The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 209: about to know the secret

"Uncle Fu, can't you really kill people?"

Inside the carriage, the boy's voice sounded in a pleading tone.

Obviously, the people who targeted Ling Tian and others were arranged by this young man, and this young man wanted to kill Ling Tian and others directly, but these old men who guarded him seemed to prevent him from killing.

"After all, he is a member of the imperial court, and now we still need to take care of it..."

Outside the carriage, among the old men standing there respectfully, a kind-hearted old man slowly opened his mouth and said.

He had a very peaceful demeanor and tone, but the words he said made people ponder and think deeply. They still need to be taken into account now. Does that mean that they can no longer be taken care of soon.

"Young Master Zhao asked me to come. King Zhao Qian and Sun are all big clans in the south, not to mention a small Guobei County, even in the entire Jiangnan Road, and even in the southern country, there are several families that can be related to these four families. For comparison, now Young Master Zhao is three streets away, you can go if you are brave enough..."

The man Sen Han, who was held by Ling Tian's long sword around his neck, said with a smile.

This man obviously wanted to see Ling Tian go to Young Master Zhao. It seemed that as long as Ling Tian went, he would definitely die.

Ling Tian looked at the man coldly, and suddenly his wrist shook, the long sword had already cut the man's throat.


The man's eyes stared fiercely, and with his many words, he seemed confident that Ling Tian would definitely die if he found Young Master Zhao, he just wanted to fight to save his life, he just wanted to make Ling Tian jealous.

Who would have thought that Ling Tian would kill him so neatly in the end.

This really made him unwilling.

With extreme unwillingness, the man's body slowly fell down.

"I have already remembered each of you. I don't want to be exterminated by me. It's best to stay here quietly..."

He killed the man with one sword, Ling Tian's eyes swept coldly across all the people present, then his figure moved, and he quickly swept out in the direction pointed by the man who was killed by him.

At this time, his perception has been swept away, and naturally he can also feel a group of strange auras outside the three streets.

It is very similar to a sect master in some respects, but it is definitely not a kind of powerful aura.

Zhao Qian Sun King...

Four families.

Countless thoughts flashed through Ling Tian's mind. He didn't know what the four major families were playing here, but he knew that in Guobei County, there could only be one voice, and that was his voice.

Unfortunately, Young Master Zhao has now met him.

With the virtues of the noble family, it is estimated that there is no possibility of peace between him and the Zhao family, and even if there is filth between the noble family, when facing ordinary people like him who have no identity, those noble families will definitely stand together. .

Therefore, no matter what he does next, the four families of King Zhao Qian and Sun will never have any possibility of peace with him.

Since there is no peace, there can only be a winner or loser, and a fist to decide who calls the shots.

Three streets, not too far away, Ling Tian had already arrived soon.

"Protect the young master..."

And just when Ling Tian's figure appeared on the roof on the side of the street, around the carriage, several old men trembled and became alert at the same time.

The old man who had spoken to Young Master Zhao before even gave an order immediately.

While speaking, the old man looked up at Ling Tian's location.

This is obviously a top-notch existence.

When their eyes met, Ling Tian immediately felt the aura on the old man's body. It was only one step weaker than the Seventh Prince and Laoshan Taoist priest, but stronger than most demons, sect masters, and sect gods. breath.

"Kill him, Faber, kill him..."

Inside the carriage, the young master soon discovered Ling Tian's arrival.

Immediately, the young man looked at the old man outside the carriage and shouted loudly.

At this time, probably in this young man's heart, as long as the old people who protected him were willing, they could kill Ling Tian at will.

However, the old man outside the carriage ignored the young man.

When Ling Tian sensed his strength, the old man also vaguely sensed Ling Tian's strength.

"Friend, since you've dealt with those people that our young master went to make a joke with you, then this trip is over..."

Looking at Ling Tian on the roof, the old man hesitated and said slowly.

When speaking, the old man's eyes were extremely calm, and his tone was somewhat friendly.

However, no matter how calm and friendly, the arrogance in these words is not hidden at all.

King Sun of Zhao Qian, the four great families, resounded in the south. This is not the bragging of the man who was killed by Ling Tian, ​​it is a fact.

The four major families in the south are as powerful as the royal family. For this old man who protects Young Master Zhao, what Young Master Zhao has done to Ling Tian is really not a big deal.

If it weren't for Ling Tian's strength, which made him a little bit jealous, and he was an official conferred by the imperial court, and there was something important about the four major families that happened to be at the checkpoint, I was afraid that this old man would immediately take down Ling Tian's renown. Young Master Zhao cleaned up.

However, no matter how many scruples there are, this old man's biggest concession to Ling Tian is to pretend that this incident never happened.

On the roof, Ling Tian's eyes narrowed slightly.

He wasn't angry because of the old man's words. He had already seen the virtues of the aristocratic family. From the time when he was proud of the world, he didn't know it clearly.

Therefore, he is not angry about the virtues of the noble family, but it is also because he clearly knows the virtues of the noble family. Ling Tian understands that even if he retreats, those noble families will definitely not retreat.

Don't look at the old man saying that the events of this trip are over, in fact, the events of this trip are far from over.

Not to mention Young Master Zhao's family, just Young Master Zhao, as long as today passes, he will soon come to trouble him again.

And when Young Master Zhao troubled him, the Zhao family would definitely not stop him, and would only help Young Master Zhao.

There is no way, in the eyes of the aristocratic family, except for the families of the same level, the others are just ants. Who cares about the ants.

"Inciting people's revolt and maliciously resisting the government is a rebellion, and should be executed..."

Standing on the roof, Ling Tian looked at the crowd below coldly.

Since sooner or later they still have to face each other, Ling Tian will not leave the initiative to others. The most important thing is that although he needs to pay close attention to Guobei County, he does not always need to pay close attention.

So, for him, it doesn't matter how hard you fight, as long as Guobei County is in his hands in the next period of time.

"Hmph...kill him..."

Below, the old man snorted coldly when he heard Ling Tian's words, shook his head with a mocking smile, and waved to the other old men around him.

It seemed to the old man to let Ling Tian go this time was a great tolerance, but now Ling Tian doesn't appreciate it, which made the old man have murderous intentions.

Although the four major families are now at a critical juncture, the more critical it is, the less the four major families can reveal their flaws.

If the county magistrate who provokes the clan like Ling Tian is still indifferent, then the four major clans are obviously not the four major clans, and anyone will see that something is wrong with the four major clans.

Along with the old man's cold snort, the figures of the other old men around him moved violently.

Several figures instantly turned into several phantoms and swept away on the roof.

Based on Ling Tian's martial arts cultivation, his movement skills and the like had already reached the realm of teleportation between movement and stillness. However, Ling Tian was still slightly startled when those figures moved.

There was a faint ghostly feeling between the actions of these old men. With a flash of light and shadow, the person had turned into a phantom and appeared in front of him.

This kind of speed is by no means anything like light work, however, this is not a spell either.

This is more similar to some kind of instinct, a ghostly instinct.

Just as fish are born to be useful, birds are born with the racial talent of flying.

These guards... are not human...

A thought arose in Ling Tian's heart, a very strange thought, which was immediately dismissed by Ling Tian. In his perception, he could clearly feel that each of the old people who reached him had human characteristics and instincts.

Those old people need to breathe, they also have a heartbeat, and they also need the heart to generate power to transport blood to the whole body.

not understand……

However, perhaps Guobei County, Nie Xiaoqian, Lannuo Temple, are also related to these four major families...

This may be a play in itself, but what he has to do is to sing the play thoroughly...

Ling Tian thought to himself.

Suddenly, his eyes sharpened, and a trace of scorching cold light flickered. Several old men who had just arrived around him were instantly cut off in the middle. Before the bodies could land, the flames were already burning.

Among the old people here, only Fu Bo, who was still standing beside the carriage, was able to surpass the sect masters and the demons under the Seventh Prince, but he was still a lot worse than the Seventh Prince and Laoshan Taoist priests.

Except for Uncle Fu, the other old men are at most on par with those demons and sect masters, or even slightly inferior. Even if a few of them are together, how can they compete with Ling Tian.

"Go, hurry up, young master... hurry up..."

Beside the carriage, Uncle Fu stared at Ling Tian beheading all the masters under his command.

You must know that the reason why the masters under Uncle Fu's command are all old is because those people have cultivated for a lifetime, and they are all confidant masters trained by the Zhao family.

These masters are already regarded as the backbone of the Zhao family, and such a group of backbones were killed in seconds, which undoubtedly means that Ling Tian's strength is no longer capable of being dealt with by such a master of the Zhao family. It is already necessary for the Zhao family to send core masters. to cope.

However, of the four major families, none of the core strengths can be easily used.

Under this circumstance, not to mention the Zhao family in Guobei County alone, even the four major families together would definitely not be able to stop Ling Tian.

"Go, where are you going..."

Ling Tian's figure suddenly appeared in front of Uncle Fu.

In a blink of an eye, a distance of hundreds of meters turned into a distance of several meters.

The carriage was stiff in place, and Uncle Fu was also stiff. A trace of cold sweat fell from Uncle Fu's forehead.

Fear, incomparable fear...

At this time, Uncle Fu didn't dare to act rashly, not because he was afraid of death, but because he was afraid that Ling Tian would kill Young Master Zhao neatly.

"Can you tell me why you have the courage to fight against the government, or, can you tell me, what exactly is there in Guobei County that you want..."

Ling Tian looked at Uncle Fu coldly and said.

When a word fell, Fu Bo's face changed again.

Ling Tian's question was obviously asking a certain point, which made Fu Bo feel that he didn't know how to respond.

"Do the four major families need to explain things to you, you will kill me if you are brave enough..."

However, before Uncle Fu spoke, in the carriage, Young Master Zhao roared angrily.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and Young Master Zhao got out of the carriage and looked at Ling Tian coldly and roared.

A...very arrogant...cute boy...

A smile appeared on the corner of Ling Tian's mouth. If Uncle Fu was the only one here, then Ling Tian might not be able to ask anything, but with such a young master here, Ling Tian believed that he could ask a lot of things.


Seeing the smile on the corner of Ling Tian's mouth, Uncle Fu's face suddenly changed, and all of a sudden, the power on his body exploded and rushed towards Ling Tian. At the same time, he slapped Young Master Zhao with a backhand, wanting to send Young Master Zhao away. .

Only, Uncle Fu moved, and a flame of flames appeared out of thin air. In the blink of an eye, all of Uncle Fu's power was burnt cleanly, and even Uncle Fu's palm was completely burned by the flames.

"It's really hot..."

A horrified exclamation came out of Fu Bo's mouth.

He exclaimed, Uncle Fu's arm slammed violently, and a trace of cold light shot towards Young Master Zhao. In that way, Uncle Fu seemed to want to kill Young Master Zhao.

Guobei County has a big secret...

Ling Tian's eyes slammed, and the burning real fire suddenly shrank, and quickly enveloped the cold light shot by Fu Bo.

True fire is no longer the fire control technique given by the seventh, but the power generated by combining all the martial arts of Ling Tian. Although there are only some flame powers of pure yang attribute, it is more powerful than ordinary flames. Zongmen techniques and the like are no less inferior, but Fu Bo's hidden weapon was immediately intercepted.

Intercepting Uncle Fu's hidden weapon, Ling Tian's figure swayed and passed Uncle Fu. When Uncle Fu fell, he was already standing in front of Young Master Zhao.

The arm quickly stretched out, and Ling Tian's palm slipped down along the arm of the young master Zhao. With the sound of a series of small firecrackers, the young master Zhao's face twisted violently, and one of his arms was like a rope. The sky is entwined.

"I'm not very patient, so I don't like to ask questions slowly. I'll let you try my methods first, and then I'll ask you questions. If you still insist on not answering, then I will torture myself with all my knowledge. After all human means have been used, I will ask you again, and if you insist on it the second time, I will admire you and kill you directly..."

An indifferent voice came out of Ling Tian's mouth. He completely crushed the bones on Young Master Zhao's arm into powder, and then slowly opened Young Master Zhao's acupuncture points.

With incomparably sincere eyes, Ling Tian looked at Young Master Zhao and spoke again.

"The first chance is over, say it or not, if you don't say it, we will continue..."

With a calm and hair-raising tone, Young Master Zhao's body trembled, and he was on the verge of collapse.

"Say, I say, I say everything..."

Inwardly scolding neuropathy, Young Master Zhao said with a crying voice.

: . :

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