Holy crap, there are people!



Chapter [-]: My Name Willow God

Chapter [-]: My Name Willow God

Everyone was stunned, even Lin Xian's eyes widened.

The willow tree that Lin Xian relied on... was actually alive!

And the ruthless person was referring to, without a doubt, that willow tree!

"It's really good that she can see it..." Tianfrost Wolf King twitched the corners of his mouth, but he sighed even more in his heart.

In terms of talent and personality, I'm afraid this woman is the strongest of everyone present!

Well, Lin Xian doesn't count...

The ruthless man's eyes squinted, he stood up with his sword, his body flickered, the emperor's sword broke through the air, and the dazzling sword light flickered and flickered.


Everyone seemed to hear a sigh, and then saw the willow tree and wicker caressing, seemingly weak, but Di Jun and the wicker collided, but they made a sonorous metallic sound.

That willow tree actually resisted the attack of the Ruthless Emperor Sword!

One person and one tree, you come and go, make a sound of 'qiangqiangqiang', and the battle song is non-stop.

Tong Yashuang's eyes narrowed - I'm afraid that willow tree is also some kind of ancient alien.

But soon, the ruthless man narrowed his eyes.

After fighting for a while, she took a few steps back and pointed at the willow tree: "Why didn't you do it?"

In the battle just now, the willow tree was always on the defensive!

It has never attacked at all, even if Ruthless Man deliberately reveals a few flaws, it has no intention of attacking at all.

"I have no grievances or enmity with you, but you are kind to me. Why should I do something to you?"

The willow branches swayed, and a soft and gentle voice entered the hearts of everyone.

Everyone was stunned: "Divine Sense voice transmission? Are you a demon clan?"

Monster clan, not everyone can call themselves!

The existence of those bastards in this world that are like beasts is not worthy of being called a monster!

The willow branch nodded lightly, which surprised everyone.

Even among the demon clan, it is extremely difficult for plants and trees to become demons, and their intelligence is far inferior to that of the animal demon clan.

Of course, on the contrary, as long as you have sanity, your strength can often crush those ordinary monsters!

It can even have quite extraordinary magical powers!

"What's your name?" Lin Xian asked curiously.

"My name... Willow God." The willow tree hesitated for a moment and said.

Everyone frowned, Liu Shen?

How dare this little willow demon dare to call herself a 'God'?

Liu Shen also sighed inwardly. She is very smart, and she naturally knows that reporting her name will make everyone puzzled. If it is a irritable and irritable guy, maybe she will act directly.

However, this is the name engraved in her heart!

"Oh, God Liu." Lin Xian nodded indifferently.

"Then Willow God."


"Do you know there's good food here and there?"


When everyone heard the words, they almost didn't fall.

I thought you were going to ask about Tuqian's treasure chest, but you ended up asking this?

Even the Willow God twitched a branch and sighed: "This, I am here to eat and drink dew, you have to say it's delicious..."

What is delicious about the tree?

It's really a loss for Lin Xianwen's exit!

"Liu Shen, how long have you been here?" The ruthless man asked, "Do you know where Tuqian is hiding?"

"It's been a thousand years since I woke up, and I don't know any pictures, the place where the treasure is hidden...I don't know either." Liu Shen was silent for a moment and said.


"I am not a creature here, but a wanderer from other worlds here, otherwise I would not be targeted by these beasts..."

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