The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 200: Undestructed Temple of Lan Nuo

Ling Tian had been aware that he had fallen into someone else's layout since before, and he was also considered a part of the layout.

This is not terrible for Ling Tian. After a few worlds, Ling Tian is used to being calculated. The only thing is, who does not know who this layout is, that kind of feeling like being stared at by a poisonous snake in the dark. is the most terrifying.

At this time, no matter how strong the phantom was, but clearly standing up to the face, Ling Tian didn't have much fear.

"What do you want me to do..."

Ling Tian looked at the phantom coldly and said.

Ling Tian had already confirmed that he was being used for layout, and now, he has confirmed that the layout builder is sure to take his trump card, which is the phantom in front of him. At this moment, Ling Tian's mood has completely relaxed.

The worries were all gone. At this moment, Ling Tian was rather interested to see what was going on between the Seventh Prince and these sects.

It's natural that everyone who **** can cultivate Ling Tian doesn't believe it.

Everyone can practice cultivation. It sounds like it will strengthen the country, but in fact it is not conducive to governance.

In any dynasty, as long as there is such a little bit of selfishness, it is impossible for everyone in the entire country to cultivate.

"You don't need to know that much, just listen to what I do, otherwise, I'm sure you won't be able to live..."

The phantom's voice dissipated indifferently, and immediately, the phantom began to slowly disappear in front of Ling Tian's eyes.

"Go ahead, enter Guobei County, and then go to Lan Nuo Temple..."

The indifferent voice slowly dissipated in his ears.

Ling Tian was stunned for a moment, then walked forward with a smile.

Guobei County.

This is indeed famous. It seems that countless immortal seekers are enlightened by Jiu Shu, and then Guobei County is used as an advanced school.

That Yan Chixia is not inferior to Ninth Uncle's advanced tutor.

However, for the current Ling Tian, ​​Guobei County is more of a troubled place, a real troubled place.

The tree demon, Heishan, Yan Chixia, these are nothing, the ones that follow are the ones that make Ling Tian desperate at any time.

The people of the seventh prince, the people of the sect...

This pitiful Liaozhai world.

Ling Tian cursed to himself, fortunately, his lifespan has been greatly extended now, otherwise, the task of reshaping the Three Realms would really make him die of old age in this world.

The timeline of this world has obviously not reached the level of the world of A Chinese Ghost Story.

Ling Tian went all the way to the south. Although the scene on the road was not prosperous, it was far from exaggerated as in A Chinese Ghost Story. At least, even some towns were still lively, and it gave people a sense of orderliness. a feeling of.

On the street, you can even see the patrolling catchers.

Ling Tian's speed in this environment was also a little faster out of thin air. After a few days, he had already entered the border of Guobei County. In the past few days, Ling Tian had not encountered a single sect's pursuer.

Under this circumstance, Ling Tian had a new understanding of the strength of the seventh prince in his heart.

Those sects are afraid that they are definitely not the opponents of the Seventh Prince, and the so-called cultivation of everyone by the Seventh Prince was really just a ridiculous excuse.

There must be some unknown reason for the fight between the seventh prince and the sect.

It's a pity that Ling Tian can't know what it is right now.

Slowly entering Guobei County, Ling Tian quickly inquired about the location of Lan Nuo Temple.

At this time, Lan Nuo Temple was not a ghost in a Chinese Ghost Story, but a rather famous temple.

Ling Tian followed the road and quickly entered the forest where the Lan Nuo Temple was located.

The lush mountain forest separates the temple from the county seat. However, the road from the county seat to the temple does not appear to be desolate, and there is no wolf who almost chased Ning Caichen in the original novel.

A quiet mountain road stretches up from the foot of the mountain, with bluestone steps paving the way, until it reaches the looming temple in the forest.

Ling Tian walked up slowly, and soon arrived at this temple.

The quiet temple was silent at this time, the gate was tightly closed, Ling Tian arrived at the gate of the temple, he didn't know what to do, whether to knock on the door or leave, when suddenly, the voice of the phantom sounded out of thin air in Ling Tian's ears.

"Knock on the door..."

The extremely deep voice seemed to sound directly in Ling Tian's mind.

The phantom seemed to have turned into some kind of mosquito and ants and hid deep in Ling Tian's ears, giving people a shuddering feeling.

Ling Tian stood at the gate of the temple, his eyes suddenly showing horror, but then he reached out and knocked on the gate of the temple very calmly.

At this time, Ling Tian knew very well that no matter what he did, there was no way to deal with that phantom for the time being, so it would be better to do as phantom said for the time being.

There was a low knock on the door, and then it slowly floated towards the temple.

However, apart from this sound, there is no other sound. The temple is still quiet, but it seems that there is no one inside.

"Knock again... keep knocking..."

The voice of the virtual shadow continued, Ling Tian did not hesitate at all, and his outstretched hand kept knocking on the door.

The sound of knocking on the door dissipated.

Most of the temples were suddenly enveloped in the sound of knocking on the door.

Finally, in the depths of the temple, the sound of hurried footsteps rang out.

Standing at the gate, Ling Tian could even hear the footsteps of the master who was not only hurried, but also very angry.

Undoubtedly, the way he knocked on the door greatly angered others, and if he wanted to, he would be very unhappy if it were Ling Tian himself being knocked on the door like this.

"As I said, this temple will not accept pilgrims for the time being..."

With a hint of impatience, the door was opened, and a monk appeared in front of Ling Tian.

"It's really hot..."

However, in the next second, the monk looked at Ling Tian but said without a word.

"Who are you and how did you come here..."

Looking at Ling Tian, ​​the monk was surprised at first, and then became extremely vigilant. He stared at Ling Tian and asked.

It can be seen that the monk feels that it is impossible for the pie to fall in the sky. If it falls, it must be a trap. However, looking at Ling Tian, ​​or watching the so-called real fire appear in front of him, the monk can't help it. That attraction.

The phantom let Ling Tian come here, no doubt because this monk needs real fire.

And nine times out of ten, the phantom wants to deal with the monk.

However, at this time, the virtual shadow didn't give Ling Tian any hints, and he didn't know if he was there, or he didn't dare to make a sound for fear of being discovered by the monk.

However, there is no doubt that Ling Tian must find a way to enter the temple. Otherwise, he is afraid that after the monk leaves and Ling Tian is rejected, the phantom will immediately attack Ling Tian.

"What is real fire..."

With a hint of doubt and confusion on his face, Ling Tian looked at the monk and said.

True fire, this is in the fire control secret book, but Ling Tian really doesn't know what true fire is.

Originally, he only thought that it was a flame that could burn a lot of things, a flame of a higher level than ordinary flames, but now it seems that this real fire is obviously much more than that simple.

There must be a lot of things missing from the secret book that the seventh prince gave him.

Come to think of it, who would give a very precious secret book to others at will, even if it is a savior, or even if it is someone they want to use.

Now, if Ling Tian wants to save himself, he might as well disguise himself, so as to find out what the real fire means.

"You, you don't know it's really hot..."

The monk looked at Ling Tian, ​​and he could naturally see that Ling Tian's doubts about Zhen Huo were real.

This made the monk's suspicions about Ling Tian much less, and the greed in his heart immediately increased a lot.

"I don't know, I know fire control, but my fire control was cultivated from a fire control cheat book, and I really don't know what real fire is..."

Ling Tian spoke very sincerely.

While speaking, Ling Tian looked at the monk again and made an apologetic gesture.

"I was in a hurry to knock on the door just now. However, it is purely due to the weather. If the master is really inconvenient, please borrow an umbrella. He will return it in time when the weather is sunny..."

Ling Tian pointed to the sky, which was also a coincidence. Today's weather itself is not good. At this moment, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and it looks like it is about to rain.


The monk hesitated slightly when he saw Ling Tian's reaction.

"It's going to rain, the donor might as well go to the temple to take shelter from the rain..."

Finally, after hesitating, the monk opened the gate of the temple and made a gesture of invitation to Ling Tian.

The temple was peaceful and quiet, Ling Tian also hesitated for a while, and then lifted his foot and stepped into the temple.

Xuying asked him to come to the temple, and when the monk appeared in the temple, he immediately pretended to be deaf. Obviously, Xuying must have some conspiracy or something.

This step into the temple, waiting for Ling Tian may be involved in some kind of battle between dragons and tigers.

However, if you don't go in, it's just as dangerous.

Ling Tian compared the pros and cons, and finally stepped into the temple.

As he took a step forward, traces of gloomy aura began to entangle around Ling Tian. Those auras were extremely strange and had no lethal power in themselves, but they continued to entangle like spider silk.

Ling Tian frowned slightly, the hot aura in his body immediately felt a sensation, and then, very naturally, those hot auras began to burn.

Those gloomy auras wrapped around Ling Tian's body began to melt away.

"Really, really...really hot..."

The monk walking beside Ling Tian kept an eye on Ling Tian, ​​and when he saw the scorching aura in Ling Tian's body burning those gloomy auras, he immediately shouted with joy.

"Go, go, follow me to save the master and the others..."

With a shout of incomparable ecstasy, the monk grabbed Ling Tian's sleeve and headed towards the depths of the temple.

Ling Tian was pulled by the monk, and his figure quickly moved towards the back of the temple. Soon, after passing through the corridors of the temples, Ling Tian had been pulled by the monk to the rear of the temple, and the meditation rooms were lined up in a row.

Ling Tian was quickly pulled by the little monk to the door of a huge open shop. Just when he arrived here, Ling Tian was immediately shocked by what he saw.

Inside the huge pavilion, countless monks were sitting cross-legged at this time, one by one like an Arhat, or elongated their ears, or elongated their eyebrows, or elongated their arms and legs...

Except for the Arhats like subduing dragons and fending tigers, basically all the physical features can be seen here.

Not only his appearance, but his breath is also full of the sacredness of Buddhism and the strength of Arhat.

"The little monk asks the benefactor to extend a helping hand and save the whole of the temple..."

The monk's pleading voice sounded.

Ling Tian was standing at the gate of Tongpu, before he had time to say anything, suddenly, an erratic aura gushed out from behind Ling Tian.

"Shadow...Shadow, Shadow...Demon..."

A terrified voice suddenly sounded, and the figure of the monk staggered back into the pavilion, and in the pavilion, all the old monks opened their eyes one after another.

It's just that even though each of these old monks looks like an Arhat, and has the aura and might of an Arhat, they are obviously already in some kind of trouble. Even if they open their eyes at this time, they feel extremely weak.

"You, you are really lucky, this little guy has indeed cultivated a real fire that can help you. Originally, the seventh prince simply wanted to use his possession of the real fire secret book to attract people from the sect. Who would have thought, He actually cultivated into a real fire, able to rescue all of you...or a real fire refined..."

The voice of the ghost sounded slowly.

Ling Tian stood at the door of Tongpu, a wry smile appeared in his heart, co-writing with the Seventh Prince, at first, there was no date or no date to take a shot.

The reason why he cared more and more about him later and made him part of the layout was purely because his cultivation speed was too powerful.

It was so easy for him to be majestic, to comprehend by himself a magical skill that absolutely few people understand, and to bring about such an innocent disaster. Sure enough, he still needs to cheat.

Ling Tian thought to himself silently, his eyes swept around.

He can't save this temple, and he can't beat the phantom, so now he just wants to see if there is a chance to escape when the phantom fights with those Temple, in the future The rampage of the ghosts is extremely terrifying, but, at this moment, Ling Tian glanced over, this extremely quiet Lan Nuo Temple was as dangerous as death.

Those monks arranged the temple so well that Ling Tian could clearly feel that the temple was packed with so many formations that he would definitely not be able to rush out for a while.

And even if the virtual shadow joins the group of old monks first, he can definitely turn around and catch up with him who didn't lead the way, but broke through alone.

"Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000..."

"Congratulations to the host for getting 230,000..."


At this moment, the system mechanical prompt sounded suddenly.

Ling Tian was stunned for a moment at the sudden fame, and the next second, he suddenly saw many old monks in the shop who were surprised, admired, praised... and so on.

Those reputations... come from these old monks, no, not these, but only a dozen or twenty at most.

Who are these people, and each of them can provide so much fame.

Ling Tian only felt that he had seen something very secret for a while.

At this time, the phantom's wild laughter had already erupted.

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