Fighting spirit.

He directly pushed away the Heavenly Frost Wolf King who was supporting him, looking like the old man could fight for another [-] years.


The West Island Lord said coldly: "According to my investigation and the two Island Lords South and North, that girl pretended to be the blood of the Dragon Emperor, and the crime was extremely heinous, and must be sentenced to death!"

Nan Daozhu even snorted coldly and pointed towards Zi Yan in a simple and straightforward manner.


The North Island Lord shook his head, then stretched out his hand, turned it into a dragon claw, and ripped it in the direction of Zi Yan.

Taixu tearing the sky style! When he uses it, his momentum is a bit bigger than Xi Dao's initiative! One declares righteousness, one orders his subordinates, and one simply shoots himself... Many people who have a lot of heart can't help but shake. Shaking his head.

They also knew that the argument of the three island masters was untenable, but who made them strong enough? Even though the three of them were just demon saints, they were not much different from the second elder and many others.

But there is also a huge gap between the demon saint and the demon saint! Just like the ruthless man is also in the realm of an immortal emperor, but she really fights, she kills the immortal emperor like killing ants! Although the three island masters are not as good as her, they are also worse. not too much.

Invincible at the same level, but not praise! "You dare!"

The second elder's eyes were about to be split, and he forcibly took action regardless of his own body.

The other people who had not yet betrayed also gritted their teeth, squeezed out the last trace of true energy, and took action to defend.

The other people's immemorial virtual dragons are not bad, the key is that the North Island Lord's blow almost surpassed the level of the demon saint.

Even if it is kept out by others.

At most, it is reduced to the low level of the demon saint - it is still an attack of the demon saint level! And Zi Yan...when she entered the dragon tomb, she was no more than the fairy emperor! "You think I can't make a better attack. Is it a strong blow?"

The North Island Lord stood with his arms folded and said proudly: "My blow, one blow is enough!"

His one blow, even if it is severely weakened, is enough to kill ordinary immortal saints! "Hey, is this already starting?"

Zi Yan looked at the oncoming attack, but her eyes were full of light.

Then, she stepped out one step, and the breath on her body was immediately exposed.

Demon Venerable! "Actually raised a first-order realm!"

The second elder in the distance widened his eyes.

Those who enter the dragon tomb will have their cultivation improved somewhat.

Thinking back then, when the Dragon Emperor entered, he raised two small realms, from a low-level demon king to a high-level demon king, which made everyone stunned.

And now... Zi Yan has actually improved a big realm, plus three small realms, her current cultivation base is impressively the peak of the demon! "Okay! There is a chance!"

The second elder showed joy on his face: "The peak of Yaozun, plus the clan pattern, may be enough to block this blow!"

"It's actually the peak of Yaozun, and you can't keep it!"

Lord Bei Dao's pupils shrank, and a purple-gold pattern instantly appeared on his forehead.

It's a clan mark! A clan mark that can make the blood in the body skyrocket, and the cultivation base is abruptly raised! With the palm of your hand, the dark scar of the Taixu tearing sky actually expands several meters abruptly.

This kind of clan pattern was originally used when desperate.

But how arrogant the North Island Lord is, how could he accept that Zi Yan can withstand a blow from himself, even if he uses the clan mark, he has to kill her! "That... shameless guy, he actually uses the clan mark to deal with the younger generation!"

The second elder immediately trained with anger, but his eyes were full of despair.

Clan pattern, divided into silver, gold, purple gold, colorful 7 gold four grades.

Except...the former Lord Dragon Emperor was colorful and 7 gold, all the four island masters are purple-gold clan pattern.

When the Zijin clan pattern is turned on, they can almost be regarded as a smaller demon emperor! Coupled with the huge gap in cultivation base, even if Ziyan can have the colorful 7 gold clan pattern, they can't resist his attack! "Good come!"

However, when Zi Yan saw this, she laughed instead, advancing instead of retreating.

The delicate little fist clenched tightly and punched it fiercely.

Taixu Tear Heaven Style and the delicate little fist collided fiercely, making a loud noise! ​​Boom! Smoke and dust flying! "En!"

The North Island Lord's expression changed.

Because she saw a smaller figure rushing out of the smoke! Of course, this is not the most critical.

Most importantly, a dazzling color appeared on her forehead.

It's not gold, it's not purple gold, it's not colorful 7 gold, it's... [-] colors! It seems to include all colors, but at the same time it gives people a feeling of bling.

"Could it be that there are other levels above the colorful seven golds?"

...and the other side.

"Teacher, you finally came out!"

"Boss, you are here."

"We almost died."

Liu Shen and others all came over, either with a wry smile or a long sigh.

But everyone's faces were a little less worried.

There are big bosses, what problems are still settled, this wave is stable! "By the way, bosses, what have you been busy with for so long!"

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