The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 92: snake heart swallow elephant

Indifferently explained Mai Tieshang, and then Ling Tian ignored the terrified Goguryeo defending soldiers on the Goguryeo Imperial City not far away.

In fact, Ling Tian himself did not have much thought about attacking Goguryeo, but the fame brought to him by the tens of thousands of Sui soldiers who destroyed more than 100,000 Goguryeo soldiers before made him subconsciously feel that if he could attack Goguryeo Probably these tens of thousands of Sui troops will give him another large-scale reputation acquisition.

Moreover, if this Goguryeo really came forward as a minister, then, under the circumstance that Yang Guang and a large group of aristocratic clans were defeated, he swept the Goguryeo by himself with a partial division, and he should be able to give him another one if there is no accident. Wave fame.

The most important thing is that Ling Tian now admits to himself that it seems impossible to attack Goguryeo any more difficulties.

In this small country, as long as the monarchs and ministers of the Central Plains Dynasty can take it a little seriously, it is estimated that they can be easily swept away. Therefore, Ling Tian's attack on Goguryeo at this time is just doing something to gain fame.

And now Ling Tian, ​​more of the mind is not on attacking, but on the perception of martial arts.

As early as on the way to Pingxiang, Ling Tian's internal strength had already recovered.

Along the way, Ling Tian was constantly trying to integrate the martial arts of the Swordsman World with the blood sea battle body.

The cheating ability of the system is unparalleled in the world, but, just like the saying in a martial arts novel, cultivating other people's martial arts, no matter how high the level of cultivation, can always only reach the height of others.

If you want to be detached, you must find your own way of martial arts, and then keep climbing.

At this moment, Ling Tian naturally dare not say that he can create his own martial arts, but he still chooses to try to integrate all the martial arts that he has mastered, and to integrate the mysteries of some martial arts that cannot be cultivated into the martial arts that he has mastered.

In fact, this has indeed improved his martial arts a lot.

Just like, coming this way, Ling Tian slowly merged the star-sucking and blood-sea combat bodies in a certain way. The absorption and release of the star-sucking bodies were integrated into the blood-sea combat body. Then, on the battlefield, Ling Tian was able to Absorbing the **** aura, the blood sea battle body's spiritual power, which was already exaggerated, but its attack power is not too strong, was increased to the limit, and then the **** aura was released, turning the spiritual power of the blood sea battle body into a powerful offensive method.

This Huang Yi's world is itself a spiritual world. Perhaps, it is precisely because of this that Ling Tian's attempt to fuse Star Suction and Blood Sea Battle Body will achieve this achievement.

And the appearance of this achievement also made Ling Tian more interested in the fusion of martial arts.

He even wanted to fuse Zixia Divine Art and Innate Body Refinement to see if he could fuse the power to prolong life.

You know, he is wearing clothes when he enters the dungeon. From the outside, he is just distracted, but in the dungeon he may have passed several months, several years, once or twice, but it’s nothing. But, come back a few more times, and then If he is trapped in the copy for decades, then his lifespan is obviously not enough.

It's a pity that the fusion of Zixia Divine Art and Xiantian Body Refinement is not as smooth as the fusion of Star Suction and Blood Sea Battle Body. It took ten days, but Ling Tian got nothing from it.

However, Ling Tian did not give up in the slightest.

The offensive method, Ling Tian has been improving wildly, and he entered this Tang world. Ling Tian believes that his combat power has achieved a triple jump, but now, he must also mention the method of longevity. .

Outside Pingxiang City, Ling Tian took care of his own fusion of martial arts, while Mai Tiezhu sent his request into Pingxiang City in the form of a national letter according to his instructions.

Of course, Mai Tiechang is a fierce general, not a civil servant, so this national book is naturally unorthodox, but the matter of destroying Yuzhi Wende and Fu Cailin and the hundreds of thousands of Goguryeo troops is clearly explained, and that The matter of Goguryeo's destruction of the country without surrender is also clearly explained.

The national letter was sent to the Goguryeo court in Pingxiang City in the shortest possible time.

"What is good, my Mo Lizhi, tell me how to respond to the Sui generals, whether to give up my palace to the Sui generals for sacrifice, or to burn the entire Goguryeo jade... As I said earlier, we are only a small country, from the pre-Qin and Han dynasties. , and then to the chaotic period of the Central Plains, and then to the war a few years ago, why do you always think that the Central Plains is easy to bully, because we took advantage of the Central Plains to not pay attention and secretly expanded, or because we took advantage of the Central Plains chaos to get some belonging to the Central Plains The good things that strengthen me..."

At this time, King Yingyang, who was in power in Goguryeo, looked coldly at Goguryeo's equivalent of Prime Minister Moli Zhiyuan Taizuo and said.

This time, the reason why Goguryeo was used by Yang Guang as a battlefield for fighting against aristocratic clans was because some people in Goguryeo secretly communicated with the Turks and wanted to make an alliance with the Turks to fight the Sui Dynasty together.

But inside Goguryeo, in fact, some Goguryeo ministers, such as Yuan Taizuo, wanted to go further, and wanted to gain the status of the Goguryeo royal family, so they wanted to carry out a war of external expansion.

Originally, by chance, the actions of these Goguryeo ministers were successful, Da Sui really fell into the hands of Goguryeo, and Yuan Taizuo's son Yuan Gai Suwen became the dictator of Goguryeo.

But Ling Tian's birth has obviously changed history, so that at this moment Yuan Taizuo's face is so gloomy that water drips from it.

"A soldier, fighting bravely... is not necessarily invincible, why should Your Majesty be so afraid..."

With a gloomy face, Yuan Taizuo looked at King Yingyang and said, while he was speaking, he stood up, as if he wanted to say something, but before he could speak, King Yingyang who was sitting on the Goguryeo throne had already jumped up. .

"Don't call me Your Majesty, I don't have your ambitions, I don't want to be an emperor in the past, I'm just the king of Goguryeo, I just want Goguryeo to live forever, not the barbarians who think they can rule the Central Plains like those fools Usually enter the Central Plains, and finally disappear between heaven and earth..."

In the first episode, King Yingyang listened to Yuan Taizuo's cry, as if he heard something terrible, looked at Yuan Taizuo coldly and said.

"Pingkang is upright, strong and strong, Yougangke, Xieyourouke, Shen Qiangangke, Gaomingrouke... Fight bravely, and lose your strength, I will show Your Majesty that my thousand-year-old Koguryo heritage is not inferior to the military family in the Central Plains... ..."

Yuan Taizuo looked at King Yingyang's reaction and his face became even more He left a few words, turned around and strode outside.

However, just after taking a few steps, King Yingyang's mocking voice sounded again.

"This also seems to be from the Central Plains. Although Jizi is the ancestor who created our civilization, he also migrated from the Central Plains..."

The mocking words sounded, causing the figure of Yuan Taizuo, who seemed to be walking boldly, to tremble, and then walked out quickly with a cold snort.

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