The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 995: The final blow, breakthrough!

At this moment, Xiao Chen stood up and shouted coldly to everyone, saying: "If you change or not, the result will be the same! As long as he can survive the last two rounds, he is my Xuanzong's disciple."

Everyone looked at each other. Elder Xiao had just united with them, so why did he turn his face now?

They didn't know, Xiao Chen had made up his mind now to accept Luo Xiaoman and Mo Yuan as his disciples.

Since the two of them are their own disciples, of course they have to protect them!

Now whether it was Xuan Youlin or Xiao Chen, both were on Luo Xiaoman's side, everyone felt even more aggrieved.

Alas, sure enough, there is no fairness in this world!

As long as you have the strength, there can be fairness, otherwise you can only accept your fate!

"I'm curious, why are you so persistent?" Luo Xiaoman stared at Lan Xi closely, and asked curiously, "I believe that with your qualifications, Xuanzong is not the only choice."

"Because my life was saved by a senior of Xuanzong." Lan Xi took a deep breath, suppressing the surge of blood in his chest, "So, I must become a disciple of Xuanzong, and become a demon killer. Defender of the devil!"


Luo Xiaoman twitched the corner of his mouth, secretly contemptuous in his heart, it seemed that this was another poor person who had been fooled by Xuanzong's glamorous appearance.

"Your ambition is very good...Unfortunately, are not worthy!!" Luo Xiaoman finished speaking, clenching his fist, and rushed towards Lan Xi.

Lan Xi's pupils shrank, seeing Luo Xiaoman's fist about to blast.

However, he was already in pain, and seemed unable to take the heavy blow.

A wave of unwillingness gushes out of his heart!

In order to become a disciple of Xuanzong and a defender of demons and demons, he has gone through too many tests of life and death. He walked here step by step, how could he stop there?

He must not fall down!

"Round Ninth!!"


Lan Xi's face was hit hard, and his entire head was dizzy. As long as his eyes were closed, he would lose consciousness completely.

However, as soon as he bit his tongue, he forced himself to wake up and stabilize his footsteps.


Lan Xi vomited another mouthful of blood, her expression wilted and her breath disordered.

Luo Xiaoman frowned tightly. At this point, would he continue to support it?

"Finally, one, round!" Lan Xi narrowed her eyes, staring at Luo Xiaoman, "Come on."

"Okay!" Luo Xiaoman nodded and said in a deep voice: "If you can survive, I can only say that this is your life!"


Lan Xi took a deep breath, then yelled violently.

Luo Xiaoman's pupils shrank, waved his fist, and rushed forward again.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help holding their breath, staring at Luo Xiaoman's fist as if slowing down the camera, approaching Lan Xi little by little.

They didn't seem to imagine how Lan Xi would fight back, but imagine how he would take this punch.

With a bang!

Luo Xiaoman's fist hit Lan Xi's body heavily.


However, Lan Xi sank, bit her teeth, and didn't fly out.

At the same time, his palm was against his chest, just to catch Luo Xiaoman's punch.

what? !

Everyone's eyes widened, as if they had won a big prize, excited.

"He, he caught this punch!"

"Wow, great!!"

Luo Xiaoman frowned tightly and suddenly felt a tyrannical aura surging out of Lan Xi's body.


She was stunned for a while, but she didn't expect Lan Xi to break through at this moment!

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