With a single ponytail and a washed and whitish training suit, she faintly brought out her preliminarily formed 'aptitude'. Yu Rong did not have the slightest flaw, and there was a perseverance that could not even hide her peerless appearance.

But now, those beautiful eyebrows were deeply wrinkled and said, "Are you a traveler? Or a villager? Why are you lying here?"

"Did you know that in this world, only the ruthless can survive. What a pity to fall before the finish line?"

Lin Xian blinked, he was...

Have you been lectured by little loli?

"Who are you?" Lin Xian said, as weak as a patient who hasn't eaten for a long time.

But actually...he's just lazy.

And in fact, he wanted to say, who are you and why are you here to teach me.

However, he was too lazy to speak, so he simply omitted it.

"My name is Ruthless." The little loli was silent for a moment, then said.

"Looking at your appearance, it should be from a wanderer. The original home was robbed by the magician, or it was destroyed by the cultivator's turmoil... That's all."

As she spoke, she seemed to hesitate, but in the end she gritted her teeth.

"Come to my house, I still have something to eat at home."

Lin Xian blinked and glanced at the little loli who seemed to be giving him food.

Is he... going to be taken care of?



Chapter [-] Lin Xian feels that he can eat a little more (two more for collection)

Chapter [-] Lin Xian feels that he can eat a little more (two more for collection)

Ruthless didn't know why he chose to take a strange man home.

She had long since given up her name and called herself a ruthless person, just because she felt that in this world of the weak and the strong, she had to be ruthless.


Seeing the ragged appearance (he was not distracted when walking, scraped by branches), covered in mud and miserable (stained on the ground while sleeping), and extremely weak tone (too lazy to speak) .. ....

She seemed to see herself.

The same embarrassment, but even if it is struggling, it must go to the final end!

Unable to help, he went up to talk.

Of course, she wasn't so kind.

It's just that she, who was planning to give Lin Xian some dry food, saw the clear line of sight, but for some reason she said the invitation.

"Hey, what the hell am I thinking about?" The ruthless man sighed lightly, then frowned as he looked at Lin Xian who was gobbling up in front of him.

"You can eat slowly, no one will rob you."

Lin Xian only focused on stuffing vegetables into his mouth crazily, how could he still have time to get back to her?

I can only nod while eating, as if agreeing, but the speed and appearance have not changed in the slightest.

Too tm delicious!

Although it is just some home-cooked dishes, no matter who, after eating barbecue for half a year, encountering a piece of stir-fried Chinese cabbage will feel fragrant.

What's more, these dishes are really well-fried, full of color, flavor, and deliciousness.

Of course, it's not without its shortcomings.

That is......

No meat dishes.

But this is a trivial matter, and Lin Xian doesn't care. In the forest, he eats too much meat. Besides, the income of this loli is indeed quite good!

The soup is delicious!

Tofu is delicious!

This cabbage is delicious too!

so happy...

Suddenly, Lin Xian paused his chopsticks and turned his head to look at the ruthless Loli.

She sat on the main seat with an expressionless face, just watching Lin Xian eat quietly from beginning to end, without moving a single chopstick.

"Well, don't you want to eat?" Lin Xian asked strangely.

"I have already established the foundation." Ruthless Loli said lightly.


Ruthless Loli explained with a blank expression: "Building a foundation is the first step in cultivating self-cultivation. Besides, mortals' food is useless for cultivation."

The ruthless man is only fourteen or fifteen years old now, and he has only practiced for a few years, and without the support of family and sect resources, he has already established a foundation?

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