The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 189: Juggernaut arrives

First occupy the north and northwest, then go south to capture the capital of God, and then encounter the betrayal of Xiahui, and destroy Xiahui with one hand.

At this time, in Xia Rao's eyes, this is the behavior trajectory of Ling all the way.

These rumors gave Ling too much luck, but Ling was not satisfied with these.

Just when the rumors of the next meeting were about to be drowned out by all kinds of rumors on the rivers and lakes, Lingren was already outside Wushuang City. Immediately, while subduing the gang forces in several cities around Wushuang City, he captured Duguming and blocked Wushuang. city.

Rumors spread from Peerless City to the entire lower part of the city again.

Ling wanted to destroy Wushuang City, this was the original rumor, but as the rumor spread, it gradually became that Ling wanted to destroy all powerful forces, and then formed a unique force that belonged to him.

blockade, siege...

Ling was not in a hurry to attack Wushuang City. When it was rumored that a large amount of luck was obtained again, someone in Wushuang City had already sneaked out quickly, and then quickly went to an inaccessible place.

The person who sneaked out was covered by dozens of people. Ling could imagine where the person wanted to go. Nine times out of ten, it was the Juggernaut.

And this was exactly what Ling wanted.

Staying in a city not far from Peerless City, Ling kept his mental power open, while he was self-consciously comprehending his own martial arts, and by the way, he checked whether the luck obtained from time to time was enough to enhance the love of Qingcheng. .

He came to Wushuang City for Sword Twenty-three, but now Ling's strongest method is still the love of Qingcheng.

This is not only because Qingcheng Love should be stronger than Sword Twenty-Three, but also because now his Qingcheng Love has reached a certain level, and he wants to increase the upper limit of strength, so it is absolutely stupid to upgrade Sword Twenty-Three idea.

The reason why he wants Sword Twenty-Three is just for the power of the Primordial Spirit, to make up for his own deficiencies, not to rely on Sword Twenty-three to raise the upper limit of his strength.

After a few moments, the Sword Saint didn't wait. In Ling's mental power perception, it was the Demon Lord Bu Bai Suzhen who first arrived at the city where he was.

After arriving at the city, the Demon Lord lurked directly not far from him. This woman who was once jealous of God and shot was like a cunning hunter, lurking and staring at Ling.

Feeling the Demon Lord's behavior, Ling quickly guessed the Demon Lord's plan.

This woman wants to wait until the Juggernaut arrives, and then take advantage of him and the Juggernaut after the battle, so that she can take advantage of the fish.

Wanting to understand the devil's plan, Ling couldn't help but smiled.

Originally, a single demon master is definitely not weaker than him, especially the power of the primordial spirit such as the Six Degrees of Magic Art, which can directly hit his shortcomings. If one is bad, he may really be defeated by the demon master.

However, from the capital of God to here, and then, the blockade of Wushuang City spread out again, and the luck he obtained was millions and millions.

During this period of time, he not only took Love of Allure a step further, but also integrated his own martial arts again.

After this fusion, his martial arts improved a lot compared to before.

Even the seventh generation of Qingqing has many mysteries directly integrated into his martial arts when Zheng Zheng

Come on now, except for Qingqing VII and Qingcheng's love, his martial arts are only slightly inferior to the world-destroying demon body and the spirit-shifting art.

Ling had an intuition. With the sword twenty-three, perhaps his martial arts would surpass that of the God-Shifting Art and the World-Destroying Demon Body, and he would stick to the love of the city indefinitely. Moreover, because his martial arts combined with too many magical stunts.

Therefore, in terms of comprehensiveness, his martial arts will be better than Qingcheng's love.

It will be a kind of extreme balance, attack, defense, movement, etc. everything will reach a certain extreme balance.

Although his combined martial arts is not as good as Qingcheng's love in terms of attack power, his martial arts will become more and more perfect in terms of potential.

Even, maybe he doesn't need any Long Yuan or other magical powers, he can fuse the martial arts of immortality and immortality by himself.

With this thought in mind, after a few more passes, Ling harvested the luck and calculated that enough to comprehend Jian Twenty-three, while watching the Demon Lord vigilantly, finally, an incomparably sharp aura appeared in him. outside the city.

When Ling felt that breath, he immediately affirmed that this was the Sword Saint.

This Fengyun World is even more capable of representing the sword than Wuming. The old man has a kendo aura that is not inferior to Wuming, and is purer.

The sword itself is a weapon, a sharp weapon for killing. The so-called soldier of the gentleman, the so-called etiquette, the so-called temperament, etc. are only the swords that the latecomers put on the sword. In fact, the sword represents the sharpness in the weapon. .

The sword is domineering, the sword is fierce.

People in the world think that the lethality of a knife is stronger than that of a sword, and many things will be cut in two with one strike.

However, in fact, the lethality of the sword is not at all under the sword, or even stronger.

With a single strike, it is also possible that it is only a skin injury, and a stabbed with a sword must be a blood hole.

The knife is one-sided, and it is always safe for one's own side, for protection.

The sword, on the other hand, is a double-edged sword, and if it does not hurt others, it will hurt itself.

Therefore, using a sword is more decisive than using a knife.

Wuming is a sword. In fact, Wuming's sword has long since deviated from the sword itself, and has become a kind of spiritual power. In this stormy world, the sword of Dugu Sword is the real sword.

There is no so-called realm, the so-called spiritual power, only the sword, even if the life comes to the end, when the primordial spirit is out of the body, it will only be turned into a sword.

With one sword down, either the enemy will die or I will die.

This is a pure sword and a pure man.

Ling Ying stood with a faint smile on his face, and then the others disappeared from the room, and soon, Duguming, who had already pointed his acupuncture point, quickly walked towards the city gate.

Occupying several cities around Wushuang City, Ling subdued all the gangs in these cities, basically turning these cities into his own territory. After that, Ling formulated some rules, and then still let the gangs he subdued. manage instead of him.

Under the shroud of his spiritual power, those members of the gang were brutally beheaded by him at first, and then they quickly became honest, and the people of several cities who benefited from his rule also began to slowly surrender to him. .

In this way, these cities also began to steadily provide him with stable and continuous luck, although not much, so it was impossible for Ling to fight the Sword Saint in the city.

Carrying Duguming, Ling was already outside the city soon.

As soon as he arrived here, Ling saw an old man with white hair and beard, who seemed to be over a hundred years old.

The strongest simulator in the sky

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