

Chapter [-] What's the quarrel in the middle of the night?

Chapter [-] What's the quarrel in the middle of the night?

"Not good!" Everyone's face changed color.

Those loose immortals, actually caught up?

The leader is not the young man surnamed Wang from Haoran Mansion?

At this time, he has completely lost his original elegant demeanor, but his face is ashen, as if he can wring out water.

"How dare you lie to me?" The young man surnamed Wang snorted angrily.

"Give me—die!"


Countless echoes wafted, and in front of the young man surnamed Wang, an ancient word for 'death' was directly formed!

"Hao Ran is righteous!"

Everyone was nervous.

Haoran Mansion is a holy place for Confucianism.

The major is the same - Hao Ran is righteous!

With a pen and a book, the words form a splendid article, which contains infinite truth...

As soon as the word 'death' came out, there was an endless sense of bleakness, and even more sadness.


The Sky Frost Wolf King took a deep breath and howled loudly.


Infinite sound waves hit the word 'death', making a loud explosion.

The word 'death' was broken, and the sound wave ceased.

"Sky Frost Wolf King, it seems that you are also planning to die!" The young man surnamed Wang's eyes drooped slightly, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Heh, it's as if you would let Lao Tzu go." Tianshuang Wolf King snorted disdainfully, "Do you Confucians dare to be more hypocritical?"

"Yes, the Sanxian level demon pill is also a treasure." The monk Huayi next to him laughed and patted his belly: "Not to mention the accumulation of Tuqian, enough for us to divide!"

The old man of the Sun family didn't say a word, but the mana around him told everyone what he meant.

Thinking about it, at first, they believed in Tong Yashuang's oath and gave up chasing and killing the ruthless and others. Now they have already been tricked once, is it possible that they will make a second mistake?

I'm afraid, they won't keep their hands anymore...

"Hey." Tong Yashuang sighed. Although she had expected it, she did not expect that she and others would be found so quickly.

Obviously, as a famous sect that can outperform Wanjianmen, they also have their own secret techniques and secret treasures.


Clang! ! !

Fen Yingjian let out a sword cry.

"It's just a death battle." Tong Yashuang narrowed her eyes.

Any person in front of him is not an existence that he can easily block.

Although Sword Cultivator's combat power is strong, the gap in cultivation base is too large to make up for it!

"Do your best." Tong Yashuang sighed, but was the first to kill.

The young man surnamed Wang snorted coldly and shouted: "Cut!"

A word "slash" came out of his mouth, and with boundless arrogance, he turned into a heavenly saber and slashed at Tong Yashuang.

As soon as the knife came out, everyone felt that the vitality of the entire mountain range was shaking and trembling.Let him have no doubts.This majestic sword can sever the valley with one knife!

This is the result of a loose immortal shot in anger!

This blow alone is enough to kill ten Tong Yashuang!

Liu Shen sighed softly.

"Eternal life."


A branch suddenly flew up from the willow tree incarnated by the willow god, like a long whip, silently slashing on the word "slash".

Then the "cut" actually disappeared without a sound!


As if it never came out!

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