Looking at the old man outside the city, Ling's eyes showed a trace of doubt.

Juggernaut Dugujian is the elder brother of Dugu. According to the age of Dugu, the age of Juggernaut will never exceed 70 years old, and even 60 years old may not be impossible.

As for martial arts, one does not dare to become younger with more practice. However, martial artists with strong martial arts are definitely more difficult to age than ordinary people.

It's a bit strange that this Juggernaut actually looks as old as Tsz.

Sword twenty-three, the sword of the primordial spirit, is it a sword technique that consumes vitality.

Such an idea emerged in Ling's mind.

If Jian Twenty-three is this kind of swordsmanship, then he would have lost money this time, because then he would need to consume more Qi to repair Jian Twenty-three.

With his current luck, I am afraid that it is not enough to repair Jian Twenty-three.

And the Demon Lord is right next to him. In order to fight against the Demon Lord, this sword of primordial spirit must be mastered by him. In this way, he seems to need to consume his lifespan or age to use the sword twenty-three.

This is Ling is not happy.

Or, just refer and don't fully learn...

Above the city wall, Ling's eyes narrowed slightly. In these few hours, he didn't just take down Duguming and did nothing. In addition to the love of Qingcheng, Wushuang City still has something, Wushuang Sword, Wushuang Finger, and Dragon Subduing Legs. Rare good stuff.

The Holy Spirit Swordsmanship of Dugu Sword and Sword Twenty-two are also backed up in Wushuang City.

Duguming had lost an arm by Ling before. Although he didn't know how Dugu or Wushuang's grandma used to grow his arm again, when facing Ling again, his fear was still to let Duguming think about all Ling. Everything you need to know is thrown out.

Therefore, Ling knew the Holy Spirit Sword Technique and Sword Twenty-two very well at this time.

The only thing that is unclear is whether he can detect the mystery of Jian Twenty-three by fighting with Dugu Jian.

Above the city wall, countless thoughts flashed in Ling's mind. Outside, Dugu Jian was not at all slow. This old man was a pure person, and he was as pure as a sword. He stood up and blinked in front of Ling.

The sharp and extremely sharp sword light immediately swept down towards Ling.

There is no mystery, the sword is the sword, and the sword qi is the sword qi.

It seems that this swordsmanship is not even comparable to those martial arts in the Tang Dynasty, but above the city wall, Ling's eyes have begun to change with the sword energy of Dugu Sword.

Horror, extremely gambling horror...

The sword of Dugu sword fell, and both the body of Ling Mieshi's demon body and the body with double defense of the first refining body felt a chill to the bones. It seemed that he might be split into two pieces by the sword of Dugu sword at any time.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ling shook his hand and carried Dugu Ming to the front, and like a shield, he moved towards the long sword of Dugu Sword.

Pure sword, pure swordsmanship...

With a knife, Ling's mental power quickly sensed the sword force and artistic conception of the Dugu Sword.

At this time, this sword is a move in the Holy Spirit Swordsmanship, which Ling has learned and practiced.

However, when the Dugu Sword was displayed, Ling discovered that in fact he had never understood the Holy Spirit Swordsmanship.

Duguming took it to the front, and the moon sword slashed out, and the sword of Dugujian suddenly retracted. Just as Ling guessed, Dugujian was concerned about Duguming.

The only descendants of the Dugu family in Wushuang City have a reason to have to save Dugu Jian, even if they risk their lives, they must be saved, because if they don't save, the Dugu family will end, and the Wushuang City will naturally disappear. net.

The sword stance was changing rapidly.

The Dugu Sword's long sword instantly turned into a whirlwind, stormy waves, turbulent waves... From different directions, from different angles, the sword beams swept towards Ling.

The Holy Spirit Swordsmanship was completely revived by the Dugu Swordsman, and the sharpness was still the same, but the position of those sharp edges and the strength of their attacks were simply inconceivable and terrifying.

Faced with such a sword situation, Ling had to admit that if there was no Dugu Ming in his hands, I am afraid that he could only use Qingcheng Love and Dugu Sword to fight to the death. Besides, he wanted to be normal with Dugu Sword. Let's learn from each other twice, that's a no-brainer.

However, as the sword power of the Dugu Sword continued, Ling's understanding of the Holy Spirit Swordsmanship also began to deepen.

Soon, Ling felt that he had completely comprehended this sword technique. Then, more secrets about this sword technique began to emerge. At the same time, the sword technique of Dugu Sword also began to change.

An extremely perfect change, just like Dugu Jian deliberately feeding Ling. At this time, the change in the sword's stance is just some kind of wonderful reaction after the Holy Spirit's swordsmanship has become immutable.

Starting from this sword, what Dugu Sword used was no longer the Holy Spirit Swordsmanship, but a whole new set of Swordsmanship.

Sword twenty-two...

Ling's eyes swayed slightly, he also got this sword from Duguming.

However, because he was not willing to consume his luck, he did not have a deep understanding of this sword. At this time, when he felt the change of sword intent on Dugu swordsman, he really knew how amazing this sword was. .

Sword power, ever-changing...

For a while, Ling almost thought that he would be shackled by Dugujian to break the shackles of Duguming.

Fortunately, Ling's martial arts had reached a certain level after all, so this did not happen after all.

However, Sword Twenty-two was soon finished.

All the sword stances dissipated in an instant, Dugu Jian stood on the city wall and looked at Ling very calmly.

"This is the Holy Spirit Sword Technique and Sword Twenty-two. You should have fully learned it. Next, if you don't let Ming, then I can only use Sword Twenty-three. You should be able to estimate the power of Sword Twenty-three... ...that sword may not kill you, but it will definitely hurt you both, and at the very last time, it can exchange my death for your serious injury, you can admit it..."

An indifferent voice spit out from the mouth of Dugujian~www.readwn.com~ Hearing his words, he was stunned for a moment, Dugujian actually knew that he was stealing the Holy Spirit Swordsmanship and Sword Twenty-two. Comprehending the sword power of Dugu Sword, he did not hide Dugu Sword in the slightest.

After all, this is a real world, and everyone is real and cannot be underestimated.

Sword Saint...

It is so simple to be able to be called holy by the sword.

Ling secretly smiled bitterly, he knew that he looked at Dugu Jian.

This Juggernaut never thought of relying on the sword to kill him and save Duguming. This pure Juggernaut may be pure in kendo, but he is not a reckless man. He wants to rescue Duguming through coercion. Solitary sound.

It's just that Ling hesitated for a while, whether it was satisfying to fully comprehend the Holy Spirit Swordsmanship and Sword Twenty-two, or to take the risk and continue to acquire Sword Twenty-three.

The strongest simulator in the sky

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