Chapter 281 : Junior high school students gather (6/7)

Seigaku Tennis Club.


There was a fierce batting sound, and the tennis shot flew back and forth.

Although Seigaku won the championship, the training of the players did not end.

“Tokugawa, try to use the strength of your muscles as much as possible when you exert your feet!”

Zongshen opened his mouth and hit the ball back at the same time.

The opposite Tokugawa nodded silently and proceeded in accordance with Zongshen’s method.

More than twenty minutes passed, and a little bit of sweat appeared on both of their foreheads.

“Excuse me, is Zongshen here?

At this moment, a doubtful voice sounded.

Zongshen, who hit the ball back, was taken aback, stopped the action in his hand, and then raised his hand to signal that he was.

“Hello, this is your letter.”

A man took out several letters and handed them to Zongshen.


Zongshen looked at the letter with some confusion.

However, the envelope only indicated who made it personally. As for who sent it by post, it is not known.

“Everyone’s letters!”

After speaking, the team members gathered around and opened the envelope.

But after seeing the contents of the envelope, everyone’s eyes widened.

“This is U-17’s convening letter!

Oni Jujiro said in a deep voice.

The letter impressively stated what the training camp called for them, and the name of the pen was Yukio Kurobe.

“Sure enough, U-17 has started to call up the middle school players!” 330

Zongshen was not surprised.

Because three months have passed since the national competition.

It is November, and according to reason, U-17 should also send out the invitation letter.

But what surprised him was.

The invitation letter was not only given to Jujiro Oni from the third country and the others.

Even those of them from the second country have received it.

“Does Mifune want to recruit all junior high school students?”

A thought came to Zongshen’s mind.

Let him feel that there is a great possibility.

“We were invited to join U-17!”

Fujiwara was full of excitement.

Although they have been there once, it was Zongshen’s light that time.

But this time is different.

Because this was invited by U-17.

“It’s been three days after going to U-17, it is estimated that more than us have been invited!”

Oni Jujiro said.

Now that they can be invited, so are the other team members.

At that time, a group of middle school students might still have a match.


Zongshen nodded.

It is clear that the invitation letter of U-17 will not only recruit a few of them.

Perhaps it is really as expected, it is to recruit the entire middle school grade.



The churning sound of the waterfall rang, and the water splashed.

Byodoin walked out of the waterfall.

Because of the impact of the waterfall, his skin was flushed.

He grabbed the letter that he had received before, and didn’t worry about whether it would get wet, so he tore it open roughly, scanning it at will.



Byodoin sneered.

Then he quickly remembered Zongshen’s face that made him hate.

He knew that Zongshen would definitely go too.

“At that time, I will personally defeat you!”


He pinched the letter into a ball and threw it directly into the water. His body was plunged into the waterfall again for the most rigorous training.


The melodious bell rang.

Echizen Ryoga and Echizen Nanjiro lie under the big clock.

“Are you going to leave, boy?”

Nanjiro spoke.

Although Echizen Ryoga is his son, he is not his own.

And the custody right is not in his hands.

This time I came to Japan just to stop by to visit them.


Echizen Ryoga nodded.

He should have left long ago, but to compete with Zongshen, he went to Makinofuji.

Now that the national competition is over, there is no need for him to stay in Japan.

“Give you something, you decide whether you want to leave or not.”

Nanjiro did not persuade, but instead gave him a letter.

“what is this?”

Echizen Ryoga was puzzled, and quickly opened the letter: “Invitation letter for U-17 training camp?”

He was taken aback, but he didn’t expect to receive this.

“That kid named Zongshen, should he go there too.”

(cffb)” Zongshen?!”

Echizen Ryoga sat up with a rub.

He clutched the letter in his hand, recalling the match in the national competition in his mind.

That was the first time he experienced such a defeat.


Nanjiro tilted his legs and turned his head.

“Then I will trouble you next time!”

Echizen Ryoga spoke, his eyes burning with war.

Although he has always wanted to let himself get off as before, forgetting the outcome of that match.

But after hearing Zongshen’s name.

He found that he couldn’t do that kind of open-mindedness at all.

So he wants to join U-17, in another match with Zongshen, one point win.

“Youth is so beautiful!”

Nanjiro saw the war intent flashing in Ryoga’s eyes, and couldn’t help but recall his time.

But he shook his head quickly.

Because in his memory, he had no opponents at all.

Even the world’s number one master was easily defeated by him.

Rikkai University.

“Tanegashima, which school do you plan to go to after foul out of junior high school?”

Omagari asked, sitting lazily in the chair.

At the end of the national competition, some junior high school students from Rikkai University have retired.

They are the only ones who are elected and remain in the tennis club.

“Let’s watch home work!”

Tanegashima shook his head.

He is not from Kanto, and he came to Rikkai to study because of his work at home.

If there is a change in work at home, he must follow.

“Ryuuji, how about you?”

Tanegashima looked at each other.

Omagari is also a third-year student, and will face foul out in March next year.

“It’s probably better to stay in Rikkai.

Omagari replied casually.

There are elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and universities in Rikkai University High School.

His family has already settled in Kanagawa, so it is estimated that the school he attended is also here.


Tanegashima nodded, then fell silent.

The two have been teammates for three years, and it is inevitable to be a little sad to think that they will be parting next.

“Tanegashima, we were invited by U-17!”


An excited voice sounded.

The two looked up and saw Date and Banli also trot over.

There are still a few letters in his hand.


Tanegashima was taken aback, somewhat puzzled.

But when he received the letter and saw the content of the letter, he suddenly understood.

Rikkai’s national three official elections were all summoned by U-17.

About to go to U-17 training camp for training.

“Zongshen will also go, right?”

Tanegashima thought of Zongshen for the first time.

The calm look also added a strange emotion.

When Tanegashima received the letter, members of other schools also received it.

Irie of Yamabuki, Tsukimitsu Ochi of Hyotei, Kimijima of Lion Music, and Unbreakable Iron Man in Rokkaku.

All strong middle school students will gather in the training camp.

Become a member of the training camp!.

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