"This, this is the county office..."

Looking at the scene of desolation and even the entire ruins, one of the people who followed Nie Xiaoqian, a little girl exclaimed in surprise.

After these words came out, the little girl suddenly felt that it was too hurtful, she immediately covered her mouth and looked at Ling Tian cautiously.

"This Guobei County is not a good place, Cao Donghua, don't stay here, lest you die one day, and you won't be able to repay the debt you owe us..."

Nie Xiaoqian also glanced coldly at the county government office, and then spoke to Ling Tian.

It has only been a short month since Ling Tian was borrowed by the phantom. However, this world has obviously undergone some indescribable changes. In other words, Ling Tian has not been borrowed by the phantom yet. Some aspects of the world have already changed.

At this time, looking at the county government, Nie Xiaoqian and others knew that this meant that there was no so-called law in Guobei County.

The girl who came with Nie Xiaoqian was outspoken, while Nie Xiaoqian was hard-hearted and soft-hearted, but both of them meant that they didn't think Guobei County was a good place, let alone that Ling Tian would be a good choice to stay.

"Is this the new county magistrate..."

However, at this moment, when Nie Xiaoqian and the others wanted Ling Tian to leave, and before Ling Tian responded, scattered people poured out from all directions.

Some of them had already asked Ling Tian and others from a distance.

"Cao Donghua, if these people come to complain to you, you should consider whether to pick them up or not. This place..."

Among the people that Nie Xiaoqian brought, she couldn't help speaking when she heard shouts in the distance.

Guobei County is not a good place. I'm afraid it's not a good choice to pick up any form of paper here.

Maybe Nie Xiaoqian and the people she brought with her are still good people, but people are far and near. Compared with other people who don't know each other, Ling Tian has only known Nie Xiaoqian and others for a while, but they are still old acquaintances. Ling Tian adventure.

"He's the magistrate, the new magistrate..."

However, without waiting for Ling Tian to deny it, in the distance, the shouts that were originally just speculations had completely turned into affirmations.

Those people quickly surrounded Ling Tian and others.

"Your Majesty, the county government owed our restaurant two hundred taels of silver before. Do you want to give it on behalf of the county government..."

"Your Majesty the county magistrate, the county government still owes me a debt to the dental office..."


The crowd in the distance finally surrounded Ling Tian and the others, and what they said immediately made Ling Tian and others even slightly stunned. These people did not come to complain, but to ask for debts.

Slightly stunned, Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian's eyes suddenly became cold.

I went to the county government to ask for a debt...

How can ordinary people have the courage, even the rich merchants will not have that courage.

This Guobei County is indeed not a good land, and these people who need debts are probably not ordinary people.

"You are so bold..."

Before Ling Tian spoke, Nie Xiaoqian couldn't help but speak coldly.

As I said before, people's hearts are far and near, Nie Xiaoqian is a good person, and Ling Tian is even more acquainted, so naturally he is on Ling Tian's side at this moment.

"What this girl said doesn't make sense. It's only right and proper to pay back the debt. Why, can the county government not pay back the money..."

In the crowd, a tough voice sounded.

This voice was obviously extremely rude, not polite to Nie Xiaoqian's response, and even less polite to Ling Tian.

"You said that the county government owes money, then you pull out the original county magistrate as a proof. Without the original magistrate to testify, then whoever you gave the money will go to..."

Nie Xiaoqian looked coldly at the man who spoke.

This woman is indeed savage, and with a single word, she will block all the reasons of others.

However, the man who spoke obviously did not intend to win with words, and following Nie Xiaoqian's words, the man who spoke sneered.

"What this girl said she wanted to deny..."

The man looked at Nie Xiaoqian with a sneer, and while he was speaking, shadowy figures began to appear around him.

A trace of weak energy surrounds him.

Ling Tian had been watching Nie Xiaoqian come out, and at this moment, he felt a sneer flash in the eyes of those auras around him.

The atmosphere around here is not bad. In this world, he is considered a master in martial arts, and there are quite a few people, but to him, it is just a joke.

"Her words are my words. My words represent the empire and the government. Why, do you want to disobey the government and rebel..."

Ling Tian looked coldly at the man who spoke.

When he was speaking, he took a sharp step, and a trace of terrifying power ruthlessly crushed the man.

This trace of strength is definitely enough to defeat the manpower arranged by the surrounding men.

When Ling Tian's power was revealed, the man's expression changed slightly, but soon a sneer disappeared.

"Such a big tone, such arrogant words, rebellion, you think you are the emperor, if you say we rebel, we will rebel... If I don't pay back the money today, I will sue you, even the Emperor and I can't do it... er..."

As if he had some confidence, the man roared loudly, but before the words fell, Ling Tian's figure had disappeared in place, and then he grabbed the man's neck and lifted him up.

Guobei County, Nie Xiaoqian...

Although Ling Tian still didn't know what the secret was on Nie Xiaoqian's body, and what was the connection between Guobei County and him, Ling Tian was sure that all the secrets must lie in Nie Xiaoqian, Guobei County, Lannuo Temple, etc. Therefore, it is impossible for him to leave Guobei County.

Then, regardless of whether Guobei County is a good place or not, and how difficult it is, in short, Ling Tian must be in charge of Guobei County.

"What confidence do you have, or rely on, come, tell me..."

Holding the man's neck, Ling Tian said coldly.

Not far away, Nie Xiaoqian and the others stared at Ling Tian in astonishment.

It had been a few days since they had known each other, and it was the first time they knew that Ling Tian had such skills.

"Sister Xiaoqian, this, this is Cao Donghua..."

Next to Nie Xiaoqian, the outspoken little girl looked at Nie Xiaoqian a little nervously and said.

"What are you afraid of, no matter what ability he has, we are still his saviors..."

Nie Xiaoqian forcibly suppressed the horror in her eyes and said.

Nie Xiaoqian was also extremely shocked by Ling Tian's sudden display of skills, but, for some unknown reason, Nie Xiaoqian vaguely felt that she didn't need to be afraid.

And this Guobei County made Nie Xiaoqian feel that she didn't want to leave. It seemed that this was her hometown.

No, it's not her hometown, but a feeling that is hard to explain, just like swimming fish in the river and sea, and birds in the sky. In short, Nie Xiaoqian felt that she should stay in Guobei County.

"If you have the guts, kill me. Among the debt collectors here are the family members of the court ministers, and even the family members of the court censors... You can try and see what happens to you after you kill me..."

When Ling Tian pinched his neck, the man was obviously startled, but then he looked at Ling Tian and said with a sneer.

Officials, ministers, censors...

It turned out that this man's reliance turned out to be this.

Ling Tian was stunned for a moment, then laughed mockingly.

Don't say that he is not a real official, even if he is a real official, I am afraid that he will not care about it.


Two words of indifference came out of Ling Tian's mouth.

In an instant, the face of the man who was pinched by his neck changed dramatically. These two words made him feel bad.

Being able to be dispatched to do dirty things, this man's mind is obviously not stupid. From these two words, he could hear Ling Tian's indifference and killing intent.

His mouth opened quickly, the man just wanted to say something.

However, before he could speak again, Ling Tian had already exerted force on his hand, and with the crisp sound of bone cracking, the man's throat was instantly crushed.

"I repeat, this is the yamen, whoever dares to be presumptuous is a rebellion, and this official will directly punish his nine clans..."

He threw his hands away and threw the dead man away, Ling Tian glared at the surroundings and said.

"Chop him..."

However, what responded to Ling Tian was a cold voice not far away.

Outside those who surrounded Ling Tian and the others, among the warriors who appeared not long ago, a man with cold eyes looked at Ling Tian from a distance, or looked at the corpse that Ling Tian had thrown on the ground, showing a hint of surprise.

That kind of surprise is like one of the two competitors was having a great time competing with the other, but suddenly his opponent was killed unexpectedly, and then he lay down and won.

"Chop him up, I'll treat you today, and play at Chunfenglou..."

With a look of surprise, the man said loudly.

He and the man who was killed by Ling Tian were indeed competitors, and he was still at a disadvantage, otherwise, it would not have been the man who followed the officials' families, and he was behind him as support.

Now, this is better than his opponent being killed, but this man wants to take some credit so that he can successfully take over the position of his killed competitor.

However, this guy is not an idiot. In order to avoid the same fate as his competitors, he would rather bleed heavily to motivate his subordinates to slash and kill Ling Tian, ​​rather than go forward in person.

"Thank you Boss Shen, brothers, for the Chunfenglou, go up..."

"Kill, tonight I'm going to..."


The cheers of Guikulanghao sounded, and the warriors who poured out later rushed towards Ling Tian with madness and joy.

Ling Tian's actions and movement in killing the man before were really good, but these warriors obviously didn't feel that Ling Tian could fight a large group of them by himself.

Not only those warriors didn't think so, but Nie Xiaoqian didn't either.

"You hid in the county office and left through the back door. If we didn't die, we would go to the west gate to find you..."

Nie Xiaoqian's dagger appeared again in her hand, and then she whispered to the people she brought.

Obviously, this woman planned to stay alone with Ling Tianduan.

"Take them back to the county office first..."

However, before Nie Xiaoqian's words were finished, Ling Tian had already waved his arm slightly and pushed Nie Xiaoqian and the people brought by Nie Xiaoqian into the county office. Immediately, Ling Tian stretched his arm, and a long sword appeared in Ling Tian's hand.

Now, Ling Tian, ​​an ordinary warrior, really doesn't look down on him. If he wasn't afraid of destroying Guobei County, Ling Tian would probably have killed these people with a single burst of love.

Of course, it was also because Ling Tian was still seriously injured, so the Love of the City could not be fully used. Otherwise, it would be fine to control the power to send out a small area, and even destroy those who came to collect debts.

However, even if he couldn't use the power of Love in the City, there was still no one in this world who could be Ling Tian's opponent in pure martial arts.

The long sword flickered, and the ten or so warriors who rushed the fastest suddenly fell down together.

Ji Zinei said, "Serving all things... Ling Tian's martial arts are so mysterious that he can fight against demons and sect gods one-on-one, not to mention some ordinary warriors.

A sword was unfolded, and Ling Tian walked slowly, the cold light of the long sword flickered, and the warriors quickly fell down one by one.

In the blink of an eye, at least fifty or sixty warriors have died.

And by this time, those charging warriors began to be frightened.

The original charge was suddenly stagnant, not only that, the body of every stagnant warrior began to tremble.

Not to mention the charge, at this time these warriors didn't even dare to escape.

And the eyes of the man hiding behind the warriors who wanted to kill Ling Tian with crowd tactics also widened.

He was able to compete with another man for the position of leader, and his martial arts was naturally top-notch, but even so~www.readwn.com~ he dared to swear that he had never seen such martial arts as Ling Tian.

"Immortal Master, Sword Immortal... You, you are not an ordinary martial artist, you are a Dao Xiu, a sword immortal in Dao Xiu..."

Suddenly, the man looked at Ling Tian and shouted as if he had suddenly realized.

Before these words could be said, Ling Tian's figure had already flickered from the crowd in front of him like a phantom. Along with pieces of human bodies that seemed to be harvesting rice, Ling Tian's long sword was placed on the man's neck.

"Who asked you to come, don't say that you came by yourself. This insults my IQ and yours..."

A cold voice came out of Ling Tian's mouth.

The man with his long sword on his neck suddenly laughed.

"You are a sword fairy, you are no match for you, I can tell you anything you want to know, but I promise that if you go to the person behind me, you will die, you will die miserably... I tell you , if you have the guts, go to the person behind me, go..."

Crazy laughter, this man seemed to be sure that Ling Tian was going to die, but he taunted Ling Tian's mortal mood, and the man shouted loudly.

And just when this man decided to say what Ling Tian wanted to know, not too far away, two or three streets away, the boy who once threw chopsticks at Ling Tian on the third floor of the restaurant was sitting quietly in a carriage , and the auras were somewhat similar to those of the sect masters of the Laoshan Taoist priests, not like ordinary people, but even less like the sect masters, the old men stood around the carriage.

: . :

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