The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 105: Entering Tokyo

Ning Daoqi's strength is different from that of Fu Cailin and Yuan Taizuo.

As a Taoist loose person, Ning Daoqi had a complete inheritance from the beginning. After decades of cultivation, Ning Daoqi himself had a very deep research on Taoist martial arts. According to the original work, he also learned from Cihang Jingzhai. The power of Buddhism and Taoism is mysterious.

In terms of martial arts alone, Ning Daoqi was much stronger than Yuan Taizuo and Fu Cailin.

Therefore, Ning Daoqi was able to use his mental power to influence Ling Tian at the beginning, and he was able to infiltrate Ling Tian's body by using the inner strength of the hidden needle in cotton by surprise.

However, even if Ning Daoqi was killed, he would never have imagined that Ling Tian's innate body training could be so powerful that he could ignore the internal force of his hidden needles and penetrate into his body, and he would never have imagined that Ling Tian's martial arts actually had such a near-magical cultivation technique as absorbing the stars. exist.

He clenched his fist, and then absorbed all the internal energy that Ning Daoqi had punched into his body, turning it into a fist and smashing it out fiercely.

The terrifying power shook and blasted out with the ferocity of the soldiers fighting bravely. At the same time, Ling Tian's spiritual power swept through, the blood of the soldiers, the Confucian grandeur contained in Jizi Nei's theory, and the Legalist who had just integrated into it with some features. The majesty and restraint all swept towards Ning Daoqi.

In an instant, Ning Daoqi's face changed suddenly, even Ning Daoqi felt threatened when facing Ling Tian's punch.

A little phantom flashed, and Ning Daoqi's hands quickly shot out in front of him, seemingly illusory, constantly intertwined between existence and non-existence, as if breaking the door of truth and falsehood, everything between Ning Daoqi and Ling Tian They all seemed erratic.

Most of Ling Tian's punches immediately dissipated without a trace, and he didn't know where it went.

Eight flutters...

Ling Tian's eyes were indifferent, but in his heart he recalled the description of Ning Daoqi's martial arts in the original book, the essence of which came from the top martial arts of Zhuangzi's South China Classic.

In the original book, Ning Daoqi and Fu Cailin were on the same level, but now that they had really fought against both of them, Ling Tian dared to say that Fu Cailin was by no means an enemy of Ning Daoqi, and even Fu Cailin was not worthy of being an opponent of Ning Daoqi.

The way of the virtual and the real is to elevate the martial arts to the point where the skills are close to the Tao.

However, at this very moment, Ling Tian's fists also changed.

Carefree and inaction, between existence and non-existence, swallowing existence and non-existence with non-existence...

The fist was indistinct, but it instantly produced a vortex-like power of absorption, and the power contained in Ning Daoqi's way of reality was suddenly absorbed.

"What kind of power is this?..."

A surprised voice came out of Ning Daoqi's mouth.

A shocking and inexplicable look appeared on the face of this Taoist sect, and Ning Daoqi's figure drifted backwards.

It was still the way of reality, but it was more obscure, and the figure that drove Ning Daoqi was also erratic. This Taoist scattered person was obviously full of great fear of Ling Tian's power at this time.

The fact is, if the mystery of the star-absorbing Dafa that was integrated before only absorbs the internal force that Ning Daoqi penetrated into Ling Tian's body, then the force of absorption that Ling Tian exerts at this moment can be combined with the mystery of the way of virtual reality. The top skills learned.

This is a kind of magic power that is not inferior to Sanshou Bapu at all, and in essence it is not inferior to the profound meaning in the South China Sutra.

"It's like Beiming, big boats and small boats are all loaded, big fish and small fish are not tolerated. This is called Beiming magic..."

Ling Tian slowly retracted his hand, looked at Ning Daoqi indifferently and said.

He has come all the way, constantly trying to integrate martial arts and martial arts. In this world, he has studied Confucianism, Taoism, military and other classics. He has a great understanding of the essence and meaning of each school. The influence of chemical martial arts, but it was Fu Zhi's heart that he promoted the Star Absorbing Dafa to another type of cultivation technique, a cultivation technique that had excellent effects whether it was absorbing internal force or absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth.

"Such talent, if you can..."

Ning Daoqi looked at Ling Tian with complicated eyes. At this moment, this Taoist sect no longer had any illusions about taking Ling Tian away, but he still subconsciously wanted to say two words of compassion.

"You really want to be with me forever..."

However, before the words came out, Ling Tian's eyes were already looking at him indifferently, and then Ning Daoqi's words stopped abruptly.

"Stones from other mountains can attack jade, and it's nothing to integrate a hundred schools of thought, but it's a Taoist school, but it's not free, driven by people, like a hawk dog, your martial arts, in fact, has taken a fork in the road..."

Looking at Ning Daoqi indifferently for a while, Ling Tian's figure swayed, and the man had returned to the carriage. The internal force fluctuated, and the spiritual power swept through. The unmanned carriage was dragged by the horses pulling the carriage and naturally trotted forward.

In the car window, Ling Tian picked up the book again and looked at Ning Daoqi, he was extremely unhappy. However, he was not at the point where he had to divide life and death. Besides, now he has made light work because of the use of all things. He has the ability to move almost instantaneously, but that's only near, it just looks like it, but in reality, he is still not as good as Ning Daoqi.

Therefore, if he wanted to kill Ning Daoqi, Ling Tian would never be able to kill Ning Daoqi in a hurry unless he chased after him in one breath and tried desperately to see who he or Ning Daoqi exhausted his inner strength first.

Ning Daoqi watched Ling Tian ride in the driverless carriage, passing by with a book in his arms, the expression on his face changed slightly, but in the end he sighed, then turned around and quickly retreated.

The wild road was winding, and Ning Daoqi's figure flashed for more than ten miles. A figure was waiting quietly on the wild road he was going It was a woman who looked like a fairy, at a glance, Not like a teenager, however, her appearance, temperament, and even the attitude of standing at random makes people not think about her age at all, and only has a deep feeling of being overwhelmed.

Looking at this figure, Ning Daoqi's eyes showed a strange look. The figure in front was the reason why he was driven by others, and he knew even more that the figure had entanglements with Song Que, Li Yuan, and even Yang Jian. This Taoist loose person is unable to let go.

"I will go directly to Beijing, that young man is really terrible, his talent..."

Soon, the figure in front of him was already close, and all the expressions in Ning Daoqi's eyes disappeared and were completely replaced by gentleness. He walked towards the figure and said slowly, at this moment, only this figure was left in Ning Daoqi's eyes. Besides, what Song Que? , what Li Yuan and the like have been temporarily put aside.

No matter how many people there are in your world, you are the only one in my world. Throughout the ages, the so-called infatuation is like this.

"The white horse has passed the gap, Liezi Yufeng..."

Inside the carriage, Ling Tian didn't think about Ning Daoqi anymore, but slowly covered the books in his hands, one of Zhuangzi and one of Liezi. He slowly figured out the two essences of the two books. He had a feeling that if he could These two essences are absorbed into his own martial arts, and his Qinggong will be greatly improved. At that time, if he meets Ning Daoqi again, if the latter is still so annoying, he can raise his hand to kill him.

Of course, it is not easy to absorb the essence out of thin air, at least with Ling Tian's talent, but he will soon be able to obtain the longevity formula. At that time, it will be easy to absorb the essence of Taoism with the supreme method of Taoism. many.

The carriage is lingering, and in front of you, a majestic city is in sight, Luoyang, has arrived.

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