The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1844: Territorial sovereignty

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Daozong, the main peak hall.

Three men stand together.

A man is wearing a robe and exudes a sense of "Dao law and nature" all over his body. He just stands on the spot and makes people feel that this is a big mountain and cannot be shaken.

He is the contemporary Sect Master of Taoism-Human God!

A man dressed in white, standing on the ground with his hands on his back, the clothes on the body are automatic without wind, chic and domineering, giving a sense of secularity to the heavenly fairy.

He is the contemporary suzerain of Huitianzong-Li Dongtian!

An old man stood between the two, old eyes dizzy, rickety on his back, on crutches, half-footed into the coffin, his body wobbled, as if he would die in the next moment.

He is a supervisor sent by the Supervision Department of the 100 Dynasty!

All three are genuine Wu Zun!

At this time, the three people were not sitting, but confronted each other, forming a triangle.

And behind the three men, they stood under their respective men.

Behind the human Taoist god, stood a quasi-Wu Zun, a senior elder of the Taoist Sect.

Behind Li Dongtian, stands a nine-turn Nirvana, his general.

Behind the old man stood a beautiful woman, enchanting and coquettish.

"The Lord of Taoism, this seat is very clear. Hui Tianzong not only needs to break away from Taozong, but Taozong also cedes that territory to Hui Tianzong!"

Li Dongtian proudly said that his attitude does not allow rebuttal.

The human God of the earth smiled faintly: "I also said before this seat, where do you love to go, but that territory has been the possession of Taoism since ancient times, and there is no reason to cede it out, so you should dispel this idea."

"Master of Taoism, I have been back to Tianzong for so many years to be your subsidiary ancestor of Taoism, and have made countless contributions. Now you want to break away, but you don't even send a small territory? Too stingy?!"

Li Dongtian shouted coldly.

"This seat admits that you did have credit and hard work in returning to Tianzong. Therefore, this seat can promise all your reasonable requests, and beyond this reason, this seat will never agree."

The Taoist attitude on earth is firm.

"Dao God on earth! You deceive people too much!"

Li Dongtian pointed at the Taoist God and snarled.

"This seat is too deceptive? This seat feels that you are too deceiving."

The human God smiled faintly.



A strong momentum erupted from Li Dongtian's body and rushed to the sky!

"Oh, calm, calm."

The old man opened his mouth at that moment and made an old voice, persuading: "Why should my friends for many years lose their peace for a piece of territory? Both of them took a step back and it was all right?"

The human Taoist said lightly: "The territory is sovereignty and integrity, and the Taoist Sect will never step back."

"I will never take a step back when I return to Tianzong!"

Li Dongtian snorted.

"If you have the ability, you can grab it. I see if you can grab that territory."

The Taoist God on the earth uses the radical method.

"Don't you dare to take this seat? No matter what this seat says, it is also a Wu Zun!"

Li Dongtian waved his sleeves, his tone proud.

"Oh, just a few days after becoming Wu Zun, I thought I could fly to the branch and become a phoenix?"

The human Taoist sarcastically sneered.

In his view, the reason why Li Dongtian suddenly wanted to break away from Taoism and establish his own portal was because of his breakthrough in strength, and the whole person swelled and floated, not knowing his surname.

You know, half a year ago, Li Dongtian, in front of the human God, was honestly tight, humble and cautious, and he didn't dare to let a fart go.

At that time, he was completely arrogant and arrogant at the moment.

"Dao God on earth, you can't say that, everyone is Wu Zun, there is no height in Wu Zun. Although you are an old Wu Zun, you can't look down on the new Wu Zun like this."

The old man spoke at this moment, his voice hoarse and vicissitudes, said.

The eyes of the Taoist God narrowed slightly.

The fool can see that the old man and Li Dongtian are together.

Li Dongtian is not stupid, knowing that he is not as good as others, so he invited the Supervisory Department of the 100 Chaos.

Therefore, it is Hui Tianzong and the Hundred Dynasties Supervision Department who are persecuting him now.

"Dao God on earth, everyone has been friends for many years, so why not give him a piece of territory?"

The old man said: "The two of you are so inconsistent with each other, so when will the problem be solved?"

"Why does this seat want to give up? This seat said, where he loves to go, Daozong does not lack subordinate sects, but Daozong's sovereign territorial integrity is not to be violated."

The human **** said coldly.

(The seriousness of the issue of territorial sovereignty can be compared to our country)

"Human Taoist, it is better to do this, you bet with him, as for what you bet, you decide, whoever wins, listen to who, how?"

The old man opened his mouth with a smile.

"Boring, this seat will not play such a boring game."

Human God shook his head flatly.

Li Dongtian said with a smile: "This is a good idea, otherwise, this debate will be endless."

Human God knows that this is the strategy of Li Dongtian and the old man. He narrowed his eyes and calculated the plan, then said: "Yes, this seat promises you, but the gambling agreement can be raised by this seat, that is, Li Dongtian you fight me, only On life and death, the living wins and the dead lose."

As soon as this remark came out, Li Dongtian's complexion changed slightly.

He is not an opponent of human God!

No matter how the human Dao God says, it is also a high-ranking Wu Zun, with endless cards.

But he is just a newly recruited Wu Zun, and his confidence is not enough.

Although Wu Zun has no ranks in the hundred dynasties, but only has no ranks in terms of status, his strength is vastly different.

Fight with human gods? That is the same as finding death!

"Oh, human God, you make a bad word. Both of you are expensive to be the master of a sect. Anyone who has an accident will affect the balance and development of the Bai Dynasty domain. Put an end to this kind of thing, so your proposal is undesirable."

The old man shook his head with a smile, and said, "It's better to have a disciple of each of you to learn from each other, and the one who wins will listen to the other, how?"

Hearing this, the human Taoist frowned slightly.

The old man continued: "Dao God on earth, your Dao Zonggui is the second of the 100 dynasties, talents come out in large numbers, so the old man's proposal will inevitably be partial to you, but it will not hurt you."

The human Taoist smiled directly.

Was angry.

Everyone knows that Lin Chen is dead, and the first disciple of the Taoist veteran has returned to Senluoyu. There is only one disciple, Yang Liuqing, who is still carrying the beam alone.

However, Yang Liuqing is now in danger!

Therefore, Daozong does not currently have powerful disciples!

Li Dongtian and the elders heard the news from nowhere, so they planned to exploit this loophole!

This is the robbery!

How despicable are these acts!

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