, great!!"

"The green qualifications are already very strong! I don't believe that the qualifications of this arrogant can surpass green!!"

The crowd stared at Luo Xiaoman fiercely, waiting for her to test.

"Tsk tsk, it's green!" Luo Xiaoman spread out his hands and said helplessly: "This qualification is too shameful."

Lost, ashamed?

Ouyang Xuhua almost spit out blood.

"Come here!!" He was furious, and threw the little dzi back. "Let me see, how many catties you are!"

"No problem!" Luo Xiaoman raised his head and caught the small dzi with a calm expression. "Today, let you guys who have never seen the world have a long experience, what is a genius!!"

The more they listened, the more upset they were, and they couldn't wait to beat up this beautiful boy in red.

If they haven't seen the world, who else has seen the world?

They are the people of the imperial city. They are the citizens of the most prosperous and powerful city in the entire Zhu Yan country!

"Come on, look good!" Luo Xiaoman's eyes sank, and then he lifted the small dzi bead.

Suddenly, a ray of light shone out and turned to blue little by little.

The moment they saw the cyan light, everyone was dumbfounded, revealing incredible colors.

This, is this really cyan qualification?

No wonder this young man is so arrogant, he is really so strong! Are they ignorant?

"Did you see it?" Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said with a smug expression: "It wasn't me that said, all you guys are here are rubbish!"

Everyone came back to their senses, one by one gritted their teeth with anger, but didn't know how to refute it?

After all, people's qualifications are here, but there is no one who can surpass it.

At this moment, Ouyang Xuhua's face was also hot, thinking that he could finally be handsome and rectifying the name of the Ouyang family, but was slapped severely.

Seeing Luo Xiaoman's performance, Ji Wuya shook his head with a wry smile, little master, you are a purple aptitude, why did you make a cyan?

However, the young master must have his own ideas in doing this.

Also, why has she been so arrogant and so domineering? Are you not afraid of making too many enemies?

Thinking of this, Ji Wuya glanced at Luo Xiaoman's Mo Yuan quietly, and Mo Yuan looked over again, and there seemed to be a sentence in his eyes, just watch, don't ask.

Well, you are a big brother, what you say is what you say.


At this moment, there was a round of applause.

Everyone's gaze swept over, only to see a man wearing a blue robe, walking out slowly.

This man has a beautiful face, a masculine tinge in his femininity, and a pair of deep eyes, as if it contains endless stars, which makes people sink unconsciously.

Of course!

When Luo Xiaoman frowned when he saw the man, he almost exclaimed.

Xuan Wulin!

However, she changed her mind again.

Isn't Xuan Wulin killed by Mo Yuan?

Therefore, the person in front of him is definitely not himself.

Not only that, she also found that Lotus was actually following this man.

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