Chapter 2029 : Tennis Emperor Genichiro Sanada

“Who is good, who did you say just now?”

Akutakawa Jirou, who was sleeping, suddenly seemed to be resurrected, and immediately rushed to a few people!

Everyone twitched the corners of their mouths, and they really woke up when they were strong!

“I’m talking about Rikkai’s Shinichiro Sanada! This singles is on him!”

Atobe Keigo also knows about Rikkai, so now Rikkai is mostly managed by Shinichiro Sanada.

No matter what happens to them, what does it have to do with him?

All he cares about is Hyotei!

Atobe Keigo put his gaze on Zongshen’s body, and Zongshen could perceive this line of sight when he walked in front.

After Zongshen walked onto the court, he stretched out his body.

After training these days, this dead body is finally activated!

Then he doesn’t need too high intensity training, he has to slow down.

He originally thought he could relax a little after he came over, after all, he was already the strongest!

But I didn’t expect this body to drag him back!

Everyone in Hyotei sweated when they saw the leisurely appearance of Zongshen.

Sakura Taro noticed the state of his team members and turned his head and glanced at them.

“Why, you don’t believe him?”

When Sakura Taro spoke like this, the crowd was stunned for a moment, and then immediately shook their heads!

As if I said something that I shouldn’t say!

“What are you afraid of? Just say what you have. The Minister is now on the match court and he can’t hear him either.”

After everyone listened, the corners of their mouths were frantic!

Is this their coach?

Their coach is this style of painting?

“There is nothing to disbelieve, I believe he is fine.”

Atobe Keigo was almost relieved by this time, and he was sitting in a relaxed position.

In fact, what he wants to say in his heart is that if the hand Zongshen does not win the match after coming on the court, then he must take the position of Minister back!

Being calm is the quality that an emperor should have!

Although the hand Zongshen is on the court, he seems to know what the guys in the rest area are thinking!

Especially Atobe Keigo!

Shoujia Zongshen turned his head and glanced at the rest area, which happened to match Atobe Keigo’s eyes!

However, with such a pair of eyes, the two of them were tacitly aware.

At this time, Sanada Henichiro, who was on the opposite side, had already reached mid-court.

He looked at the hand Zongshen, looked up and down the hand Zongshen, and then frowned.

“You are the new minister of Hyotei”?,

The handist Zongshen carried his racquet with a laid-back look.

“I am a newcomer to Hyotei.”

The two of them are obviously not on the same channel, and their focus is also different.

Sanada Genichiro was taken aback for a moment, and then restored his original expression.

The man in front of him seemed indifferent, as if he didn’t put this match in his eyes at all!

But whether this person is a rookie or a minister, he will win the match!

He must achieve the goal of Rikkai the king of three in a row!

If you want to dominate three times in a row, you must first enter the national competition.

Before the national competition, they were still related to the East Competition, so he must win this game!

Not only because of this, but also because he promised Yukimura!

“No matter who you are, victory belongs to Rikkai!”

For Sanada’s speech, Zongshen didn’t care much about it.

He is not Atobe Keigo, and he said the things on his mouth very seriously!

Shoujia Zongshen looked at him and nodded solemnly, then said: “Then come on.”

After the handist Zongshen said this, Sanada Xianichiro was taken aback.

Why does he feel a little awkward when he hears this?

Does this feel like cheering him?

Before he could react or say something, the referee had already walked to the China Open and signaled the two sides to start the first round.

After coming here for a few matches, coupled with the character and strength of the hand Zongshen himself, he doesn’t care much about this thing.

But if he wants to be a member of their family, he will remind him.

But whether you can grab this thing from the first release, you really have to look at your face!

The indifferent attitude of the handist Zongshen made Sanada Henichiro a little bit unhappy!

This is a very crucial match for him, how it seems indifferent in this person’s eyes.

Shoujia Zongshen guessed a result very casually, but didn’t guess it!

This is exactly what he wants!

He didn’t care if he got the starter or not.

If you don’t get it, it’s good to just look at the opponent’s situation, so that he doesn’t have to play and try.

After Shinichiro Sanada got the starter, he was obviously relieved, and his attitude was completely different from that of his hand Zongshen.

Zongshen looked at the other party and waved his hand, then turned around and returned to the baseline.

Looking at the indifferent attitude of Zongshen, Sanada’s brow furrowed even tighter.

But other people’s affairs really have nothing to do with him.

After Zongshen returned to the baseline, he looked like an old god was there. It seemed that he was watching a match, not a match.

“1 Is Hyotei so good this year?”

“No, the opposite is the king Rikkai! This time I can’t find it at all cheap!”

“Hyotei seems to have made a little progress since he changed minister!”

“Yes, yes, I heard that Hyotei’s new minister is amazing! Basically everyone is curious!”

“It seems that Hyotei will become the favorite to win this year!”

“I can’t stop it, people’s goal is a national competition!”

“What you are talking about, which team’s goal is not the national competition? It depends on whether it can enter!”

All kinds of people around are discussing, and the target of the discussion is the entire team of Hyotei, especially the hand Zongshen.

The appearance of Zongshen is too mysterious for them. Although there are some related reports, those things can only be listened to, and the writing is not complete.

The curiosity of everyone’s opponent Zongshen lies in his attitude.

He looks different from ordinary players (Li Lehao), especially his overall attitude.

Although the handist Zongshen could not hear all kinds of discussions in the audience at this time, he was already used to it.

He didn’t experience this kind of thing once or twice, he had experienced a lot in the past!

If he accumulates all these hours over time, he doesn’t know how old he is!

I looked around, I was old, but he was such a young body!

No wonder Sakura Taro finds him weird!

The handist Zongshen looked lazy, he just looked at the opposite Sanada Genichiro.

Sanada Genichiro was also looking at his hand Zongshen at this time, he looked at his hand Zongshen’s careless appearance and felt a little angry!

Now in the match field, why can this person be so careless?

They all bet on a lot of things in this match!

But the person in front of them gave them a careless and indifferent attitude!.

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