Luo Xiaoman was a little surprised!

Looking at the appearance of Lotus, it seems that he has a lot to do with this man.

"What's your name?" The man stepped forward and asked lightly.

"Bai Yan, you can call me Young Master Bai." Luo Xiaoman raised his head and said defiantly.

"Oh, it's interesting." The man nodded and said, "Your qualifications are good. However, to become a disciple of Xuanzong, you need more than just good qualifications."

"Don't worry, Xuanzong disciple, Xiaoye is determined."


The man laughed, seemingly interested in the boy in front of him.

"Elder Ji, I beg you here!" The man turned and said to Ji Wuya: "If you pass the assessment, let them in for the second round of assessment."

"Yeah." Ji Wuya nodded, and then shouted to everyone: "The test continues, you will come one by one. Of course, if you have the confidence of Young Master Bai, you can also jump in the queue, I will say nothing!"

For a while, everyone remained silent and did not dare to speak.

Among so many of them, there was one who could surpass Ouyang Xuhua and chuckled. How could he dare to challenge Luo Xiaoman, who has the cyan aptitude, isn't this self-infuriating?

"Master Mo, come too!"

Luo Xiaoman greeted him, and saw Mo Yuan stepping forward.

Mo Yuan's expression was indifferent, and the momentum radiated from his body made everyone afraid to say anything.

"Here, here you are!" A person who had just finished the test passed the small dzi bead tremblingly.

Mo Yuan took the small dzi bead, and then his heart moved, and a burst of blue light lit up.

When this cyan light lit up, he just threw it away and walked towards Luo Xiaoman.

He didn't frown all the time, as if he had done a trivial thing.

However, everyone's expressions were already stiff, this, this turned out to be another blue aptitude.

They finally understand why Luo Xiaoman is so arrogant, people have this capital!

Ouyang Xuhua's face was ugly. He thought he could make a brighter eye, but he was beaten in the face by two teenagers of unknown origin.

"Xuhua, don't worry." Ouyang Hao patted him on the shoulder, and comforted: "This is only the first test, and there are two more. I believe these two people will have better qualifications."

"As long as you play normally, there should be no problem!"

"Yeah!" Ouyang gave a sullen face, nodded heavily, his fist was tightly clenched, he couldn't keep losing to the opponent.

At this moment, Luo Xiaoman swaggered past Ji Wuya's side.

"His name is Xuan Youlin, Qing Cang Youshi, the supervisor who opened the mountain to accept disciples this time. As for Lianhua, he has just been accepted as a disciple."

Listening to Ji Wuya's words, Luo Xiaoman walked into the gate of the Holy Academy without changing his face, a huge wave arose in his heart.

Heh, it turned out that it was the right ambassador of Qingcang's left and right ambassador, and Xuan Wulin, who was the left ambassador, were brothers.

If she guessed correctly, Xuan Youlin came here this time to investigate Xuan Wulin's death.

However, Xuan Youlin's acceptance of Lotus as his disciple surprised her.

"Xiao Man, that Xuan Youlin has been staring at you." Suddenly, Mo Yuan next to him said lightly.

"It doesn't matter, just let him stare at it." Luo Xiaoman smiled and said lightly: "Anyway, I am a dude with defying aptitude."


At this moment, an exclamation came from outside.

Luo Xiaoman was startled slightly, and when he looked back subconsciously, he saw a blue light shining over.

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