The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 93: It hurts, be honest

Yuan Taizuo strode out of King Yingyang's palace. Outside, a group of Goguryeo soldiers were quietly waiting there.

"Prepare everyone to meet the enemy..."

He spit out a word coldly, Yuan Taizuo got into the carriage, and a simple booklet appeared in his hand, but the characters 'Nine Changes' were written on it, which was sent by those noble families in the Sui Dynasty. I gave Fu Cailin the full version of the Cheats for the Nine Transformations of the Military Family, but I don't know when it came to Yuan Taizuo from Fu Cailin's hands.

The reason why Yuan Taizuo has ambitions is not without reason. Starting from his father's generation, the Yuan family has been the Moli branch of Goguryeo, and a few generations later, the Yuan family officially joined the Jizi school that has been handed down in this land. among.

This Yin and Shang period came to the Korean Peninsula. At that time, the hundreds of schools of thought had not yet been formed. The ancient scriptures were still popular in the Central Plains. Although most of the sages who learned from the ancient scriptures have been passed down in history, there are also some Something incredible has been passed down.

Jizi's thought was incorporated into the Confucian books in later generations, of which the Hongfan chapter belongs to Jizi. However, in the Yin and Shang periods, where did Confucianism come from?

On the Goguryeo side, the inheritance passed down by Jizi contains several mysteries such as Taoism, militaryism, and Legalism.

But these mysteries are all incomplete and tight. Therefore, since the Han Dynasty, although some people in Goguryeo borrowed the above things to strengthen Goguryeo, they are unsustainable to a certain extent.

It was not until after the Three Kingdoms that the Central Plains was chaotic. It was invaded by aliens for the first time, and some things that were originally secret were circulated. Only then did the people who got the inheritance of Jizi in this land know what they were missing. How powerful and terrifying.

This is also one of the reasons why the Yuan family, in addition to their ambitions, ignored their insistence on entering the Central Plains.

"Nine changes in the mysterious, but I don't know what Jizi's Hongfan Jiuchou should look like..."

In the carriage, Yuan Taizuo swayed his palm, and a trace of mysterious aura spread out. In front of him, above the short table, the paper, pen and inkstone, and then the jug, cup and saucer seemed to be constantly changing, not a formation that could be used to assist Attacks are turned into props that he uses, everything in the world is available, and objects have their properties, depending on their properties, to make arrangements for their own convenience.

A complex and admirable look appeared in Yuan Taizuo's eyes.

During the time when Jiu Bian was in hand, he had already integrated Jiu Bian into the inheritance left by Jizi. Unlike Fu Cailin, he was purely a military practitioner. In the hands of Yuan Taizuo, Jiu Bian was only a supplement to help him. Repaired the inheritance of Keizi.

Now, the nine transformations he performed were completely different from Fu Cailin's nine transformations. In other words, what he performed was not the nine transformations at all, but the inheritance of Jizi.

It's a pity that the nine transformations of the military family are already amazing, but they are still not enough for the inheritance of Jizi. Therefore, for the inheritance of Jizi, the repairs made by this exercise are almost insignificant.

Between the Han and Han dynasties, 90% of the schools of thought were merged into Confucianism, and there was a special chapter of Hongfan in the Shangshu that recorded Jizi's thoughts. Perhaps, if you can get the part of the inheritance of Jizi in Confucianism, you can repair most of it. The inheritance of the Jizi in his hand is even worse.

And even if the results are not as big as I thought, but from the perspective of the nine-transformation repair, it is obvious that the effect is definitely there, and there are definitely more than one hundred schools of thought that can repair the Jizi inheritance.

Although this road of repair is difficult, but in the inheritance of Jizi, it has been mentioned that it is a way to become immortal and become a saint, and it is the road to longevity.

For this, no matter how much you pay, what is there to do, so the Central Plains must be entered, even if it is the same as those alien races who once entered the Central Plains and then vanished, so Koguryo disappears at all costs.

Yuan Taizuo's eyes showed extreme greed, and his hand was slowly clenched.

"My lord, the city wall has arrived..."

Just when Yuan Taizuo was thinking about the inheritance of Jizi, the voice of a soldier came from outside.

"Follow me to the city wall..."

Yuan Taizuo opened the curtain of the carriage and walked out.

He strode towards the city wall, and a trace of gloom gathered in his eyes. This time, how comfortable it is to destroy the millions of troops in the Sui Dynasty. If it weren't for the **** Sui generals outside the city, now Goguryeo will probably be able to shake the hearts of the people, and then prepare to wait for the civil strife of the Sui Dynasty to enter the Central Plains at any time.

But now, everything has changed because of the guys outside the city, not to mention entering the Central Plains, Goguryeo even has to worry about being destroyed.

Without killing this Sui general outside the city, how could the people of Goguryeo be inspired again? How could it possibly happen that he would go to the Central Plains to search and repair the inheritance of the Hundred Masters of Jizi.

His eyes were gloomy, and a strange breath began to spread from Yuan Taizuo's body.

Pingxiang, Goguryeo soldiers, and even the heaven and earth inside and outside the city, the mountains, everything began to change with the breath of Yuan Taizuo.

Unlike Fu Cailin who turned everything into an army, at this moment, Yuan Taizuo seemed to have turned everything into chess pieces.

What Fu Cailin used to call swordsmanship was nothing more than using people to sharpen swords and swords to fight enemies, but now, Yuan Taizuo directly uses his own power to wield all things in the world.

Outside the city, Ling Tian, ​​who was studying how to integrate Zixia and Xiantian Body Refinement, suddenly stopped what he was doing. He raised his head and looked at Pingxiang City.

The super spiritual power brought by the improvement of the blood sea battle body allows Ling Tian to clearly feel the changes that have occurred in Pingxiang at this moment.

The feeling as if the whole world had turned into a chessboard, and then someone manipulated the chessboard to cover him and the tens of thousands of Sui troops was extremely strange, but Ling Tian knew that it was someone who was using his mind just as he used his mental power to integrate the Sui troops. Power integrates this world.

It sounds mysterious, but to put it bluntly, this can also be regarded as some kind of expression of the unity of nature and man.

However, the ordinary unity of heaven and man is that since I am this world, you and me are enemies of this world, and at this time, the unity of heaven and man in Pingxiang City is I It's not this side of the world, but if you are my enemy, I'll use this side of the world to beat you.

Very powerful spiritual power, if Ling Tian encountered such existences when he first came to this world, no, even if he encountered such existences when he was in Liaodong City, he would have to turn around and run away.

However, now, Ling Tian has further improved the blood sea combat body. To a certain extent, Ling Tian is now using the blood sea combat body more than the brand left by the overlord that he felt when he first learned this technique. The tyranny of this technique.

Under the kind of strength that even **** can break through, what is the world of servants in Pingxiang City?

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