"Come on!!" Everyone yelled, cheering for Lan Xi.

"Brother Lan Xi, you must hold on, and you must not let these two guys continue to be so arrogant."

"We support you, please stand up!"

Perhaps everyone's voices had an effect, Lan Xi's fingers trembled, and then slowly stood up from the ground.

Mo Yuan squinted his eyes slightly, not surprised, and said quietly: "The second round."

"Ha!!!" Lan Xi yelled, this time, he was the first to attack.

Mo Yuan moved lightly to avoid Lan Xi's attack, and then turned around again, grabbing his neck, and slamming to the ground.

With a bang!

Lan Xi's head was pressed to the ground.

Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, and suddenly felt that Mo Yuan was too cruel?

From the very beginning, he was very disagreeable with Lan Xi, and he didn't take it easy when he started. If he hadn't told him before, it is estimated that this press would blow people's heads up.

"The third round!" Mo Yuan stood back and stared at Lan Xi on the ground.

Lan Xi trembled, clenched her fists, and stood up again.

There was a layer of dust on his face and his body was dirty, but his eyes were as clear and firm as ever.


Just as Lan Xi said a word, Mo Yuan rushed up again in an instant, blasting him out with a punch.

At this moment, Mo Yuan blasted Lan Xi's body with punch after punch, not wanting to entangle this guy anymore.

"You shouldn't stand up." Mo Yuan banged Lan Xi's stomach with a heavy punch, and said in a deep voice, "Xuanzong, it's not for you."

When the voice fell, he hit Lan Xi's chest with another punch.


Lan Xi spat out blood.


He covered his stomach and knelt on the ground, with a blood stain on the corner of his mouth.

"The seventh round!"

Everyone looked angry when they saw this.

"Do you want to be so excessive? Where is this assessment? This is simply abuse!"

"Are you two having a grudge, so cruel?"

Mo Yuan raised his eyes and glanced at the indignant people, "This is an assessment, not a play. Either come up with a mortal consciousness or get out!"

Everyone was stunned, and they couldn't help closing their mouths.

They seem to think too well!

Now that you have stood up, you have the consciousness to endure abuse. No matter how cruel the result is, it is your own choice. You have to walk down on your knees, otherwise you will get out!


At this time, Lan Xi stood up tenaciously again.

Seeing him stand up again, everyone couldn't help being inspired!

"Too strong! This guy is able to survive so many blows, it's amazing!"

Luo Xiaoman frowned and looked at Lan Xi with a puzzled look. This guy seemed to have a firm belief in his heart.

It was this belief that kept him on for so long.


"Yuan, change!" At this moment, Luo Xiaoman walked out and said.

Mo Yuan glanced at her, originally wanting to refuse, but seeing that firm gaze, he knew that he could not refuse.

The two of them exchanged glances and then switched positions.

For a while, everyone was dissatisfied!

"What's the situation? Your substitutions in the last two rounds are too unfair, right?"

"Yes! This is Xuanzong's acceptance ceremony, don't forget that you are also one of the assessments!"

"Shut up all to me!"

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