The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 207: Back to Guobei County

Such a picture could have been a coincidence.

However, when Ling Tian saw the words on the picture clearly, his body trembled slightly.

On it, the three characters Cao Donghua were written, which was the name of Ling Tian in his first life, his name when he was on Earth, and also Ling Tian's real name.

what on earth is it……

Ling Tian's figure moved, he was already in front of Nie Xiaoqian, he stretched out his arms and took all the objects into his hands.

The county magistrate's letter of appointment, the picture to prove his identity.

Everything proved that this belonged to Ling Tian.

However, Ling Tian was certain that he was definitely not a county magistrate, and he had never participated in any imperial examinations.

"You are actually the county magistrate..."

Next to him, Nie Xiaoqian's slightly surprised voice sounded.

Ling Tian woke up suddenly, Guobei County, Nie Xiaoqian, Lan Nuo Temple...

Although I don't know why the name of his first life appeared, there is no doubt that this incident must have something to do with Nie Xiaoqian. A Chinese Ghost Story, without Lan Nuo Temple, how could it be called a Chinese Ghost Story.

So, the final thing must have something to do with Nie Xiaoqian.

"I'm actually the county magistrate..."

Slightly stunned, Ling Tian looked at the object in his hand with a look of doubt and confusion on his face.

After saying this, he looked at Nie Xiaoqian and the others.

"Am I really the magistrate? Then do I need to take office?"

Ling Tian's eyes showed a trace of bitterness in the extremely confused words.

Now, he already knows Nie Xiaoqian very well. This woman is the kind of good-natured person with a knife mouth and a tofu heart. When she can help others, she will do her best to help.

"What are you thinking, how can you not go to any office after finally relying on the county magistrate... Besides, you still owe us so much money, so you must go to office, we will accompany you, and leave when you pay off the money you owe us... …”

Nie Xiaoqian spoke fiercely.

Before the words fell, Ling Tian had already shouted towards the surroundings without waiting for Ling Tian to respond.

"Let's sail, and prepare to go to Guobei County..."

Following Nie Xiaoqian's shouting, the boat quickly left the shore and headed downstream.

Guobei County, located in the south, is also a place with dense waterways. However, it is still impossible for boats to reach it directly, so everyone disembarked when it was two days away from Guobei County.

All the way south, the doubts in Ling Tian's heart not only did not decrease, but began to increase even more.

Previously, Nie Xiaoqian showed her yin attribute power at night. Originally, that night, Ling Tian almost asked something out of the mouth of the man with a breath similar to Nie Xiaoqian's.

But, unfortunately, the sky was getting brighter quickly, so Ling Tian couldn't ask anything.

Originally, Ling Tian thought that he only needed to wait until the next night to know everything, but, unfortunately, when another night came, the man did not once again become an existence with an aura similar to Nie Xiaoqian.

Leaving the boat and going ashore, Ling Tian set foot on the road to Guobei County again, but the more he walked, the more horrified he became.

Guobei County, he came here not long ago. At that time, Guobei County was still the scene of Jiangnan water town. However, when he came back here this time, he had not yet reached the territory of Guobei County. Landscape of the northern desert.

The yellow sand filled the sky, and the wind swept through. What I saw when I looked up were basically barren mountains and ridges, and I couldn't see even a shred of green.

And as we approached Guobei County, the situation became more serious.

However, when he reached the outskirts of Guobei County, Ling Tian was taken aback again. The mountain forest on the side of Guobei County, where Lannuo Temple is located, was completely different from that around Guobei County. The next time it came, it was even denser.

What exactly happened here...

Did the death of those monks bring about such a big change...

Ling Tian's heart was filled with doubts for a while, and in the middle of this doubt, Ling Tian finally entered the county seat of Guobei County, but the changes in the city were equally huge, and the bustling streets had long since disappeared.

At this time, there were still people coming and going on the street, but those who came and went were all wicked people with knives and swords in their hands.

Not long after Ling Tian, ​​Nie Xiaoqian and the others entered Guobei County, their surroundings were already densely packed with men of various colors holding weapons.

Each of these people stared at Nie Xiaoqian and every woman in Nie Xiaoqian's team with extremely disgusting eyes.

Nie Xiaoqian is an opera singer, and the women in her team are also opera singers. I can't say how beautiful they are, but all of them are very curvaceous.

These obviously attracted those villains greatly.

"Little white face, I bought your woman..."

Finally, a man in the crowd squeezed out to look at Ling Tian and said sharply.

While speaking, the man didn't wait for Ling Tian to respond, he had already reached out and grabbed Nie Xiaoqian.

With Ling Tian's strength, he would naturally be able to take down this man by raising his hand, but since Nie Xiaoqian went crazy that night, Nie Xiaoqian never showed any abnormal aura during this time, Ling Tian was also guessing what happened to Nie Xiaoqian. how is it.

At the moment, Ling Tian didn't rush to shoot, but waited patiently for the man to reach out and grab Nie Xiaoqian.

"Buy your M..."

However, what Ling Tian didn't expect was that the man's hand was stretched out. Suddenly Nie Xiaoqian's arm was raised, and two daggers flashing with cold light quickly slashed out, while the man was stunned for a moment, it was like peeling skin. The sleeve on the man's outstretched arm was cut into pieces like butterflies.

The fragments flying all over the sky, the man didn't even react, and when countless fragments of his sleeves flew, the man's bald arms were even stiff in the air.

In an instant, the surrounding people scattered violently. At this moment, even the fools could see that Nie Xiaoqian was a master.

Ling Tian's eyes also widened slightly.

Nie Xiaoqian's hand is not worth mentioning to him, but in the ordinary arena of this world, it can already be regarded as a master.

"Good skills, good skills, I wonder if you would be interested in coming up for a drink..."

As the crowd dispersed, there was a faint laughing voice from the small building on the side.

This Guobei County is different from the small rural village in the movie. This is a huge city. In fact, the third part also shows some of the features of Guobei County. It is definitely not just a few small earthen houses. broken place.

Here, there are quite a few pavilions, among which there are naturally restaurants.

At this time, the boy who spoke was sitting on the third floor of a restaurant next to him, looking at Nie Xiaoqian from the open window and said.

"The girl came here because of the opportunity, but that opportunity is not something that ordinary martial arts can obtain. If the girl is interested, it is better to come with us..."

The boy at the window looked at Nie Xiaoqian and spoke again.

This young man was sitting by the window, with a handsome face, white clothes better than snow, with a folding fan in his hand, but he looked like a filthy young master.

It's just that Nie Xiaoqian obviously doesn't like things like Young Master Zhuo Shijia.


Glancing coldly, Nie Xiaoqian roared in a deep voice.

This woman may be kind-hearted, but after working abroad for many years, she has already understood what kind of camouflage she needs to be strong outside.

"Enough strength, but eyes are not good, do you think you can be safe with those people around you? This is a joke..."

On the third floor, the boy's face turned cold after being yelled at by Nie Xiaoqian. Suddenly, his arm trembled slightly. In an instant, a whistling sound rang out in the sky, and countless chopsticks seemed to be arrows, shrouding Ling Tian and the others below. .

Each of those chopsticks had an extremely dull energy, but they accurately found Ling Tian and the others except Nie Xiaoqian.

The man on the third floor is obviously a great expert.

But, looking at the chopsticks falling from the sky, Ling Tian helplessly shook his head, and then his arm shook slightly.

Ling Tian didn't think Nie Xiaoqian could stop the chopsticks that filled the sky. He wanted to force Nie Xiaoqian through some things to see if he could force Nie Xiaoqian's yin-like state out.

However, Ling Tian just wanted to force it, not really let Nie Xiaoqian and the people in Nie Xiaoqian's team die.

The flickering cold light quickly volleyed into the sky, and it seemed that a sharp sword was swung up quickly, covering all the chopsticks thrown from the third floor.

"It turned out to be a bit skilled, no wonder..."

At the window on the third floor, the young man saw a strange smile on Ling Tian's face. As soon as his figure moved slightly, he seemed to want to jump down and do it, but just as he moved, a hand suddenly pressed on him. on his shoulder.

"This brother of mine is not very sensible, so please forgive me for the offense..."

At the window, another young man appeared, then looked at Ling Tian and the others below indifferently and said.

"Human life is at stake, and the legal network is in full swing. I hope your friends will pay attention in the future..."

Ling Tian looked at the third floor coldly. Originally, after blocking the chopsticks, Ling Tian had already wanted to shoot those teenagers who threw the chopsticks. However, the appearance of the second teenager made Ling Tian feel a little bit. The perception spread out immediately, and suddenly, I felt a strange breath.

The young man who appeared the second had an aura that was completely different from that of sects and demons.

Not a master of the sect, nor a demon, nor the **** of those sects, this young man has a completely different aura of power.

It's very strange, but it also contains some kind of heaven and earth principle. It feels like that breath, Nie Xiaoqian's yin attribute, and his real fire breath should be in the same realm.

This boy is not an easy role.

What a huge accident happened in Guobei County.

They seem to have talked about chance before...

Ling Tian's thoughts quickly turned in his heart, his perception spread out at the same time, and spread out with all his strength along Guobei County. Soon, half of Guobei County was covered by Ling Tian's perception.

Ling Tian immediately sensed the aura of countless things that were there and those that didn't.

"Be careful……"

On the street, Nie Xiaoqian raised her dagger and pointed at the boy at the window on the third floor.

This woman is very sturdy, and she vividly shows the character and attitude that a woman needs to have to survive on the rivers and lakes.

After playing hard, Nie Xiaoqian flipped her wrist and put away the dagger very smartly.

"Your money doesn't seem to be paying well, take office as soon as possible, this county town feels very wrong to me now..."

Nie Xiaoqian turned her head and looked at Ling Tian with a strange look. Ling Tian's previous move made Nie Xiaoqian know that Ling Tian's strength was far superior to hers. However, Nie Xiaoqian still decided to help Ling Tian in the matter of Ling Tian's possible memory loss.

"Let's go..."

Ling Tian had already sensed half of Guobei County at this time, and this county is indeed very strange now.

And the strangest place was in the county office. Ling Tian could sense that the county office at this time seemed to contain some kind of strange power, and that power was still undetectable by perception.

Compared to the breath of the county government office, the breath of the young man who appeared on the third floor was nothing unusual.

Ling Tian and his party quickly disappeared from the street.

On the third floor of the restaurant, after Ling Tian and the others left, the young man who opened his mouth to invite Nie Xiaoqian, and then made a bold move, shook his shoulders slightly and broke free from the palm of the second young man.

"I really don't understand what you guys are doing. This Guobei County will not belong to us sooner or later. Now we just want to do something to a few strangers who have just come here..."

The young man complained indifferently.

"Stranger, just came here... Do you really think they are just ordinary outsiders?"

The second teenager who appeared took his hand back and sat back at the table in the box on the third floor. There were several other teenagers sitting there on this table, and everyone was well-dressed.

"That woman has a higher aura than us, and that man has some aura that I can't understand at all. It seems to be martial arts, but it seems to be able to threaten me..."

A young man who was sitting at the table and never got up spoke In special times, no matter whether it is ordinary people or ordinary people, I hope that no one will provoke anything, especially us The descendants of these families..."

Another boy followed.

"It's official, that man has official energy... Go back and tell your respective families, that man is nine out of ten the new magistrate sent by the imperial court, but I don't know what the quality of the magistrate dispatched this time is... Still, be careful..."

"Before the opportunity opens, be optimistic about that county magistrate..."

In the small box, the conversations of several teenagers soon rang out.

If Ling Tian was here, he would definitely think of the aristocratic clans in the Tang Dynasty, or all the forces in the world of Xiaoao. The boy in this box obviously also represented the forces of Guobei County.

This small county town is obviously not as simple as its size.

But unfortunately, Ling Tian had already brought Nie Xiaoqian to the gate of the county government.

And after arriving here, Ling Tian couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Where is the county government office? This is a haunted house.

At this time, this Guobei County is not small, and even the county office with its architectural style is quite grand, and the door is opened in front of Ling Tian and others. Then, you can see the dense weeds spreading along the door to the county office. Where the line of sight cannot reach, and from time to time between the weeds, you can see all kinds of small wild animals shuttle back and forth.

: . :

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