Well, then here comes the problem.

Should I promise now, or should I hold back and promise?

"Cough cough." Lin Xian finally decided to be more reserved: "Then what, I want to accept apprentices, I can't let you talk, right?"

It means, why do you have to let Zi Yan Xiaoluoli come over to apprentice in person!

The emotional intelligence of the Sky Frost Wolf King was instantly full at this moment, and he immediately understood, and quickly walked to Little Loli.

"Zi Yan, I have something I want to tell you..." Tianshuang Wolf King coughed twice and said sternly.

"What's the matter?" Zi Yan was cooking with a large barbecue.

Hearing that, he wiped the thin beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Hurry up and say it. If you delay for a long time, the beggar chicken will not taste good."

The Sky Frost Wolf King was about to speak when he heard Lin Xian hurriedly say.

"Yes, Zi Yan is right!"

"I'll talk about it later, don't interfere with other people's cooking!"

Sky Frost Wolf King: "..."

how to say......

Although he had already guessed, but...

Isn't this master too unreliable!



Chapter [-] Ruthless: No way! (First, ask for collection, ask for evaluation, ask for flowers)

Chapter [-] Ruthless: No way! (First, ask for collection, ask for evaluation, ask for flowers)

When Zi Yan was cooking, the Heavenly Frost Wolf King didn't dare to talk to her.

Ruthless Man and Tong Yashuang came back, Zi Yan prepared the dishes, and when everyone started dinner, Tianshuang Wolf King didn't have time to come over and talk.

After he was full, the Heavenly Frost Wolf King drank too much, and when he was busy bragging, he forgot to talk to him.


When I woke up and the sky was already bright, the Frost Wolf King finally remembered his mission - I still want my emperor to apprentice Lin Xian!

Without hesitation, the Tianfrost Wolf King approached Zi Yan, and was chased out by Zi Yan and Ruthless.

"Let's go, don't interfere with our breakfast!"

Sky Frost Wolf King: "..."

Why does it feel like there is always something wrong?

It seems that since meeting Lin Xian, the emperor has changed from 'the style of painting is wrong' to 'the style of painting is mutated'...

But there is no way to 'cook' for such a high-level reason, how can you be disturbed by such trivial matters as 'apprenticeship'?

The Sky Frost Wolf King could only lie on the corner of the wall like a wounded Husky, silently licking his claws.

On the other side, Liu Shen and Tong Yashuang's inventory of Tuqian's legacy has come to an end.

"As expected of a former formation master, he is indeed extraordinary." Tong Yashuang said with emotion.

Where they are is the location of the fairy beast!

There is actually a formation here, using the life essence of the immortal beast to warmly nourish the treasures in the treasure house!

Compared with the palaces that were destroyed by improper preservation, the treasures here are comparable to five Wanjianmen!

You must know that although Wanjianmen has declined a little over the years, its ancestors are strong, and there are countless accumulations left behind.

However, a single map of a thousand treasures is comparable to five thousand swordsmen!

This was still Tu Qian who had used a lot of accumulated formations, and then swayed them out as a bait to seize the house.

Otherwise, there are ten Wanjianmen!

"If these can belong to my Wanjianmen..." Tong Yashuang's eyes were full of excitement.

Then Wanjianmen does not need any immortal promotion conference, it can grow directly!

Of course, she just thought about it this way. She also knew who the real contributor was. These things must belong to Lin Xian.

But even if there are some corners and corners left out of it, it is enough for her Wan Jianmen to be full.


"In other words, he promised me to apprentice?" Zi Yan looked excited.

To be honest, she felt that she had the inheritance of the Dragon Emperor, and she would definitely not fall into the eyes of Lin Xian.

But what did the Sky Frost Wolf King tell her now?Lin Xian actually agreed to apprentice?

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