I went out for a trip, and when I came back, I found that I didn't know how to code, and I felt something was wrong.

My apologies, let's just have two shifts today, the author will rest, and tomorrow will be the third shift, the author has not yet had any news about going to work, and will have to stay at home for a while, a brother said a few days ago. It makes sense, anyway, if you are idle at home, you are idle. It is better to have more code words, and you will be given a certain score.

He apologized again, saying that there is one more watch today, but the result is that the code is not available. It will be the fifth watch tomorrow. Then, the first order is 800, and the monthly ticket is over 100. It should be five tomorrow, so the day after tomorrow, it will also be five.

If the first order of the day after tomorrow reaches 900 (according to the strength of the brothers, it is estimated that the day after tomorrow will definitely reach 900, and we have to run to 1,000. To be honest, you are really good, and my ordering starting point is faster than ten to one. Yes, and then the bookstore is more powerful, with a total of more than 300 subscriptions, and you have given me more than 50 subscriptions, seven to one, but it's driving me bad), then the day after tomorrow, it will be five more.

The author gave up.

In the end, I still ask for support, subscriptions, recommendation tickets, anything. The author is not picky about food.

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