The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 985: The group of melon eaters

Lianhua squinted her eyes, her heart was dark, Luo Qingyi, you used to be ignorant of me, but now, I make you unable to climb high!

No student from the Saint Academy, no disciple of Xuanzong, can't compare to the status of the Qing Cangyou envoy.


At this moment, Xuan Youlin noticed Lotus's mood swings and couldn't help but said indifferently: "Since just now, your mood is a bit wrong. Is there anything wrong?"

"Nothing." Lotus bowed her head and whispered: "I just didn't expect that one day I would be a woman who will become a messenger."

"Hehe, this is your chance." Xuan Youlin smiled, pulling up the lotus's soft pair, and said lightly: "In the future, you will no longer be a mediocre person."

"Yeah." Lianhua nodded. If she wants to, she can let Xuan Youlin breathe out for herself at any time, and directly kill Luo Qingyi and Chen Muyu.

However, she would not do this.

She must personally make them regret their indifference to her in the past!

"My Envoy." At this moment, Ji Wuya walked over from the outside and said loudly: "All the people who passed the first round of assessment are here."

"Very good!" Xuan Youlin nodded, then waved, "Let's start the second round."

Ji Wuya frowned, feeling very upset in his own turf, and still obeying outsiders' instructions, it was really shameful.

However, Xuanzong has Qingcang's backing, and even if he has complaints, he can't say more!

If it provokes Xuan Youlin's unpleasantness, it is estimated that Sheng Academy will be hit hard.

"Everyone, now for the second round of testing!" Ji Wuya swept the crowd around.

Under his fierce gaze, everyone was quiet.

Ji Wuya took a breath, and then said loudly: "We will set up a phantom array next. Anyone who passes the first round must enter. As long as they pass the phantom array, they will advance to the next round, otherwise they will be eliminated."

When the voice fell, everyone was eager to try, they were full of confidence in themselves.

This kind of test is not much different from the income of the previous Sheng Academy. With the experience of the last time, they believe that they can pass through.

"Senior Zhiwu, the melon seeds of Brother Mouse are delicious!"

"It will be! You have melon seeds, it's already very good!"

"Haha, Baihang, do you like Brother Mouse?"


While everyone was eager to try, a strange sight appeared on the Saint Academy.

They saw several students gathered around, knocking sunflower seeds while waiting for the show.

When they saw these students clearly, they couldn't help showing a stunned look. Isn't this a student of Teacher Xiaoman?

At this moment, Xuan Youlin also noticed the situation here, and couldn't help frowning, saying: "The students of the Sheng Academy are quite personal. Under this situation, they are all sitting together and eating melon seeds, preparing Watching the show."

Tong Ming looked embarrassed. Their Saint Academy didn't have this kind of ethos, but now they are all crooked by Luo Xiaoman.

If there is any excitement or conflict, these few people who eat melon must be indispensable.

"They are the disciples of Elder Xiaoman." Tong Ming was silent for a while, and said: "Perhaps Elder Xiaoman is relatively young, so her disciples will also have some personality."

"Oh?" Xuan Youlin squinted his eyes and said interestingly: "I heard Lianhua say that this elder man is still a monster with extraordinary qualifications?"

"However, the Holy Academy is a holy place for cultivators and should not be so presumptuous."

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