Chapter 280 : The Madness of Mifune Entry (5/7)

U-17 training camp, data collection room.

“Into the road coach, all the videos of the junior high school national competition have been transmitted!’

A staff member spoke on the keyboard.

Under his operation, each video was extracted from the database by him.

“Play it!”

Mifune enters the road and puts his hands on his chest, and said in a deep voice.


The staff nodded and clicked on the video to start playing.

Three months have passed since the national competition.

And U-17 is also preparing.

Because after the national competition, junior high school students are about to foul out.

U-17 will also select outstanding players from the middle school at this time and let them enter U-17.

As the video plays.

Matches in the national competition appeared in front of Mifune and others.

“This junior high school student is really too strong!”

Tsuge Ryūji sighed.

In the past, when they chose foul out, they had to make thousands of choices.

But this year Zongshen.

Anyone who is selected by a strong school is eligible to join, which makes it difficult for them to choose.

“This time is the same as before, only recruiting 20 foul out students?

Kurobe Yukio looked at Mifune on the side and entered the road.

U–17 has regulations.

Twenty people are selected from the foul out students in the third country to enter the training camp every year.

Because it is only enrolling in the third country, 20 places are completely enough.

As for the other team members, they are usually invited from high school.

However, in Zongshen’s session, these places seem to be insufficient.

Mifune entered the road without answer.

He was lost in thought and kept watching the video.



Mifune entered the road and rounded his eyes, with a ghostly expression on his face.

The coaches next to him were taken aback and looked at the video subconsciously.

Then also showed a shocked look.

“This is a primary school student?!”

Saitō Itaru’s eyes widened.

Because he saw several elementary school students on the video match with middle school students.

The two parties in the match are Shoujia and Liuliqiu and his party.

At that time, several people happened to match on the court, so they were recorded by the monitor.

Video playback.

The scene where the pupils were crushed did not happen.

Instead, a group of middle school students were directly beaten by elementary school students.

“Are primary school students so scary w.?”

Tsuge Ryūji couldn’t believe his eyes.

Even if Zongshen is a group of middle school students who are perverted.

After all, in their eyes, Zongshen’s generation is the golden generation, so enchanting.

But they didn’t expect it.

In addition to middle school students, elementary school students are also so crazy.

At every turn, he blasted the middle school students and shaved their heads.

“It’s time to change!”

Mifune took a deep breath, and a touch of firmness flashed in his eyes.

Kurobe they were taken aback for a moment, a little puzzled.

“The International Tennis Federation has begun to reform. While continuing to promote the exchanges between the strong and the weak in tennis, it is also preparing to extend the training of the new generation of power to the middle of the country, do you know?,

Mifune enters the opening.

Several people in Kurobe nodded.

Recently, this news has indeed spread from the International Network Federation.

It is for this reason that the Japan-Germany friendly match will be held.

“Since the International Tennis Federation wants to promote the younger generation of tennis, then we are one step ahead of him!”

Mifune’s eyes flashed when he entered the road and said his plan.

“Does the entrance coach want to recruit junior high school students in advance to enter U-17?”

Saitō Itaru asked suspiciously.


“So this year’s enrollment is not only the third year of the country, but also the second year and even the first year of the country!”

Mifune entered the way and said in a deep voice.

There was light beating in his eyes, and an ambition was born in his heart.

Zongshen is really strong this year.

Although they are only junior high school students, many of them are far superior to high school students.

This allowed him to see the hope of the rise of Japanese tennis.

“Will this not meet the regulations?”

Kurobe Yukio frowned.

This is unprecedented.

And the domestic network association has not issued any notice.

“The training camp didn’t specify that students from National One and National Two cannot join!

Mifune sneered in the way.

What is U-17 training camp?

Refers to the training center for players aged 17 or younger.

The upper limit is 17 years old, but the lower limit is not stipulated.

So it only appeared in the original Prince of Tennis, where middle school students also participated in the U-17 World Cup.

In the past, junior high school students were not recruited.

The reason is that the middle school students’ bodies are not fully developed yet, and their strengths are all lacking.

Therefore, whether it is the U-17 training camp or the World Cup, the middle school students are subconsciously excluded.

But there is no regulation that middle school students cannot enter the training camp.

There is also no regulation that middle school students cannot participate in the World Cup.

After watching the match in junior high school.

Mifune Jin Daoqing feels that these concerns are not concerns at all.

A group of people in the middle of the country are completely evildoers, with the physique and strength to crush high school students.

So he wanted to give it a go.

Before the reform of the International Network Federation, junior high school students will be recruited into U-17 one step in advance.

Even in the World Cup, middle school students were sent to play.

“” 1 The Nets Association is there ”

Tsuge Ryūji spoke.

Enrolling all middle school students is not something you can do if you want to.

Although the U–17 training camp is aloof.

But it is also managed by the Network Association.

If the officials of the Nets Association knew that the training camp would enroll all junior high school students.

It is very likely that in the name of protecting the healthy development of junior high school students, it is forbidden to enroll juniors from National One and National Two in advance to enter the training camp.

“I will go there myself!”

Mifune hummed coldly in the way, not worried about it at all.

His identity is not just as simple as the Head Coach of the training camp. It is very simple for the Nets Association to agree to this.

“The training camp enrolls 50 people in the junior high school!”

“Within ten days, I ask fifty middle school students to receive the invitation letter and come to the training camp!”


Several coaches nodded heavily.


Mifune, who was just about to leave, stopped suddenly after entering the road.

He glanced at the match on the video and his eyes flashed.

(Good) “A word, if those elementary school students are willing to come to U-17, they can also come here to visit!


Several of Saitō Itaru’s eyes widened.

I didn’t expect Mifune to enter the road so boldly, not only wanted to let students from the first country and the second country join.

I even want elementary school students to join.

“Just let them visit, don’t think too much!”

Mifune snorted in the way.

Although he wanted to enroll junior high school students in advance, the elementary school students did not think about it.

Because the body of elementary school students is indeed not suitable for the high-intensity training of U-17.

So he just asked elementary school students to come and visit.

Instead of calling them to train.

“It’s crazy!”

Even so, the Kurobe group still sighed.

Because this is something that has never happened since U–17 was founded.

However, a few people also have some expectations.

I look forward to Zongshen’s ability to surpass high school students and become the new rulers of the training camp!

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