The Strongest Omni Traveler

Chapter 25 - New Ability...

Dimensional Gap~

A dragon can be seen flying around the Dimensional Gap with a human on top of its head. And of course, this is no other than Silver and Draig.

Silver is crying imaginary tears thinking to himself 'Finally, I got to know the feeling of flying around with a mount, and it's a Dragon at that'.

While Draig is thinking 'Why? Just why me someone please kill me' as he is also crying imaginary tears.

As the two fly around, one is crying in happiness whilst the other one is crying about how unfortunate he is.

Silver always wanted to have a mount. When he's reading some novels before he thought 'How cool would it be if I were a have my own mount', and now his dream has been realized thus he is crying in in happiness.

While Draig, on the other hand, is thinking 'God, where are you please come back and turn me into a Sacred Gear again!' as he cried.

After flying around for quite some time, Silver finally told Draig to go and take a rest as Draig heave a sigh of relief from finally being freed.


'System, what would happen if we go and annihilate Khaos Brigade now? Will the same thing still happen?'

[ Answering to host... No host as they would all be dead ]

'Right. Then we shouldn't go then in the meantime'


He then went and told Rose that they will not be going, for now, so he can have his fun later on.

Rose hearing Silver pouted and said "I'm bored"

Knowing Rose, Silver made her a Lamborghini Aventador S with his {Universal Creation Magic Skill} and placed it on the race track.

When Rose saw the new car, she got twinkling eyes and went and drove the car around. Silver seeing Rose act like that smile.

He then went to Ophis and told her that he is going back to the human world, for now, to which Ophis just nodded.


Human World~

Arriving at his home, Silver found out that it was already night time so he decided to sleep and go to school tomorrow.

Morning came as Silver woke up and slowly got up on his bed feeling refreshed.

Getting out of his room, he went and did his morning routine. After checking everything's good he went out of the house and started walking towards the school.

Arriving at school, still, same old looks, whispering and some cursing made him smile.

Arriving at where his classroom is, he entered and directly went and sat it his seat, he noticed that his classmates are looking at him in a weird way.

He asked "What's wrong?" with a questioning look

"Silver-kun where did you go this past 5 Days?"

'Five days? I was gone for that long? I did not notice that' he thought and just answered "I was traveling around" casually.

"Ohhh," said his classmates, while the Devils gave him a questioning look

Soon the teacher came and saw Silver and asked the same question and he just answered the same way.

Class started which is boring for Silver and soon ended as lunch break came.

Silver was just sitting at his chair when suddenly Akeno came in front of him and said that Rias wanted to speak with him.

"So where is she then?" asked Silver

"Buchou's in the Occult Research Club room and is waiting, I will lead the way," said Akeno

"Okay," said Silver

Silver then stood up and followed Akeno who is leading the way with a smile on her face. As they walk the students who saw them together started whispering again.

"Why is he with Akeno?"

"Did the President dump him and with another girl now?"

"Is he cheating on the President?" and so on.

Silver could only wryly smile when he heard the whispering and just shook his head. As they walk, soon they reach the ORC room.

Akone opened the door and both of them entered. Upon entering, Silver saw Issie, Kiba, Rias, and Gasper who is hiding inside the box and would occasionally take a peek and hide again, inside the room, he thought 'Ohh? 5 of them huh, and Gasper is out this early'.

"Welcome Silver-kun, thank you for coming, please take a sit" greeted Rias who is leaning on the table as she's standing

"No, I'm fine standing up," said Silver

Akeno proceeded to sit also on the couch with Gasper in the box beside her while Kiba and Issie are sitting at another couch.

"Let me introduce everyone to you, they are Akeno, Issie, Kiba, and Gasper who's in the box" introduced Rias

Issie thought 'Damn Handsome guy' as he glared at Silver in hatred

"Oh Okay, so why would you call me here, need something?" asked Silver

"Silver-kun, Do you believe in supernatural?" asked Rias

"Supernatural? of course, I do. Its Typhoon, Hurricanes or something like that, no?" said Silver and thought 'Oh I know where this is going'.

"No, not those, what I mean is Angels, Devils, Fallen Angels, Gods or Dragons," said Rias

'Yup thought so' thought Silver

"Angels? Devils? Fallen Angels? Gods? Dragons? Those are just people's imagination, no? They can't be real" playfully asked Silver

"What if I were to tell you that they are all real?" asked Rias

"Nah, those aren't real," said Silver

"Silver-kun, what if I were to tell you that all of us here is a Devil?" said Rias

"Oho? Can you prove it?" said Silver as he smiled

Rias looked at her peerage members and nodded, they all stood up and spread out their wings out from their backs.

Silver seeing them with bat-like wings on their backs said "Is this ORC or Cosplay Club?" as he laughed a bit.

"You!" said an angered Issie as he pointed his finger at Silver

"Issie, stop" commanded Rias, she then said to Silver "Now, do you believe me?" with a cunning smile on her face.

"Can you make those things flap? Like flying?" asked Silver

"Of course," said Rias as she made her wings move

"Oh, nice," said Silver

"Silver-kun, now that you see what I am telling you is real, what do you think?" asked Rias

"Think? Well, they look like wings of bats" mocked Silver

"Ara Ara, Silver-kun that's a bad thing to say," said Akeno

"Isn't it real? They sure look like wings of a bat" said Silver

Issie hearing that said "How dare you to mock our wings, damn you!" in an angry tone as he again pointed his finger towards Silver.

"Point that finger at me again and I will make sure to break it," said Silver

Issie wanted to say something but Kiba stopped him while Rias is also glaring at Issie thinking 'I shouldn't have revived you, it was a mistake'

"Stop it Issie!" commanded Rias, the looked back at Silver, she said, "That's not what I mean Silver-kun, I'm asking about, what do you think about becoming a Devil?"

"Me? Becoming a Devil? What do I gain if I do?" said Silver, noticing that Rias is on the edge he thought 'Maybe it's because of the upcoming Rating Game huh'.

"Gain? You can have Magical Power, and a lifespan of thousands of years and many more" said Rias

"Ohh, how do I become a Devil then?" asked Silver playfully

"You can become a Devil by Evil Pieces, more like you will get revived as a Devil if someone use Evil Pieces, like this" said Rias as she showed her remaining Pieces to Silver then continued "But, if you get revived, you must serve the one who revived you, for example, me" as she cunningly smiled.

"Serve? Revived? Nah, I don't like serving anyone" flatly declined Silver

"Don't you like to have a thousand years of lifespan or magical power?" asked Rias

"Well, if that's all I can get, forget it. Later then" said Silver as he proceeded to walk out of the room.

But before he could, Issei went and blocked the door and said "Don't think you can leave like that knowing our secrets!" as he pointed his finger to Silver again.

Silver got pissed at Issie and walked in front of him he said "Didn't I tell you not to point your finger at me again?" as he grabbed Issie's finger and broke it like it's nothing.

Issie who got his finger broken screamed in pain, using his other hand, he went and punch at Silver's face.

Silver grabbed the incoming fist of Issie with his right hand and punch Issie's face with his right hand when his fist hit Issie's face, his became bloodied with his nose broken and messed up face.

Silver then said "Weak, and you dare attack me?" as he threw Issie in the wall face first as a crack was made in the wall knocking Issie out.

Watching Issie got beaten so easily by Silver, Rias thought 'He is strong! Even if Issie is weak he's still a Devil, he shouldn't be able to beat him, but how? He is just a human. If he becomes a member of my peerage, I would be able to do what I want and I might be able to win against Riser!" as she smiled.

Kiba, Akeno, and Gasper who saw what had just happened activated their magical power wanting to attack Silver.

Silver who sensed what they are planning on doing said "If you guys attack also, you will get what that pervert got" as he leaked a bit of his aura.

Akeno, Rias, Kiba, and Gasper feeling Silver's aura, stopped. They can't believe that Silver would have a terrifying aura. They all thought 'Who and What is he!'

Silver then proceeded to walk to the door as he opened it, he said "Don't bother me again" as he left the terrified Devils in the room.



Silver came to the cafeteria to eat, after leaving ORC room he felt hungry. As he finished ordering his food, he went and looked for a seat to sit and eat at, as he is looking he saw Kuroka and Shirone sitting at one table and joined them, they ate as they talk.

Bell rang which signaled the start of afternoon class, bidding each other farewells and parted ways

as they went to their own classroom.

The same thing happens as days passed which bored Silver. Until he was told by Sona that Rias will be having her First Rating Game against Riser Phenex soon.

Days Passed... Day of the Rating Game...

When Silver arrived to watch he was surprised. Rias now have 7 pawns, 1 rook, and 2 bishops. 'Seems like the pervert took 2 pawn pieces' he thought

Silver was watching along with Sona and her peerage members.

As the battle is ending, the outcome was known by all before it even began.

Rias lost the battle, which made her despair.

Riser was laughing his a.s.s off as he boasts his winning and power, with Rias having a face of despair.

Sona and her peerage are looking at him in a weird way, Silver just raised an eyebrow to how arrogant Riser is.

After the event, Silver went back to his house and slept.


Days passed...

Silver was bored so he decided to skip class and went to the Dimensional Gap as he missed his two wives.

When he arrived there, he found out that Rose wrecked the car he made before. Silver facepalmed and for Rose to pout saying "It's not my fault!".

Silver couldn't take her pouting like that, he again made her another one but a different model which is Aventador Coupé, seeing the new car Rose went and drove it around again.

Ophis was inside the house still eating cake, Silver couldn't believe that she could eat almost all the time if she is not sleeping she might not stop.

While Draig is still sleeping, seems like still getting used to having a new body.

'System how much Points I have?'

[ Answering to host... Current System Points 999,139,900 ]

'System, how much is Amaterasu flame? And is there any stronger Flame?'

[ Searching... Done. Listing...

Amaterasu Flame - 50,000,000 System Points Grade: S

Rainbow Flame - 100,000,000 System Points Grade: SS

Nirvanic Flame - 150, 000,000 System Points Grade: SSS

Origin Flame - 200,000,000 System Points Grade: ??? ]

'Ok System, Buy me Origin Flame'

[ Buying in.. 3.2.1. Done. Calculating remaining System Points 799,139,900 left. Host, please prepare as you will feel a bit of pain for the integration ]

After the system finished saying that, Silver felt like his body is being stabbed by thousands of needles all over his body. He almost collapsed by the pain but endured it.

Time passed, after almost two hours of pain, it finally subsided.

[ Origin Flame: The Origin of all flames. Abilities Unlimited/Unknown

Known ability: Burn everything {Body and Soul}

{Once hit by this flame it won't stop until its designated goal is not accomplished} ]

Silver can feel something new in his body, some kind of energy but he knows that it is the new ability he just bought.

Evening time came again as Silver got dragged into the room.

Sounds of m.o.a.ns of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e can be heard inside the house again.

Morning came and Silver went back to the Human world after telling the two that he is leaving.


Silver again went to school like a normal everyday student.

Sona seeing Silver went and greeted him as she gave an invitation later to him.

Serafall gave the letter to Sona telling her to give him the letter.

Silver accepted and opened it but before he could.

[ New Quest Found!


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