Absolutely you killed it!

The corners of the mouths of everyone except the ruthless man twitched.

It was strange to say that Lin Xian was carefree, but the ruthless man was extremely shrewd, but by now, she had not seen through Lin Xian's strength.

Could it be that this is the so-called dark under the lights?

"When they woke up, they fell here?" The ruthless man narrowed his eyes: "Who actually moved the hand?"

It's Lin Xian!

Everyone's mouth twitched.

However, the ruthless man squinted his eyes, pondered for a moment, then climbed onto the body of the monster and examined it carefully for a long time.

Finally came to a conclusion.

"It should be an almighty shot... I don't know where the almighty is now."

Don't look at it, it's right here in Lin Xian!

The corners of everyone's mouth twitched, Zi Yan opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't speak.

The ruthless man continued to hustle and bustle, investigating and investigating.

At first, everyone looked at her seriously, and then everyone started to do some of their own things.

Lin Xian also listened to everyone's experience - as a result, he failed to dig up a good dish.

No, he means nothing has been found.

This small world is thousands of miles in diameter, and it can be said that it is not small, but even if they reached the edge of the world, they could not find anything.

Everyone plans to renovate it, and then explore in other directions.

Of course, Lin Xian still didn't plan to go.

Tianshuang Wolf King looked at the 'Satisfaction of Salted Fish' face, Lin Xian, who had just finished eating the barbecue made by Zi Yan himself, leaned against the willow tree to rest again, hesitated, and walked over.


"Oh, it's Brother Dog." Lin Xian was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "Don't call me senior, I'm only a freshman."

What is the grade of freshman?After the robbery is a freshman?

The Sky Frost Wolf King thought in his heart and said, "Then I'll call you a big brother along with Sect Master Tong."

"Boss, in fact, I've always been curious, why do you want to accept ruthless fellow Daoist as your apprentice?" Tianfrost Wolf King thought for a while, then said: "Of course, I'm not saying that ruthless is wrong, she He is indeed an outstanding person, with a delicate mind, and very motivated, but..."

The Sky Frost Wolf King glanced at Lin Xian.

"But it seems a little different from your style."

What a difference!

This is simply the difference between heaven and earth!

"Well...because I'm too lazy to refuse."

"..." What the hell?

Lin Xian thought for a while and added, "She can cook!"

The Sky Frost Wolf King looked at Lin Xian, and suddenly felt that this reason was too convincing.


"That, my emperor's craftsmanship is also very good." Tianfrost Wolf King tentatively said.

"Very good." Lin Xian gave a thumbs up: "It's the first person I've ever seen in a meat dish!"

"Then can you..."

Just as the Frost Wolf King was about to speak, he suddenly saw a gleam in the eyes of the ruthless man who had been busy investigating.

She drew out the imperial sword and pointed at Lin Xian.

"I understand! It turns out that you were the one who killed these monsters!"

Everyone looked at the ruthless man with a serious face and said, "You finally see it."

Lin Xian sighed, and sure enough, he was still caught...

But forget it, catch it and catch it.

"That's right." Lin Xian nodded and admitted, "That's right—"

Before he could finish speaking, he saw the ruthless man wielding the emperor sword and directly chopped over.

Everyone was shocked. Even if Lin Xian concealed his strength, he wouldn't be able to slash people with a sword?

Just as he was about to stop it, he saw that the sword made a half-circle and chopped down at the willow tree that Lin Xian was leaning against?


The branch of the willow tree swung suddenly and collided with the Emperor Sword, making a sonorous sound.

Everyone: (⊙_⊙).

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