The Strongest Omni Traveler

Chapter 59 - Ice-Make Users...Galuna Final... Part 2...

Galuna Island... Temple... Underground...

Currently, Ultear is hugging her mother as she cried and while asking for forgiveness, Gray and Lyon just smiled at the mother and daughter reunion, they knew just how much their master suffered and cried when she heard of the news that her daughter died.

Now seeing the sight of mother and daughter hugging each other, they couldn't help but let out tears in their eyes.

Erza, Happy, and Lucy also let out a tear in their eyes, Kuroka and Shirone just seemed like guilty but thinking it was Ultear's fault, to begin with. While with Natsu is just confused and kept tilting his head from left to right while thinking, Huh? Huh? Huh?.

Silver smiled at the sight and thought 'This is how it should be' feeling satisfied at bringing the mother and daughter again.

Time passed...

Ur started to explain everything to her daughter Ultear who just kept agreed at everything because Silver already showed her the truth.

Setting the mother and daughter problem, Ur looked at her students and said "Thank you" feeling glad and thankful.

Gray said "Master, it is thanks to Silver-san, he did everything" as he claimed no profit for it.

Lyon said "Master, I tried to melt the {Iced-shell Skill} of yours hoping to free Deliora and defeat him, and thought I could surpass you if I did so, but I was wrong. Please forgive me for my arrogance" as he bowed.

Ur just laughed at them and did not say anything to them and stroke the hair of her child who is Ultear and said "Ul, did you know why I gave you the mane of Ultear?"

Ultear who is currently hugging her mother asked, "I don't know, please tell me, mother" as she looked up at her mother.

Ur said "Because you are my joy, Ul from my name and joy from my tear when you are born to the world, thus giving Ultear as your name, you are my love and my tear who gave me strength. My love and my daughter, so I named you Ultear, my love, and my joy" as she went and kissed Ultears forehead.

Ultear who heard her mother just said cried more and said "Mother, Thank you!" and tightened her grip on her mother.


Time passed, the mother and daughter calmed down and separated. Silver asked "Ultear, are you still going to continue your plans?"

Ultear asked back and said "So you know everything, I will leave it at your decision" as she looked at Silver.

Silver just said, "We will talk about this later". Which Ultear just nodded

Everyone was confused and wanted to know just what they are talking about, well except for Kuroka and Shirone.

Erza wanted to say something but Silver suddenly said "Well, it's already evening, and want to take a rest, let's go back to the village and get the rewards tomorrow and go back to the guild"

Lyon asked "Can't I come? Silver-san? I want to go find the others with me"

"Okay" answered Silver as he made a portal and said to his everyone "Enter the portal it will take us right away to the Village".

Everyone then proceeded to enter while they are thinking 'A God? Silver just who are you' but did not ask fearing that Shirone and Kuroka might also pummel them.

Erza thought 'Why does he feel like too much familiar, just what is this and why?'. She did not ask but decided to do so in the future as she entered the portal.

Natsu thought 'He smelt like a dragon earlier, and that hand when he attacked that monster. Nah, he can't be, it's shouldn't be possible' as he entered the portal, curious about it.

Entering and exiting the portal, the group was shocked yet again. Natsu asked, "How did we get here?!". Erza said "Space Magic?"

Shirone said, "Onii-chan has a lot of Magic, Space is just one of the many" proudly.

"Just how many?!" asked everyone at the same time.

Silver said "Unlimited" and looked around.

Everyone heard him were dumbfounded but just thought 'Is it the reason why he is the only SSS+ Mage of the guild? No, it shouldn't be. Silver just who and what are you?' but kept it to themselves.

Seeing Silver looking somewhere, they also looked towards the direction only to see the demons with shock expression, they couldn't help it because they themselves were also shocked when they entered and exited the portal.

Some time passed, the village head went and asked: "Are you going to destroy the moon now?"

Silver replied "No, we will only destroy the side effects of the Moon Drip that was done on the Island"

"What do you mean? Are you not going to destroy the moon?" asked the village head

Silver said "Bobo, will explain to you what happened and what you truly guys are" as he then proceeded to create a massive ice spear with his Universal Creation Skill and added ice attribute from his Chaos Energy and sent it towards the moon hanging high up in the sky that took the color of purple.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Silver make a massive ice spear out of nowhere that started flying up in the sky.

As the massive ice spear flew up with great speed, it suddenly stopped and hit something in the sky. Soon right after, the view of the moon started cracking up, the demons seeing the moon cracking up rejoiced and said "The moon is finally getting destroyed!" as they all rejoiced and cheered up.

As the moon image in the sky slowly cracked up, then finally breaking down the reason why the moon turned purple as cracks after cracks started forming.

Some time passed finally the cracks in the sky disappeared and the real moon can now be seen. The demons who were rejoicing earlier stopped when they saw another moon that took the color of white.

Silver then said, "There, done" as he looked down

The village head went and asked again, "Are you not going to destroy the moon? Why is it that the moon is still there?"

Silver looked at the village head and said "Ask me that question again and I will send you to the moon" in an irritated tone.

The Village head was confused and wanted to say something but his son Bobo quickly went and stopped him from saying anything.

Bobo then slowly started explaining everything and telling them that they are real Demons, it's just that their memories were messed up and made them think they were human but they are not.

Time passed...

Bobo is finally done explaining everything, to why he left the Island and reasons. The demons slowly but finally remembered and some cried.

When Lucy learned that they are real Demons, she screamed because of shock from learning that they are demons and not a human as they claimed them to be.

After getting their memories back, the demons started a party with the group from the guild joining up.

Lyon and the others also came to the village and apologize for what they did. Some demons were angry but still forgave them.

Soon everyone partied till they can and slept where they are, drunk.

Morning came, Silver asked Lyon "What do you plan to do now? Your plan failed and your master is back with Ultear"

Lyon replied "I think I am going to travel around and repent on my mistakes over the years and join a guild later, of course, I will also bring the others"

Silver hearing what Lyon thought 'So even if I change everything, something will always stay the same, I guess this is really what fate is' and told Lyon "Okay, I respect your decision, go and do what you want but don't walk forward the dark side again or I will kill you that time"

Lyon hearing Silver said, replied "No I won't Silver-san, I thank you for making me realize and for bringing my master back and Ultear to be with her mother again" as he bowed. Lyon truly felt grateful to Silver because of what he did, he knew just how much her master suffered when she heard and thought that her daughter died.

Silver said "Don't mind it, go and talk to your master and tell her your plans" as he looked for Ultear and walked towards her when he found her.

Ultear who is currently talking with Erza and apologizing for what happened before noticed Silver coming towards them.

When Silver reached the place where Ultear and Erza are at he asked: "Ultear, what do you plan on doing now?"

"I don't know," she said and looked at Erza and said as she bowed "Erza, all these years, I have been corrupting Jellal about Zeref's revival, it is all my fault!"

Erza was shocked when she heard Ultear just said and asked: "What do you mean?"

Ultear said "I corrupted Jellal's mind and making him think about reviving Zeref, Jellal is successful in building the R-system with him taking slaves and helping him build it. I know you and the others because since the beginning as I slowly corrupted Jellal's mind. Please forgive me!" as she kept her head down waiting for Erza's reply.

Erza was shocked to the core hearing what Ultear told her, her body started shaking and thought of her friends back in the 'Tower'. She wanted to ask something or even try to attack Ultear but before she could Silver said "It's fine, it is all in the past. Erza do not worry I will help you, so don't do anything rash now" as he patted Erza in the head.

Erza said, "I want to know, Millina, Wally and the others are they still alive?"

Silver said "Don't worry, they are doing good, but thinking that you betrayed them because that is what Jellal told them and believe it, but don't worry, I am here"

Erza was glad when she heard that they are alive and well, but she is worried about what Jellal told them because she never betrayed them. Erza slowly went weak in her knees and sat down and said while saying "Thank God, they are alive" and kept repeating it.

Silver sat down and hugged Erza wanting to calm her down. Ultear walked away from them and went to where the other's are, feeling guilty about everything she has done.

Silver who is hugging Erza who is currently crying thought 'Precht or Hades what you call yourself now, you are a truly lost cause. Wait for the time we met, I will make you suffer from corrupting them!'

Time passed...

The group is now ready to return back after getting the payment from the quest, with Lucy feeling lucky and happy.

Silver took only two million jewels from the reward and gave the guild group one million each. (It was 8 million jewels reward with a celestial key as I remember)

Silver asked what Ur and Ultear plan to do but they are unsure so Silver went and told Shirone and Kuroka to take care of the mother and daughter as he will send them to the Empire.

Shirone and Kuroka happily agreed because they are getting bored and wanted to go and fight the dragons again.

Silver went and told Ur and Ultear that he will send them somewhere with his sisters Shirone and Kuroka, to which they readily agreed because they want to spend their time together.

Silver then made a portal leading to the Empire, and said: "Shirone, Kuroka, take care of them, Okay?"

"We will" nodded Shirone and Kuroka as they went and dragged the mother and daughter inside the porta, disappearing from everyone's sight.

Gray asked, "Where did they go?"

Silver replied, "Where it is fun?"

"Okay, I believe you Silver-san and thanks again," said Gray

"No worries, let's go back to the guild," said Silver and just opened a portal leading to where the guild is at.

Everyone then bid farewells to the demons and entered the portal made by Silver.

Disappearing from Island.

[ New Quest found! ...

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