Chapter 2030 : Sanada’s strength

Where does Zongshen think about so much? He doesn’t even think about the match right now!

Because there is no need to worry too much about something that is sure!

As the two sides were looking at each other, the whistle sounded!

“I don’t know if it’s an illusion. How do I feel that Minister is confronting Sanada?”

Mukahi Gakuto propped his head and looked curious.

“Where did you see that he was a confrontation? He just glanced at each other casually. Right, Huadi!”


Atobe Keigo said so, who would dare to say anything else.

In fact, a few of them also want to say that the hand Zongshen is a bit too laid-back, but he is a minister after all!

They talk about the minister casually behind their backs, which is not so good.

“When you have full confidence, it will be similar to him.

At this time, Sakura Taro spoke leisurely.

When he said this, everyone suddenly became silent.

I’m afraid they still can’t reach that level!

No matter what kind of match, you will be nervous when you are on the court, for fear of making mistakes.

Atobe Keigo glanced at everyone, no need for them to say anything, he already knew what these guys were thinking.

“You don’t need to think too much, we are all the same, just play 523 matches.

After he said this, everyone twitched at the corners of their mouths.

The emperor of their family took them too high, and he was even at the same level as himself!

Atobe Keigo’s performance on the court is obvious to all, and it is not chaotic in the face of danger, and can even break through the current situation.

But for other people, once they enter the unfamiliar rhythm on the field, I am afraid that few people will not panic.

“Senior Atobe said it was too easy, but there may be a little distance for us.

Mukahi Gakuto said in a very small voice.

In fact, Otori Cyotaroh also wanted to say this, but they didn’t dare.

After taking a glance, Atobe Keigo looked at Oshitari Yuushi.

The latter immediately realized, he pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

“Atobe means let everyone train and match more. Don’t think about what you don’t have when you match, and you won’t win by letting you play.”

“But since I came to the match, I must think about winning! No one would think about losing if they came to the match!”

Mukahi Gakuto whispered again, but everyone heard it, including Sakura Taro.

“(Cffc) mental construction needs to be accumulated on the field. Atobe said that there is no problem. The rest is yours.”

Sakura Taro seldom talks about some things.

After all, in his opinion, it is the players who must be mentally prepared, and no one will worry about this and that for you.

This is the student age, belonging to a team period.

As ministers or coaches, they will inevitably worry a little bit.

But after this period, if you go to the professional arena, then it will be different.

When Sakura Taro thought of this, he moved his gaze to Zongshen, the player on the field.

This guy gave him the feeling of a professional player, but his age was a bit inconsistent.

After listening, everyone seemed to be thinking about something, and no one was twittering for a while.

Akutakawa Jirou, who had been drowsy before, is now sober, after all, it is the hand Zongshen who is on the court!

He may not watch other people’s matches, but he is very curious about Zongshen’s match.

As soon as the match whistle sounded, the entire arena suddenly became quiet.

The hand Zongshen is still the same as before, without seeing any changes. Sanada Genichiro is now in the match state.

The handist Zongshen looked at the opposite Sanada Genichiro and raised his eyebrows slightly. He could see that this person should be an extremely serious one.

Zongshen, a script writer, knows more about Sanada Genichiro.

Every one of his moves evolved from the samurai creed, and it matched him well.

His every move has the feeling of a samurai, and the various skills he created are also very compatible with this.

Hand Zongshen still remembers that his various skills made different people taste the taste of defeat.

In the end, it was broken by the unpredictable guy Echizen Ryoma!

This time it’s his turn!

Sanada Genichiro looked at the tennis ball in his hand, then looked up at the opposite side.

When he raised his hand to serve, Zongshen squinted his eyes slightly.

From his actions, Zongshen probably knew what he was going to play.

Just when everyone was staring, they suddenly heard a bang!

After the voice came out, everyone was stunned.

What was that sound just now?

What happened just now?

When everyone was puzzled, Sanada Genichiro had already served the ball!

At this time, Sanada Genichiro was already standing there, as if nothing happened!

“What happened just now? Has the ball been kicked off?”

Everyone is full of questions like this.

The rest of the Hyotei team, the rest of the Seigaku team, and other audiences were all surprised at this time.

Echizen Ryoma gave a whistle at this time, expressing his surprise.

“Sanada from Rikkai has already served!”

Fuji Syusuke said faintly.

After he said this, Momoshiro Takeshi and the others were stunned, they still didn’t react to anything.

The same goes for Hyotei’s team at this time.

“What happened just now?

Akutakawa Jirou asked with a look of curiosity, he was not drowsy anymore.

It’s a pity that after he finished asking, no one answered him.

These people were all watching what was going on, they didn’t even see Sanada Hanichiro swinging the racket, and they didn’t even see the ball at the moment of serving!

What kind of speed is this? Or what kind of skill is this?

They are also relatively good players anyway, and they can’t even see these!

Generally speaking, when guessing the opponent’s action or predicting, it is determined based on the opponent’s racquet’s beat and movement.

But now they can’t see each other’s movements! How can you guess that?

Although things have happened, Zongshen still stands still so indifferently.

At this time, Hyotei’s talents reacted!

“Minister! Minister, he is still standing in place, maybe he didn’t react!”

Generally speaking, what everyone sees should be the same, even if it is bad, it is not much different!

Sakura Taro narrowed his eyes and said nothing, while Atobe Keigo and the others kept looking at Zongshen.

Sanada Genichiro’s first Service has already caused a sensation!

Not only these teams, but even the surrounding spectators are all dumbfounded. What happened to the interrogators?!

Even these so-called professionals did not understand it, and even the crowds onlookers did not understand it. .

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