"It turned out to be her... I have to thank her afterwards." The ruthless man nodded and thanked Liu Shen.

Then he continued to work on his own.

There was fire in her eyes.

"What I need is not strength, but... Victory!"


In one refining, it took three days and three nights to refine.

But to be honest, it's pretty short.

Ruthless Man's conception is too huge, the so-called magic weapon is just a prototype, and it will have to be constantly revised in the future.

The current power is definitely far less than that of the mature Emperor Sword.

But the power of the future is infinite!

"I'll tell you to swallow the Heavenly Magic Jar!" The ruthless man said with satisfaction as he looked at the unremarkable jar in front of him.

The Swallowing Devil Pot has a simple body, like pottery, and some of the nicks on it have beautiful lines. If a girl's beautiful fairy body is branded on it, there are some faint fluctuations.

This treasure has the power to swallow!

Grow up, the potential is endless!

at the same time.......

"Perhaps I can also imitate this swallowing magic pot and create a practice method..." The ruthless man secretly said in his heart.

Swallowing the Devil Pot is just a reflection of her idea, but since the magic weapon has been formed, it is not difficult to create a practice method.

Of course, magic weapons are nothing but foreign objects.

And the law of gong is related to how far you can go in the future, and it should be done with caution.

Therefore, she plans to gradually improve this idea, starting with the swallowing magic pot.

He let out a long sigh of relief and put away the Heaven Swallowing Magic Jar in satisfaction. The ruthless man stretched his body for three days. Although it was not a long time for a cultivator, it still made his body a little stiff.

When the door was opened, it was already a silent night.

"I guess Lin Xian is already asleep?" The ruthless man smiled.

As she walked out, the formation of the stone house shattered, causing a sudden fluctuation.

Liu Shen, Tianshuang Wolf King, Tong Yashuang, and Zi Yan also woke up and walked out.

"You... succeeded?" Liu Shen hesitated and said.

The ruthless man nodded calmly, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The natal magic weapon is no trivial matter. Once it fails, the vitality will be severely damaged, and the cultivation will be regressed and the heart of the Tao will be damaged. There are no insurance measures in the sect here.

Fortunately, she succeeded!

"What magic weapon? What magic weapon? Show me!" Zi Yan looked excited.

The ruthless man hesitated and took out the Devil's jar.

Simple and unpretentious.

But when you perceive it with your heart, you can really discover its power.

This is the best magic weapon!

Tong Yashuang and others sighed inwardly and appreciated it.

Zi Yan frowned. "Is this your newly refined magic weapon?"

"Not bad." The ruthless man nodded.

"You are too despicable!" Zi Yan snorted, and directly stuffed the Swallowing Devil Jar into Ruthless Man, and then pulled Liu Shendao: "Liu Shen sister, I want to refine magic weapons too! Give me some materials!"

"What magic weapon are you going to refine?" Liu Shen was taken aback and smiled, "Maybe I can give you some advice."

Even Ruthless Man's materials were largely chosen by Liu Shen with the help of him.

Although she has lost a lot of memories, she is still the most knowledgeable existence!

"I want to make a magic weapon-level barbecue!" Zi Yan waved her fist and said, "It must be stronger than the ruthless sauerkraut pot!"


Everyone's expressions suddenly became very interesting.

Especially the ruthless person, she almost wanted to kill this brainless loli with a jar.

Am I a sauerkraut tank?Obviously it is the magic weapon of battle!

But the next moment, including the ruthless man, the expressions all changed.

"So, you are hiding here!"

A voice full of anger sounded, and several figures in the sky looked at the people in the valley below with bad expressions.

It is those loose immortals!

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