Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest mad emperor in history!

Human Dao God can never be fooled in this way, so he shook his head and said, "Why do you need disciples? Wouldn't it be better to send an elder to a showdown?"

There are no disciples who are too strong among the Taoists today.

But there are powerful elders!

You know, among Daozong, there are six senior elders at the level of Guangzhun Wuzun!

Although two are going out to perform tasks, four are still in the sect!

The human Taoist thought that the other party would refuse.

However, Li Dongtian not only did not refuse, but instead took a slight corner of his mouth and nodded happily and said, "Okay, no problem."

Human God frowned.

Instinctively, he felt something was wrong.

"The Master of Taoism, the gentleman speaks quickly and whips, you must not regret it."

Li Dongtian said: "The elder I sent back to Tianzong is the one behind me. I don't know which one you want to send?"

The human Taoist glanced behind Li Dongtian.

There stood a burly man, wearing armor, giving a heavy feeling, he is a nine-turn nirvana, with good strength.

But it's just good.

You know, the senior elder standing behind the Taoist God in the world, but Zhun Wuzun!

The two realms seem to be only half a step away, but in this half step, there is a huge difference!

A quasi-Wu Zun can easily exterminate nine nine-turn nirvana, no exaggeration!

Moreover, as a senior elder of Daozong, his means are endless. If he works hard, then even the real Wu Zun strong face the real power, there is a power!

Therefore, although the Taoist God cannot understand the purpose of Li Dongtian, he is not afraid!

"This seat promises."

The human Taoist nodded: "Elder Yang, learn from each other."

"Yes, Zongmen."

The thin man behind the human Taoist nodded his head gently and walked in front of the human God.

At the same time, the burly man behind Li Dongtian also came out.

The two faced off.

Four eyes collided, as if there was invisible spark friction.

The old man said with a smile: "Hehe, playing here is a bit indecent, why not go out..."

However, before he had finished speaking, the human Taoist shook his head and said: "No need, this hall is covered with a layer of high-level prohibition, unless the Wu Zun strong attack with all strength, otherwise it will not damage the slightest."

The voice is not down, the human gods are second to none, and a python’s sturdy energy is pierced by the sound of "咻". Above the stone pillars.

The power of the human Taoist god's blow is already equivalent to Quasi-Wu Zun. However, it fell on the stone pillar, but it seemed to fall on the surface of the water, but it caused a layer of ripples without damaging the stone pillar.


The old man clapped and applauded and said with a smile: "Since that is the case, let's compare here. Are the two only winning or losing, or are they going to die or die?"

"Death and death."

The two elders spoke in unison.

"Good! Happy!"

The old man nodded: "After ten breaths, the battle begins, and the two are ready."

Ten breaths passed quickly.

The two started fighting.

The elders sent by Li Dongtian are only a nine-turn nirvana, and they are not opponents of Daozong senior elders.

However, he was able to resist a few moves without losing in a short time.

But it didn't last long.

Seeing this scene, the human Taoist evoked a slight arc above the corner of his mouth.

"There is no suspense in this battle."

He thought.

The fists of the senior elders of Daozong, like a rainstorm in the sky, hit the flesh and fell on the opponent.

"Poo! Poo!..."

Each punch will blow the opponent's blood.

The big mouthful of blood, don't spout out of the other person's mouth like money, stained his clothes, and also stained the fist of Daozong senior elder.

However, the latter never stopped, vowing to kill the other party alive!

Li Dongtian's face was gloomy like water.

Seeing this expression on his face, people in the Taoist heart disdain even more.

Want to defeat Zhuan Wuzun with a nine-turn Nirvana? ridiculous!

However, at this moment, the eyes of the Taoist gods on the earth suddenly narrowed slightly, seeming to perceive something, and immediately turned their heads to focus on the senior elders of Daozong.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, the human Taoist always feels that the latter’s movement is suddenly slow.

"Don't keep your hand, kill him!"

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, the human Taoist shouted.

"Yes! Sovereign!"

The senior elder blasted the opponent out with a punch, and then raised his hands high, with a violent energy gathered above his palm, like a round of blazing sun, exuding the power of Huanghuang.

The other party has been seriously injured and is still in midair, unable to stabilize.


The senior elder snorted and prepared to throw the little sun in his hand and bombard the other.

But, suddenly, his face changed.

Then, the movement he threw suddenly stopped.

Little Sun did not throw it away, but landed on the ground in front of him.

"Boom" with a loud noise, the little sun exploded, the endless light radiated out, with a terrible impact, instantly swept the entire hall!

In the light, a dying figure was blown out.

This person is none other than the senior elder of Daozong!

He was seriously injured by his own tricks!

Even though his limbs have been shown to be irregularly twisted, his body is still stiff, as if it had turned into a cold body.

"what happened?"

The human Taoist slightly widened his eyes and wondered in his heart.

At this moment, a figure with blood all over his body shredded the light, holding a long sword in his hand and stabbing towards the senior elder!

The elders of Li Dongtian!

He vividly expressed the six words "take advantage of people's illness and die"!

The Taoist spirit in the world is down.

He glanced at Li Dongtian, and found that the latter's face was no longer gloomy, but a sneer like a trick!

"Miss it!"

The mood of Taoism on earth fell to the bottom.

Senior Elder Daozong is still stiff and motionless.

Mortal situation.

Human God wants to shoot.

How much did Taoist Sect spend and how many resources did he have to cultivate a quasi-Wu Zun?

"Lord of the Taoist Sect, this is a fair duel, you must not take action."

The old man suddenly opened his mouth, staring sharply at the human **** with a sharp eye like an eagle falcon.

Not only him, but Li Dongtian also guarded against the human Taoist God and prevented him from shooting.

Although the human Taoist is a superior Wu Zun, he was stared by two Wu Zun at the same time, and he could not shoot.

Can't you just watch the people under your hands die?

The God of the earth is in a hurry.

Li Dongtian laughed happily.

However, at the very moment of the attack, a sharp sword suddenly shot from outside the hall, making a bang!

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