Monster clan, the weak eat the strong!

Able to smash the immortal old man with one punch, play with Tuqian at will, and kill the immortal beast...

This is definitely an extremely powerful person!

"Well, please be quicker." The Sky Frost Wolf King nodded heavily: "If the boss changes his mind, it will be bad."

"Besides, it's been so long since I told the boss, I'm worried if the boss is dissatisfied..."

Zi Yan heard the words, her face changed suddenly, and she hurriedly stood up.

"Why didn't you say it earlier? Uncle Wolf, how could you forget this kind of thing?"

The Sky Frost Wolf King burst into tears when he heard this.

Did he forget?

Obviously you didn't let me speak!

"Oh, that's right, the emperor." The Sky Frost Wolf King suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly ordered: "Remember to bring the apprenticeship ceremony!"

"Appreciation?" Zi Yan frowned.

"Well, the apprenticeship ceremony." Sky Frost Wolf King nodded vigorously.

After discussing for a long time, the two finally came up with a plan.

Like a general about to go out, Zi Yan walked slowly and forcefully to Lin Xian's side.

"Junior Zi Yan, I am fortunate to have met my senior, and I admire senior Gao Yi. I have the courage to invite myself to come down, and I also ask my senior to fulfill her."

Saying that, he knelt on the ground.

Lin Xian reacted for three seconds before regaining his senses.

Oh, I seem to have promised the Sky Frost Wolf King to accept apprentices...

But then I ate so much that I forgot about it.


Lin Xian frowned, accepting apprentices is such a hassle, and he clearly agreed yesterday, and only came to apprentice today.

Does that count as disrespecting him?

Lin Xian pondered for a moment and decided to take the shelf.

"Well, let me think about this..." Saying that yesterday's beggar chicken was delicious...

"Senior, I really want to apprentice!" Zi Yan suddenly became anxious.

Sure enough, he was pissed that I was so late for my apprenticeship!

Blame Uncle Wolf!

The Sky Frost Wolf King sneezed innocently.

"En," Lin Xian responded casually.


Are you really here so late?

Although he also forgot, but... shouldn't this kind of thing depend on people who don't salt fish!

I forgot about the salted fish, it's a matter of course, how can you forget about the unsalted fish!

Zi Yan's eyes moved quickly, her heart was burning.

The opportunity that was finally seized, is it that it is gone?

"Apprenticeship ceremony, apprenticeship ceremony!" The Sky Frost Wolf King continued to speak in the distance.

"By the way! I still have the apprenticeship ceremony!" Zi Yan patted her head and took out something from the storage bag.

"Master, this is my apprenticeship ceremony, please accept it."

"Haha, you thought a gift—a gift or something is too polite, darling, get up." Lin Xian's face was kind and cheerful, and then... he took the chicken leg.

I also said that the beggar chicken is only a chicken leg. It turned out to be hidden by the cook, Zi Yan...

"So, I can worship you as my teacher?" Zi Yan said in surprise.


It was not Lin Xian who answered her, but the ruthless man who rushed over in anger!



Chapter [-] Ruthless vs Ziyan

Chapter [-] Ruthless Man VS Ziyan

"No!" The ruthless man walked over quickly.

"I disagree!"

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