Tianshuang Wolf King glanced at the dissipated Tu Qian, hesitated for a long time, then glanced at Zi Yan who was busy and busy, and then came over thiefly.

"Boss, boss?"

"En? Brother dog, what's the matter?" Lin Xian lay lazily on the side and glanced at the Tianshuang Wolf King.

"I heard that you and fellow ruthless Daoist are masters and apprentices?"

"Didn't you ask? That's right."

"Then..." The Sky Frost Wolf King hesitated and said, "Do you mind if you accept another apprentice?"

Lin Xian glanced at the Heavenly Frost Wolf King who looked more and more like a husky in front of him, and shook his head without hesitation.

"No, it's very troublesome to accept apprentices!"

The corner of the Sky Frost Wolf King's mouth twitched.

I don't see what you do for your apprentice...

No, it should be said that ruthless people have always been doing things for you, okay?

But he still said: "It's not me, it's my emperor."

"I want the emperor to come under your door."

That's right, what he did was Zi Yan!

Although the Frost Wolf King is moving more and more towards his kind, the Husky, he is a loyal dog.

The former Dragon Emperor entrusted Zi Yan to him, and he did not hesitate to break his immortal path and become a loose immortal, so he would protect Zi Yan by his side.

To be honest, Loose Immortals are already a top-level existence in Tianyuan Realm, and his Heavenly Frost Wolf King is also a master of Loose Immortals. Even if there are top-level factions who want to be detrimental to Zi Yan, he is confident enough to block them.


Ancient Demon Execution Formation, Blood Vault of Soul Seizing Formation, Nine Palaces Endless Formation...

One is stronger than the other, and the other is more ferocious.

Even if he is a loose immortal, he can't protect the emperor!

not to mention......

"Lin Xian's strength, even if he is placed in the fairy world, he is still a character." Tianfrost Wolf King secretly said: "This opportunity, a fool does not want to seize it!"

If it wasn't for his fear of affecting Zi Yan's apprenticeship, he would have wanted to come to apprentice!

Master and apprentice are the strongest relationship in the entire world of practice.

Even the blood relationship is sometimes inferior to the master-disciple relationship.

Because the apprentice is the heir of the master's way!

"Zi Yan?" Lin Xian was taken aback: "Why does she worship me as a teacher?"

"Didn't she have an inheritance from the Dragon Emperor?"

Don't look at Zi Yan's average strength, but she is only at the golden stage.

But what she cultivates is the most orthodox Void Dragon inheritance, and there is great power in her gestures!

When Tong Yashuang and others were in the Golden Core Stage, they were far inferior to her.

The Heavenly Frost Wolf King's face was also gloomy, this kind of thing with art and apprenticeship is what every master hates the most.

Because this means that the apprentice cannot perfectly inherit the master's line!

However, based on his observations along the way, he may still have the strength to fight!

The Heavenly Frost Wolf King gritted his teeth and said, "My emperor can cook!"

"It's delicious to cook!"

"And it is only right and proper for the disciple to respect the master!"

After speaking, he closed his eyes, gritted his wolf teeth, and prepared to withstand the storm-like attack that might come at any time.

Master and apprentice are the most sacred relationship in the entire cultivation world. Even a cultivator of the devil path will not be particularly cruel to his own disciples.

And what is he doing now?

To insult this most sacred relationship with food?

If it was the kind of Confucian old antique from Haoran Mansion, he might slap him with a slap in the face!

Don't look at himself as he has accompanied Lin Xian through life and death, but the Tianfrost Wolf King felt that if Lin Xian could slap him half-crippled, it would be regarded as taking care of his love - at least he didn't die, right?


The imaginary storm-like attack was delayed.

The Sky Frost Wolf King opened one eye slightly and frowned as he watched Lin Xian there.

"Apprenticeship... It's so troublesome to accept apprentices..." Lin Xian hesitated, "But..."

He glanced at the beggar chicken, which had begun to smell very good.

So fragrant, smells so good, the taste should be very good when you want to eat it, the skin is crispy and the meat is tender...

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