"That's not it." Luo Xiaoman smiled loudly, "I just think it's a pity that such a talent worshipped Xuanzong."

Mo Yuan's eyes softened, raised his hand, gently raised the temples of Xia Luo Xiaoman, and said, "This is his life!"

Luo Xiaoman was startled slightly, then shook his head with a wry smile.

Yes indeed!

This is his life!

It's just that the look in that man's eyes just now was very similar to Qingdi's, they were so pure, so indomitable.

"Wow, the black-clothed boy and the red-clothed boy are good Su! Don't tell me, they are that!!" A passing female student just happened to see Mo Yuan slap Luo Xiaoman's hair. It will be bombed by Su.

"No, I have to follow along and see!"



Soon, Luo Xiaoman and Mo Yuan came to the martial arts field.

The place was already full of people, most of them were students from the Holy Academy, and few outsiders could get in.

On the high platform of the martial arts field, sitting Xuan Youlin, Vice Dean Tong Ming, and several elders of Sheng Academy.

Beside Xuan Youlin, there was a strange old man who was supposed to be the elder of Xuanzong.

However, what surprised Luo Xiaoman was that Lianhua was also on the other side of Xuan Youlin, which was enough to see her status in Xuan Youlin's mind.

"Yuan, why do you think Lotus is favored by Xuan Youlin?" Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes, wondering in his heart, "She looks average and has average aptitude, which is very wrong."

"Or, let Xiaolong come out and have a look?" Mo Yuan looked over and suggested.

Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up, and the corners of his lips rose slightly, "This is a good idea."

Then, she quietly called out the dragon and pointed it in the direction of Lotus. "Xiaolong, what's so special about this woman?"

"Good!" Xiaolong narrowed a pair of mung bean eyes, staring at the lotus. "Hey, this woman is so strange."

"How strange?" Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, secretly saying that the lotus is really unusual, and then he asked quickly.

"Her physique seems very special." Xiaolong was silent for a while, then said: "Or, let's let Brother Xiaoling have a look?"

"Okay." Luo Xiaoman frowned. He didn't expect a lotus flower to use Xiaolong and Xiaoling. He really saw a ghost, which made her even more curious.

Next, Xiaolong described the scene he would see to Xiaoling again.

"I see." Xiao Ling buckled his butt, and then his little hand rubbed his chin, and said with a serious face: "This lotus is a legendary white jade body."

"White jade body?" Luo Xiaoman frowned. Whether it was in her previous life or in this life, she had heard of this physique for the first time.

"In short, it is a physique suitable for double cultivation." Xiao Ling thought for a moment, and used a popular saying, "As long as you double cultivation with a white jade body, your cultivation level will be greatly improved."

Hearing this, Luo Xiaoman suddenly understood why Xuan Youlin wanted to accept lotus flower as a disciple, and still attached such importance to her, it turned out to be her dual cultivation partner.

"Tsk tusk, I can't think of it!" Luo Xiaoman sighed. Originally, she had no affection for Lotus, so she often ignored this woman.

Because this woman's scheming is too deep and she wants to hit her eldest brother's idea, she naturally refuses to be treated by herself.

Lianhua stood beside Xuan Youlin, her eyes gleaming with arrogant divine light, staring at a figure not far from the platform.

That was Luo Qingyi who went out to watch the apprenticeship ceremony.

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