Liu Shen couldn't help complaining, "We almost died."


Lin Xian was silent for a moment: "Wake up a sleeping person"

Everyone was silent for three seconds, and they all looked at Lin Xian.

"Boss, are you sure this person is not you?"

"Of course not, am I the kind of person who... sleeps that long?"

Everyone: "..."

How can this person have nothing in his heart...

Chapter [-] You are so weak, do you blame me? (The first is to ask for automatic)

Chapter [-]::: Do you blame me for being so weak

Bei Daozhu looked at the ten thousand golden clan pattern on Zi Yan's forehead, and his complexion changed greatly.

Clan pattern, divided into silver, gold, purple gold, colorful 7 gold four grades.

He is the Zijin clan pattern, the former Dragon Emperor, with the colorful 7 golden clan pattern.

And now Ziyan...Although the color is weird, the character of the dragon completely proves the authenticity of the clan pattern! It is of the same origin as his own clan pattern, and there is a higher level of the Wanjin clan. Wen! How did he know, Zi Yan, although he was suspected of relying on a plug-in, but he did penetrate the dragon tomb.

No one will say that this is not her strength, and ask to try again.

The reason is very simple, just like the sword in your hand is also a part of your strength, your backing is also your strength! In the demon clan who only look at the results, this is not a shame at all! I Don't you rely on the bloodline to back the plug-in? But the result is obvious - no matter how powerful the ancient virtual dragon has never had such a record! You know, the previous ancient virtual dragon said that it was a challenge to the predecessors, but in fact it was nothing more than If you fight with your senior's suppressed level and perform well, you will be awarded a spiritual core reward.

It's just... seniors guide juniors! And Zi Yan... Therefore, the unprecedented clan pattern will appear on Zi Yan's head! It's not that there is no reward of this level, but because no one has ever been able to Hit this level! Well, although Zi Yan didn't do it... "Come on! Come and fight!"

Zi Yan's fighting spirit sprouted, and the appearance of a little loli was abruptly made by her to look 'fierce'.

Fierce and cute! The North Island Lord also quickly calmed down. At this moment, with the increase in the clan mark, it is not too much to regard Zi Yan, who has now been promoted to Demon Lord, as a Demon Saint level powerhouse! He is already keen I felt that myself and the subordinates of the other two island masters were very hesitant to do it.

Obviously, although they are fighting each other, they still regard themselves as a member of the Primordial Void Dragon in their hearts! Such talent... coupled with the orthodoxy of the Dragon Emperor, has already made them hesitate!" Tattoo or something, I have never heard of it!"

The North Island Lord snorted coldly and said, "Although I don't know where you got your rebellion from, you can't live to this day!"

"The south, the west, what are you waiting for, don't hurry up and kill this rebel who pretends to be the blood of the Immemorial Void Dragon Royal Family"

It was another time to open his eyes and talk nonsense, and he said it confidently from the mouth of the North Island Lord, a man who seemed to be big and three rough.

However, neither the South Island Lord nor the West Island Lord felt strange at all.

Because Bei Daozhu himself is a careless, scheming bitch! However, the two of them did not intend to refute.

Almost at the same time, the two looked at each other, showing the fear in each other's eyes.

Then without any hesitation, Qi Qi shot.

At the same time, they also cooperated very well with the same moves! It's too empty to tear the sky! The three of them are all old opponents who have been taught how many times, and they can no longer be familiar with each other's minds.

At this moment, if there are two magical powers with completely different attributes, the power may be reduced due to the hedging of the attributes, but it is not as good as the same move.

And since it's the same move...then it's the move just played! They didn't discuss any of these matters, but they made the same decision by coincidence! Mishima Island Master's subordinates looked slightly moved. , someone subconsciously wants to speak.

However, when Bei Dao Island Master saw this scene, he immediately said.

"Hmph, my clan doesn't have a thousand golden clan marks, tell me! Which force are you, the spy sent by you?"

This sentence stopped the man's footsteps.

Yes, although the [-]-golden clan pattern seems to have the same origin as our own, but my family does not have the [-]-gold clan pattern! "Who said my family doesn't have the [-]-gold clan pattern!"

Suddenly, with a cold snort, the surrounding space almost froze.

The two space fissures that had just been torn apart by the Taixu tearing sky style, almost at the moment when the sound appeared, forcibly closed! The magical powers of the two island masters were actually sealed by a sentence! The phantom of the man appeared beside Zi Yan, looking at those people with disdain.

"Second ancestor!"

The exclamation of the North Island Lord also revealed the name of that person! When everyone heard the words, they were stunned, with expressions of astonishment on their faces.

"The second ancestor is not the founder of Dragon Tomb"

"In the legend, is he second only to the first ancestor..."

"Looking at the appearance of the island owner, it should be!"

The second ancestor! The founder of the Dragon Tomb, every generation of the royal bloodline, will pass his examination and walk out of this place... He actually came out! And... "Who told you, the family line only four colors"

The Second Ancestor snorted coldly, with a sarcastic look on his face.

"However, we have never seen such a thousand golden clan tattoos..."

The North Island Lord struggled.

"I have never given anyone a golden color, but it's not that there is no clan pattern of this color, but you are too weak, and you are not qualified to give me a thousand golden clan pattern!"

In the eyes of the second ancestor, a sneer flashed: "You are so weak, do you blame me?"

As soon as these words came out, the three island masters were speechless!... And next to... "Teacher, this is the... sleepy guy you said"

The ruthless man looked at the domineering Second Ancestor and couldn't help saying.


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