The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 201: BOSS with leveling

The phantom's laughter was also harsh.

It carries a kind of extreme evil, which makes people know that it is definitely not something fun.

However, listening to this smile at this moment, Ling Tian's eyes slowly revealed a smile.

In just a dozen or so breaths, after the phantom said two or three sentences, he had already gained nearly a million luck.

In this world of Liaozhai as the background, it is not that there is no way to obtain luck, but in this world, the acquisition of luck is not based on the number of views, but on the quality.

One trip to this world is more than a dozen trips compared to other worlds.

Millions, not much.

But for the current Ling Tian, ​​it is of little use. Starting from the world of wind and clouds, Ling Tian's improvement in any martial arts is no longer something that can be done by more than one million, and the last time is several million.

The more than one million fire control skills obtained in this world are not enough to even get started.

Even if the current millions are added in, the luck of nearly 3 million is still not enough to get started.

Therefore, Ling Tian was not in a hurry to use the more than one million yuan of luck. He stood quietly outside the pavilion, carefully retreated a little distance, and then indifferently watched the phantom swept straight into the pavilion.

The invisible force suddenly expanded, and then quickly contracted.

As if being wrapped by an invisible barrier, Ling Tian stood in the distance and shuddered slightly when he looked at the shop. It was obviously a masonry building, but it burst like a balloon.

Immediately, everything started to calm down.

The phantom floated out from the shop, flickered twice before disappearing without a trace.

"Next stop, Jinhua Mansion... Liuru Judge's Temple..."

The indifferent voice sounded in the next second, and the ghost was obviously hiding by Ling Tian's side again.

However, Ling Tian can confirm that the virtual shadow has definitely been injured.

This thing is not the kind of person who likes to reveal his existence casually. The reason why it flickered twice before disappearing just now was not to let Ling Tian see its existence, but because it was also visited by those old monks at that time. He was injured by the counterattack before he died, so he couldn't hide his tracks directly.


I was sure that the ghost was injured, but Ling Tian's expression did not change at all.

I don't know what this phantom is, nor how strong it is. Even if Lingtian is injured, he is not sure that he will be able to win. Moreover, the operation of this phantom on Lan Nuo Temple has given Ling Tian the opportunity to win. Lots of luck.

In this case, it is better to accompany the virtual shadow and continue to walk on and have a look.

Anyway, the luck accumulated there will not expire. When the virtual shadow wants to shoot Ling Tian one day, he can use up all the luck to improve his own strength in the blink of an eye.

Guobei County itself was within the Jinhua Mansion, so Ling Tian didn't waste much time going to the Jinhua Mansion.

In the evening of the next day, Ling Tianren had already appeared on the streets of Jinhua Mansion.

During this time period, when the world was not in complete chaos, Jinhua Mansion, as a government city, was even more prosperous. The streets were full of peacetime scenes, with people coming and going, flowing like weaving.

After Ling Tian entered the city, he walked for more than 50 kilometers before reaching a smoky hillside.

The surroundings of this hillside are extremely peaceful, and the nearest houses are also dozens of meters away from the hillside. It can be said that this hillside is like a wilderness isolated from the city.

Ling Tian just glanced at it indifferently and could feel that this hillside was even more mysterious than Lan Nuo Temple.

It's just that Ling Tian won't look back when he gets here.

He stepped up, passed a group of pedestrians, and soon reached a temple on the hillside.

Arriving at the gate of the temple, Ling Tian immediately saw the plaque erected there and the gate of the temple. This place really only enshrines a judge.

However, Ling Tian did not underestimate this place in the slightest.

Judges do not belong to a high-level existence among the yin gods. Generally speaking, judgments rely on the main yin gods such as the city god, and this judge can have an independent temple, and the location of this temple is even more. So amazing, it has clearly represented its extraordinary.

Before Ling Tian strode to the temple of the judge, unlike Lan Nuo Temple, the temple did not close its doors to refuse visitors. When Ling Tian arrived at the door, he could still see many pilgrims burning incense and worshipping the gods.

And also different from Lan Nuo Temple, at the entrance of this temple, the virtual shadow did not give any opinions or words.

Ling Tian secretly guessed that the existence in this temple should be stronger than that of Lan Nuo Temple. Therefore, when Lan Nuo Temple was in Lan Nuo Temple, the ghost still dared to speak outside the temple gate, but here, the ghost even outside the temple. Has not dared to speak.

Ling Tian still didn't ask much, he slowly stepped into the temple.

In the next second, a weak force fluctuated, Ling Tian raised his head, and immediately collided with an old man with an ordinary appearance and an extremely ordinary temperament.

This is obviously a temple blessing, and he is obviously wearing special clothes that are different from ordinary people, and there are strange runes on it.

When Ling Tian looked over, although the old man's eyes were extremely calm, Ling Tian felt that the entire temple trembled slightly.

It seems to be an ordinary shock, but, with the shock of the temple, this side of the world seems to have a feeling of independence, as if, at that moment, the temple is completely controlled by some existence in the temple, even if the world is completely independent. Can't affect here.

This is the real power. Compared to the existence in this temple, the Sword Intent Domain of Sword Immortal is a joke.

Ling Tian thought to himself, but the figure still walked in slowly.

"I am afraid that the guest and I have no relationship... The judge probably won't want to accept the incense offering of the guest..."

Walking towards Ling Tian, ​​the old man spoke slowly.

When these words sounded, an invisible and intangible force suddenly squeezed towards Ling Tian, ​​the feeling of suffocation instantly enveloped Ling Tian, ​​and the power in Ling Tian's body was slightly stagnant, there was a kind of The feeling of being unable to resist this power, Ling Tian was directly suppressed under the silent attack of the old man without even figuring out how the old man attacked.

Terrible, terrifying...

Ling Tian suddenly understood why Xu Ying didn't dare to speak at the gate of this temple.

With incomparable horror, Ling Tian's figure quickly retreated to the back.

His speed was extremely fast, and he reached the gate of the temple in the blink of an eye, but at this moment, Ling Tian felt a strange power pour into his body again.

Like a volcanic eruption, it exploded, and the surface of the celestial body was covered with violent flames.

In the temple, screams rang out, and the pilgrims who had been burning incense and worshipping the gods were panicked, and the power that enveloped Ling Tian was burnt out in the flames.

Ling Kong exhaled two big breaths, he didn't think about what to do next, the breath came in because of the phantom, and now, the flames burned away the old man's suppression, Ling Tian wanted to leave immediately, but he didn't know the phantom. How will the shadow react.

"It's really hot..."

At this time, the old man's voice was low and hoarse.

Ling Tian was facing the old man, and he could clearly see that his eyes began to light up as the old man spit out the word "True Fire".

Well, obviously this real fire is really not an ordinary thing, both the Lan Nuo Temple and this temple have great thoughts about it.

"Who sent you here..."

His eyes lit up, but the old man's voice became stern, or, it was no longer stern, but some kind of beast that opened his intelligence and saw the meat placed in the trap, or saw it after being hungry for a few days.

Therefore, even if he knew that it was a trap, he was reluctant to eat meat, which resulted in a tyrannical mood.

With a hoarse roar, the power of the old man began to materialize. This time, Ling Tian could clearly feel that a force spread from the old man, and then the power quickly covered the entire temple.

Ling Tian was entangled by this power with almost no reaction.

The good thing is that the real fire is still burning at the moment, so the power has been burned by the real fire very quickly, but, when the real fire is burning, the old man is still surging. The power poured towards Ling Tian.

It is like a waste incineration plant. No matter how strong the flame is, the continuous flow of garbage makes the flame always bound within a certain range, and even tends to be suppressed.

Ling Tian felt the surging power of the old man, and felt uneasy in his heart.

This real fire is not endless. In fact, real fire is also consumed.

That consumption usually does not show mountains and does not leak water, but over time, when the consumption is revealed, it will definitely be a disaster-like scene. Maybe Ling Tian will directly run out of energy until the oil runs out and the lights are dead.

However, at this moment, it is no longer up to Ling Tian to decide whether to continue the burning.

The power of the old man was endless, and, extremely violent, Ling Tian could be 100% sure that once he dissipated the real fire, the power of the old man would instantly crush him into a meat pie.

Under this circumstance, no matter how uneasy Ling Tian felt, he could only support it hard.

However, with the passage of time, the energy of the old man was still instilled uninterruptedly, but Ling Tian's true fire had already begun to falter.

The flame that was boiling on the surface of the body even began to shrink infinitely, and it seemed that it had been directly pressed against the surface of the body, and it would be directly extinguished by the energy of the old man in the next second.

Feeling that the old man still had no energy to stop, Ling Tian felt a little hesitation in his heart. He was sure that the virtual shadow would not let him be suppressed to death like this, and the virtual shadow would definitely make a move.

However, once the real fire was really extinguished by the energy of the old man, it would also be a great damage to Ling Tian.

True Fire, although it came from cultivation, but when the results of cultivation were achieved, True Fire and Ling Tian's energy were already entangled, and when the True Fire was extinguished, Ling Tian's energy source would also be shaken.

"Unfortunately, unfortunately..."

With a hint of regret, the old man kept chattering. At this time, the old man seemed to have no other extra thoughts, but it was a pity that Ling Tian's real fire was so useless.

With this chatter, the energy in the old man's body did not stop at all, but instead accelerated the output speed, as if it could no longer be output at that moment at night.

"Real fire refining the gods, it's very good, it's very enjoyable, why don't you come back and feel more enjoyable..."

At this time, the voice of the virtual shadow sounded again, in Ling Tian's tone, it sounded as if Ling Tian said those words.

This phantom may not be able to absolutely surpass the old man in terms of strength, but its hidden ability is absolutely unparalleled in the world.

As the phantom opened his mouth, an invisible and intangible force poured into Ling Tian's body again, and the terrifying force spread out. Soon, Ling Tian's already withered energy was filled up. Then, the real fire that was about to be extinguished began. Boil up.

The violent flames rose, instantly burning all the surrounding energy belonging to the old man.

It seems that Ling Tian is suppressing the old man in turn, but, after careful feeling, you can feel that this flame is purely a reflection of light.

By this time, Ling Tian had truly entered a situation where the fuel was exhausted.

The strength of the old man is extremely strong, except that he did not notice the existence of the phantom, he would not misunderstand others. He glanced at Ling Tian indifferently. Output The boiling flame, after the energy of the old man has been infused, sounds like a charcoal fire poured by cold water, and the flame shrinks directly and completely, becoming even smaller than before.

However, at this time, Ling Tian seemed to have already started to work hard, and the flame was small, but he persisted in not going out.

No matter how violent and overwhelming the old man's energy was, Ling Tian's flame was just guarding his place, insisting that it would not go out.

Moreover, at this time, the flames no longer burned the energy of the old man, just to prevent the energy of the old man from hurting Ling Tian's body, but it did not burn any energy.

"It's also a bit of a talent..."

A cold snort came out of the old man's nose, the energy began to spread out, and then turned into different means and started frantically trying to pry Ling Tian's flames apart.

The flame compressed to an extremely small size was attached to Ling Tian's body, as if it was integrated with Ling Tian. No matter how hard the old man tried, there was no intention of being pryed open.

"Congratulations to the host, I got 20,000..."

"Congratulations to the host, getting fifty thousand..."


At this time, the system's mechanical prompt sounded again. Ling Tian, ​​who was being used as a puppet by the virtual shadow and didn't know what trap to dig for the old man, was slightly shocked. This time, when he met this old man, Ling Tian thought he would get nothing, no Get luck again.

Who would have thought it would turn around.

He glanced around slightly, and soon found some clues. It turned out that there was not only an extraordinary existence of the old man in this temple, but there were also some extraordinary existences that were far inferior to the old man in those corners, but also extraordinary existences were hidden.

This discovery made Ling Tian in a good mood. At the moment, no matter what kind of hole the ghost wanted to dig, Ling Tian just listened to the luck harvest numbers prompted by the system.

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