The Strongest Omni Traveler

Chapter 24 - New Skill...


Silver is currently kneeling down as he kissed and asked the name of what the so-called Goddess who replied "Gabriel" and blushed, Silver smiled at the sight of the 'Goddess' blushing.

Gabriel has a humble naive and polite personality. Being very innocent and clueless by nature, but she still knows how does human's interacts with each other, Her heart started beating faster and faster, not knowing what to do, she thought 'I can't, I might fall' as she looked away from Silver's gaze. But, she let her hand be held by Silver, without taking it back.

The Three Seraphs, The Angels and Guards even Asia are all dumbfounded, seeing Gabriel blush and with Silver kissing the hand of Gabriel.

Silver slowly stood up still holding the hand of Gabriel, he asked "Can I stay for a bit longer? I want us to get to know each other more"

Gabriel nodded her head innocently and "Umm" is what she could only let out in, agreeing to Silver's question and blushed harder making Silver feel happy and smiled.

The others who are watching them didn't know what to think anymore.

Time passed, Michael came back to his senses and said "*Ahem* Silver-kun, I'm afraid if you keep holding her hand, she might go and become a Fallen, we don't have the authority to give her heaven's blessing" embarrassingly and thought 'Gabriel what happened to you?'

"What do you mean?" asked Silver still holding the hand of Gabriel as he looked at Michael and the others.

"I'm sure you already know why, Silver-kun," said Michael with a sad face

Silver remembered and said "Ohh..." is what he can only say and continued "But, can I still stay here for at least a day or two?"

"That you can, but please don't do anything" begged Michael.

He wouldn't like to see Gabriel become a Fallen for their own powerlessness of not being able to give Heaven's blessing.

After that, Silver spent Two days at Heaven talking with Gabriel and sometimes the others. Michael and the others also learned that Silver is the one that leaked the Terrifyingly Godly Aura years ago and him being a Dragon God.

Learning that Silver is the Dragon God, they just let him be with Gabriel who liked to be with Silver also, they all just sighed and thought 'As long as they don't go and crush that barrier' and just sighed, watching them talk to each other on the side.

Silver then decided to leave and finish his new quest, which is.

[New Quest! Diodora!

Rewards: 100,000 System Points

Failure: More innocent Nuns will suffer in his hands

Time Limit: 5 Days ]

Bidding farewells to the Angel's as he is leaving, Gabriel seemed sad, Silver went and held both of her hands and said: "I will come back soon". Gabriel smiled at Silver's words.

'Seems like Gabriel have really fallen for Silver' thought the Three Seraphs and sighed while shaking their heads.

Silver then opened a portal as he entered it, disappearing from Heaven.



Silver is currently flying in his dragon form, heading towards where the Astaroth House is at.

The Devils who saw him flying towards the Astaroth House was fearful and thought to themselves 'What is he doing here and why is he going to the Astaroth House?'

A Devil who saw the Dragon heading towards the one of the Satan's House quickly contacted the Satan named Ajuka Beelzebub telling about the dragon.


Meeting Room of the Satans...

The four Great Satans is currently in a meeting about something. (Dunno)

They are Sirzechs Lucifer, Serafall Leviathan, Ajuka Belzeebub, and Falbium Asmodeus. As the four of them are discussing, suddenly Ajuka stood up from his seat with his face turning grave.

The other three saw him abruptly stood up with a grave look and asked him.

"What's wrong?" asked Sirzechs

"The dragon came, and it's heading towards my house" replied Ajuka

"Which dragon?" asked Falbium

"The 'Child' of Ophis and Rose," said Ajuka

"Child? Ahh! you mean that one!?" asked Serafall

"Yes, forgive me but I have to go," said Ajuka

"I will go with you," said Sirzechs as he stood up from his seat

"I shall also join you. What about you Serafall?" said Falbium as he also stood up and looked at Serafall

"Well, since you are all going I will also come along" replied Serafall hesitantly

Ajuka nodded then made a transportation circle leading towards his house as they all disappeared in the room.


Arriving at the Astaroth House the four Satans went out of the house and saw the Dragon floating in the air just in front of the house.

"Lord Dragon, My name's Ajuka Beelzebub. Can you tell to what do we owe for you to come to visit us?" said Ajuka

"Spare me the pleasantries and bring Diodora Astaroth here" domineeringly commanded Silver

Ajuka was curious for what Diodora could have done for the dragon to seek him out, and said "Please wait, Lord Dragon, I will get him here"

"Very well," said Silver

Ajuka then commanded some of his servants to call Diodora out as they waited outside. Serafall didn't say anything because she remembers that silver wants to keep his identity hidden for now.

Sirzechs along with his Queen Grayfia and Falbium also did not say anything and just there waiting to find out why the dragon is looking for Diodora.

Time passed, Soon Diodora finally came out and trembling, he feared the Dragon but he didn't know why the dragon is looking for him.

"You're finally here twisted bastard!" angrily said Silver

"What did I do to you, Lord Dragon? I don't remember offending you, please spare me" pleaded the trembling Diodora

"Spare you? Then what about those innocent Nun's and that you destroyed? Did you spare them?" asked Silver

The four Satans couldn't believe what the dragon said and looked towards Diodora only to see him leaking something on his pants. Seeing Diodora like that even Ajuka couldn't do anything to defend him as he didn't know off what his brother has done.

Diodora wasn't able to reply and can only say "Please spare me"

"No, that's not even an option. An innocent soul was called heretic and got banished because of you and as you also have done so many times to others before. Do you really think you will be spared?" said Silver

Diodora couldn't take it anymore and used the power he got from Khaos brigade which is Ophis power in the form of a snake and attacked Silver who is in his Dragon God Form.

Seeing the incoming attack Silver just floated there waiting for the attack to hit him.

The attacked reached and hit Silver, but to Diodora's dismay, it did not even scratch the Dragon and made him even more fearful towards the dragon.

Silver thought 'He joined the Brigade this early and got Ophis power, is the storyline really changing with my interference?'

[Answering to host... Yes, host, the storyline has begun changing when you arrived in this world ]

'Then when did Ophis leave her power for others to get a bit of it?'

[ Answering to host... She already did so host before you've arrived ]

'I see, Thanks system'

[Your welcome host]

Silver then looked at Diodora and said "So, you joined Khaos Brigade and even got power from Ophis huh. Who gave it to you!?"

The four Satans hearing what Silver said was shocked at the revelation, they couldn't believe that Diodora would do such a thing.

"Damn you Diodora! How could you do such a thing!" said Ajuka in an angry tone

Diodora didn't bother to listen to his brother and asked the Dragon instead "If I tell you, would you please spare me?"

"I'll think about it," said Silver

"It was Lord Rizevim Livan Lucifer, he was the one who gave me the power would you please spare me now?" said Diodora who pissed his pants.

"Oh, Ok. And no, I will not spare you. You must be punished" said Silver

"Please let me be the one to punish this brother of mine, I beg you" pleaded Ajuka

"Nope, he will die by my hands," said Silver

Silver then proceeded to grab Diodora. Diodora tried fleeing away but Silver knowing what he is planning he stopped the time of Diodora, freezing him on his spot and grab hold of him.

Ajuka tried begging Silver to spare his brother but Silver just said: "If I spare this bastard, what about the lives he has ruined!?".

Ajuka couldn't say anything for what Silver said is true. Silver then proceeded to slowly squeeze his Dragon hand with Diodora screaming and begging while being crush bit by bit.

Time passed and no more sounds can be heard, what remained in Silver's Dragon arm is a squashed up body of Diodora and tossed it upwards as he hit it by lightning burning the body until no ashes even remained.

[Congratulations host for killing a High-rank Devil - EXP 10,000

EXP is now at 67% ]

[New Quest! Diodora! Completed!

Description: Punish/Kill Diodora for corrupting and breaking countless innocents Nuns.

Rewards: 100,000 System Points

Failure: More innocent Nuns will suffer in his hands

Time Limit: 5 Days

Giving Rewards: 100,000 System Points ]

'Not bad'

Everyone who saw what the dragon did couldn't speak anything, even the four Satans kept their mouth shut.

Silver then said "Any more harm to be done by towards the innocents and I will come back, remember that" as he opened a portal and entered it disappearing from the underworld.


Dimensional Gap~

After Silver directly came to the Gap because he wants to do something.

Silver, Ophis, and Rose are currently inside the house that Goddess Daisy bought.

Rose loves the house because she gets to watch what she like and to rest at when she got tired of driving the cars around in the track. Ophis got addicted to cake because she can get as much as she wants because Silver instructed her how to use the tab.

Silver is currently eating ramen seems he also got addicted to eating it.

When Silver is done with his business in the Underworld he came here right away to talk with Ophis, but it seems like it got sidetracked as they began eating.

After they finished eating Silver finally got the chance so he asked: "Ophis-chan, are you still a member of Khaos Brigade?"

"No, I left them a few years ago" replied Ophis

"Oh good then," said Silver

"Why do you ask?" asked Ophis

"I'm going to annihilate them," said Silver

"Why? asked Ophis as she tilted her head to the side

"They make use of the power you left with them to manipulate others while dragging the innocents into the fray, I guess?. And they plan to wage war soon" said Silver

Rose who heard the 'annihilate' word perked up and asked "Can I join?" with a twinkle in her eyes

Silver and Ophis who heard Rose's question was taken aback. Silver asked, "Why?"

"I'm bored," said Rose. Hearing her answer made Silver's eyes twitch 'She sure is wild' he thought while remembering their time in the bed.

"You want to come because you are bored? That's it?" asked Silver

"Yep" answered Rose. Silver facepalmed and said "Fine, but we are taking someone along as well".

"Who?" asked Rose

"You'll find out soon. How about you Ophis, are you coming also?" said Silver as he looked at Ophis

"No, I want to sleep" Ophis answered

"Ok," said Silver as he leans forward and kissed her.

Rose seeing them kiss, said "No fair! Me also"

Silver complied and also kissed her. Who wouldn't?

As Silver went and kissed her, Rose hugged Silver in the neck. Not getting enough, Silver got dragged into a couch by her as she slowly undresses Silver who did not fight back and just letting her do what she wished.

After undressing Silver, she slowly undid her own clothes. After taking everything off she smiled at Silver's expression, Silver gulped at the sight in front of him. Seeing the beautiful n.a.k.e.d body in front of him got him worked up.

Rose slowly sat on top of Silver they then proceeded to kiss again, after a while of kissing they then began to do the deed. Ophis seeing the two's action got jealous and took off her clothes and walked towards them joining the two.


Silver is now outside of the house while the Ophis and Rose are taking a bath after doing the deed for some hours.

'System, show me Creation Magic list that I can buy with my current points'

[Searching.. 3.2.1. Done. Listing Skills:

Normal Creation Magic - 500,000 System Points Grade: A

Transcendent Creation Magic - 1,000,000 System Points Grade: S

Heavenly Creation Magic - 10,000,000 System Points Grade: S+

Godly Creation Magic - 100,000,000 System Points Grade: SS

Universal Creation Magic - 500,000,000 System Points Grade: SSS

Current System Points - 999,139,900 ]

'System, I remember still having not claimed a reward right?'

[Answering to host... You are right host there is one unclaimed reward,

Side Quest: The Cats! Completed!

Details: Save the poor Cats! From a Devil who came from the branch family Naberius household.

Rewards: A skill of your choosing

Failure: both of the sisters die ]

'Great! System, give me Universal Creation Magic'

[ Integrating Skill to host mind... 3.2.1. Done ]

Silver felt a bit of headache but the pain quickly disappeared leaving only the knowledge of the skill he just got.

[ Universal Creation Magic: Can Create a Planet or Restore a destroyed one. Create things from grasses to threes, Create lands and seas. {Note: Can also make a body but not a soul} ]

'Thanks system'

[Your Welcome Host]

'System, What would happen if I make it now, How will it see me like?'

[ Answering to host... It will see you as it's master host ]

'Can you make it like it will treat me as a friend instead or something? But not a servant, definitely'

[ Answering to host... It is possible, host ]

'The, please do so. Thanks.

[ Your Welcome Host ]

Silver then proceeded to create a body for a certain someone.

Time passed, Seconds, Minutes and after hours of concentration and successfully on making a body he took out a Round Green Ball from his inventory and put the Green Ball towards the body he just made.

After the green ball entered the body, the body seems like it has come back to life and started moving.

After the body has gotten enough strength it started standing up. Getting it's blurred vision and letting it adjust slowly, it saw Silver standing right in front of it.

After a bit of more time, it started recollecting its memories and saw Silver in front of him who made it possible to come back and have a body.

Of course, it's Draig, Who else?


Rose and Ophis who were inside the house felt the presence of Draig so they came out to see what is happening and what Silver is up to.

Arriving at where Silver is at along with Draig, Rose asked him what is happening.

Silver told them that he made a body for Draig as he got the soul so he brought him back by making him a body.

The two would have never believed him if they did not see Draig in flesh.


"Yo! How are you feeling?" asked Silver

"I feel great, I thank you for giving me another chance," said Draig as he bowed to Silver

After speaking, he saw Ophis in a.d.u.l.t human form and along with Rose in human form also.

He knows who they are as they are the Great Dragon Gods as he can feel their aura.

He was shocked, but he believes the capabilities of the human standing right in front of him and did not ask anything.

"How can I be of help?" asked Draig politely

" I don't know?" said Silver then thought of something then said, "You see I don't have a mount, why don't you become my Dragon mount?"

"Dragon Mount?!"

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