The Strongest Omni Traveler

Chapter 58 - Ice-Make Users...Galuna Final...Part 1

Galuna Island... Temple... Underground...

Silver is currently sleeping ten's of meters away from Deliora. He fell asleep when he was just staring and did not even noticed that he fell asleep for a whole day since the group separated.

He was dreaming about his family back on Earth when his wife and him, got blessed by having their first child. He was smiling and feeling happy, he slept as the dream went on, never noticing that he is sleeping and everything is just being a dream by him, more like just remembering.

Deep in his sleep and his dream, he never noticed that the ceiling above started breaking and falling down as it buried him, startling him awake and hearing a sound of people crushing down to the ground, some of them fainted while others have injuries here and there.

The people who are awake started cursing and yelling. Meanwhile, Silver who was buried by the rubbles got mad and said "The hell was that!" as stood up instantly throwing the rubbles aside just from standing up.

Everyone who is awake is all startled when they heard him. Zalty and Lyon quickly took some distance away from everyone as they are the only two who is awake now from their group.

Meanwhile in Fairy Tail group, Erza, Natsu, Happy, Gray, Shirone, Kuroka, and Lucy are all okay but some of them have a bit of injury.

Hearing the voice, everyone looked towards it and saw Silver with an angry expression in his face. Lyon asked "Who are you!? How did you come here!?" in a curious tone because he knows that this is where Deliora's body is who he did everything to take it to the Island.

Gray felt something familiar and looked at it and when he saw it, He saw Deliora still frozen and covered in ice which made him have a grave expression in his face. Seeing this he finally believe that what Silver said is true, unlike before.

The group saw Gray's expression and looked to what he is looking at. When they all saw what is just behind them, they felt fear.

Zalty said "My my, it looks like I can't let you all live now, can I?" as he giggled

Silver who is still pissed said "Shut up Ultear! I know it is you! Ultear Milkovich the daughter of Ur Milkovich" as he canceled Zalty's disguise revealing Ultear, The only daughter of Ur, Gray and Lyon's master.

Gray and Lyon hearing what Silver said and looked at Ultear with her disguise canceled are shock, they both said: "You're alive!"

Ultear who's disguise was revealed pointed at Silver and asked "You! Just who are you? What do you know!"

"Me? I am Silver, Silver Blaze. I am a God, so I know everything. I even know that you think that your mother left you to die, that's where you are wrong. She never did."

"Lies! You are lying! How dare you say that! A God you say?! Who would believe you! DIE LIAR!" said Ultear as she tried to attack Silver with something that looked like a ball.

But before she could, she was punched in her face and heard "Silver did not lie, and he is a true God!" said the figure. Then another figure kicked her in her stomach sending her flying making her spit out blood crashing into a boulder and spit out more blood.

This two figure is no other than Kuroka and Shirone who have angry expressions, they would have killed her if Silver did not tell them about her before thus they hold back and Shirone said "Be glad that we are letting you live because of Silver onii-chan, otherwise" as she pressured Ultear with her killing intent.

Ultear who took the full force of the pressure falls down to the ground as she makes a crack in it and became bigger and bigger as she got buried deeper and deeper.

Silver seeing what the sisters said and did couldn't help it but just sigh and said "Kuroka, Shirone, that's enough"

Both sisters stopped and just stared at Ultear with a deadly glare. Gray, Lyon and more like the co. were shock shitless because of what Shirone and Kuroka did and said. They could easily defeat Ultear while Erza was having a bit of a hard time dealing with her earlier and heard the sisters say that 'Silver is a God'. The thought of Silver being a good made them all not believe it, because what they can only tell that Silver is just normal as normal can be.

"Now now, everyone stop fighting, I have to save Ur and kill Deliora so all of you back off you might get caught later," said Silver nonchalantly and walked towards where Deliora is sealed at.

Everyone heeded his words and back off, afraid that Shirone or Kuroka might also attack them if they disobey, Gray and Lyon went and take Ultear with them because no matter what she is still the only child of their master who saw just how much she cried and suffer when she heard her child is dead.

Silver who is now standing in front of the ice that sealed Deliora, Silver thought 'Hmmm.. How should I do this?' and kept thinking until he thought of something and said {"Perfect Revert"} and touched the ice.

[Congratulations host for creating a new Skill

Perfect Revert - Revert the Skill used to the time before it was used and making the Skill as it has never been used by the User.

Skill and Law Needed: Time Skill, Creation Law, Life Law {Note: Must have a Descent amount of knowledge about Time and Laws to be used or else fail}

Description: Use Time Skill to Revert the Skill when it was used, Creation to help recreate or destruct and Life Law to help preserve or take ]

As soon as the system is done, the ice that is covering the massive body of Deliora started melting while forming a human figure, slowly as it takes and time passed, the ice covering Deliora have finally all disappeared and a human figure is standing in front of it with her hands extended forward as they cross each other.

The Figure was a woman of average height with a slim, curvaceous figure. Her irises were black and she kept her dark purple hair at chin length. Her hair was normally quite unkempt, cascading down the sides of her face and covering her ears. Only a few strands of her hair hung down her temple, some falling between her eyes. She looked confused because she thought that she just used her {Iced-Shell Skill} to seal the monster.

Silver went and pat her shoulder and said "Don't worry, everything's fine now" and continued "Gray! Lyon! Come and take your master. I will kill Deliora" in a loud voice.

Gray and Lyon are shocked seeing the ice melt and their master coming back, but when they heard Silver, they quickly run forward and carried their master. Ultear couldn't move because of the force the sisters hit her so she could only watch and lie down on the ground.

Ur seeing Gray and Lyon all grown up were startled but did not ask because she is tired as she can be and let her student carry her out.

Some time passed, Deliora started regaining its strength and then it roared, so loud that the others have to cover their ears.

Seeing Deliora back at its full strength and roaring so loud, Silver smiled and looked if the others are out of harm's way, seeing them in a good distance away. He activated his Half-Dragon form but only did to his arm and covered it with Chaos Energy.

Silver flew up, reaching the top of Deliora who is still roaring, quickly went and punch it with 10% of his overall strength.

When his punch hit Deliora, Silver smiled and slowly flew away and landed to where the group is.

When the group saw him landing in front of them are confused, they can see Deliora is still alive and kicking.

But before they could ask, Deliora's body slowly turned into dark particles as his whole body slowly disappeared.

After curing her, he went and put his index finger at Ultears forehead and showed her something. Ultear slowly sat down and started digesting the information given by Silver.

Silver went and also healed Ur and fed her a senzu bean to get her, giving her strength back to her.

Ur asked "Why? And who are you?"

Silver replied "I know how you feel, and I wanted to help you. I am Silver Blaze"

"Thank you," said Ur.

Ultear who have just finished digesting or more like watching everything her mother had gone through for her cried. She cried and cried. As quick as she can she went and hugged her mother and said,

"Mother! Forgive me! I did not know everything, but-but-but. I am sorry for doubting you!


I Love you!"

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