The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 211: Sirius Entry

Become a god, become a new god...

Nie Xiaoqian froze in place, she naturally knew that what Ling Tian said about becoming a **** was not to let that new **** replace her, but to make her, a mortal, Nie Xiaoqian, a real god.

However, this kind of thing is not so easy to do.

A faint hope flashed in Nie Xiaoqian's eyes, and she quickly restrained it.

She already knew her extraordinaryness. In fact, it was because of that extraordinaryness that she was kicked out of her home and that she lived on the streets.

Over the years, she has already understood her own belonging, and it must be completely dissipated one day.

She has also made this preparation. From the first time she discovered that she had forgotten part of her memory, to today, Nie Xiaoqian has become accustomed to losing part of her memory from time to time.

She no longer remembers life and death, and has no motivation to survive.

Now, when Ling Tian said these words, a faint wave filled Nie Xiaoqian's heart.

No matter how strong she is, she is still a person after all, and she naturally has the idea of ​​​​survival, but she is afraid, and fear is just another fantasy.

She really can't accept the process of going from hope to despair again.

"For some things, what awaits us may be despair, but when we have come to the brink of desperation, no matter how desperate we are, we have to fight, because, if we fight, we may still live, if we don't fight, we can only die..."

Ling Tian looked at Nie Xiaoqian indifferently. Ling Tian could vaguely understand Nie Xiaoqian's state of mind at this time. Once upon a time, he was also so desperate.

However, his despair was far less than that of Nie Xiaoqian.

However, Ling Tian believed that Nie Xiaoqian could come out just like him, because this woman was stronger than him.

To be honest, if you put the system aside, Ling Tian is not as good as Nie Xiaoqian. If he was in Nie Xiaoqian's position, he would never have the slightest confidence to say that he could do better than Nie Xiaoqian.

This is also the reason why Ling Tian has a good impression on Nie Xiaoqian.

"The power of the extreme yin attribute, pure extreme yin, comes from the origin of heaven and earth, but that power is not uncontrollable..."

Ling Tian watched Nie Xiaoqian slowly continue speaking.

The power of the gods that Nie Xiaoqian's body is attached to is naturally extremely pure, but what Lingtian has learned from the four worlds is not incapable of fighting against that power.

Indifferently, Ling Tian slowly said what he had learned, the fusion of the power of the two attributes of yin and yang.

The power of the new **** that Nie Xiaoqian is attached to is the extreme yin attribute, so Ling Tian taught Nie Xiaoqian how to control the origin of the two attributes of yin and yang.

He didn't know how talented Nie Xiaoqian was.

However, at this time, Ling Tian smashed everything he had mastered about the powers of yin and yang and slowly told it to Nie Xiaoqian.

Soon, all the secrets of yin and yang power have been finished.

Immediately, Ling Tian pointed out his finger and pressed it on Nie Xiaoqian's forehead, a hint of aura that belonged to the mystery of yin and yang was immediately entered into Nie Xiaoqian's primordial spirit.

Using the Sword of Primordial Spirit to transmit the breath of power is already close to the power of mind transmission in the world of immortals, and this is also some of the functions in the power model that Ling Tian has just realized in this world.

And getting his transmission, the dazed look in Nie Xiaoqian's eyes immediately dissipated.

As the daze dissipated, Nie Xiaoqian's eyes lit up, and she was a little more tenacious than before. This woman has a steel-like will, no matter how hard-hearted she is, and whether she is the Virgin or not, but her spiritual will is indeed amazing.

The night fell just after Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian communicated.

Nie Xiaoqian didn't say anything about escaping again, and a group of people settled down in the county office.

After the strong night fell, in Guobei County, outside the city, in the jungle where Lan Nuo Temple was located, wild wolves the size of horses gathered from all directions of the jungle.

"It's here, I feel the aura of the changes in the heaven and the earth, and moreover, the aura of the origin of a new god..."

A low and hoarse voice sounded from the mouth of a wild wolf.

These wild wolves seem to have become monsters.

Following the words of the first wild wolf to speak, the other wild wolves showed humanized joy on their faces.

However, just as the joy spread, suddenly, silhouettes suddenly appeared from the darkness, and then surrounded these wild wolves from the ground, the treetops, and even the low altitude.

"The Celestial Wolf clan didn't stay in the grasslands in the north, but they came to the south of me and didn't say hello to us. It must have looked down on our four major families..."

A voice with a smile sounded, and the figure of a young man slowly appeared above the wild wolf who spoke before.

This young man was the one who once stopped Young Master Zhao and Ling Tian from colliding on the street.

At this time, this young man was a little more majestic and indifferent than when he negotiated with Ling Tian before, just like a prince aloof. Obviously, this is the true face of this young man.

"Four great families, huh, when did the south belong to you? If you say this, you won't be afraid of the emperor's execution of your nine clans..."

On the ground, the wild wolf raised his head and looked coldly at the young man in the air, and suddenly, the wild wolf's body began to stand up.

The dark and thick hair like a steel needle gradually shortened, and the limbs turned into hands and feet. Soon, the skin with fur turned into a black armor, and the wild wolf became A burly man looked coldly at the young boy in the air.

An incomparably sturdy aura suddenly dissipated. Although the man and the young man were one on the ground and the other in the air, everyone would only think that the one on the ground was the king, the one who could easily kill the man in the air.

"Originally, we naturally didn't have the guts. Huo Xin sat in the northern border, settled in the peace of the northern border, and the 12th road banned army suppressed the central plains. Whether it is our southern family or those sects in the central plains, which one dares to jump, but, you guys With the plan, Huo Xin was wiped out in one fell swoop, the Huo family army of 200,000 fell apart, and the Twelve Route Guards were mobilized because of the unrest in the northern border...

Coincidentally, I encountered the reincarnation of old and new gods again. Now, let alone those sects in the south, which one of the sects in the Central Plains would really fear the emperor, to put it absurdly, now even the princes have begun to find their own way of retreat, the emperor. , has already reached the situation where the sun is dying..."

In the air, the young man looked at the man transformed by the wolf on the ground indifferently.

His words seemed to be just explaining the reason why the four major families in the south did not care about the emperor, but, following his words, the man transformed by the wild wolf on the ground sneered.

"Do you think our Sirius tribe will do you a big favor in the south, just like in the north..."

The joking words were spit out from the mouth of the man transformed by the wild wolf, and he looked at the boy in mid-air mockingly.

The Sirius Clan killed Huo Xin, the general who was stationed in the frontier in the north, and this caused the entire Central Plains dynasty to experience turmoil, thus freeing the family and the sect from the control of the imperial power.

Although there is also the reason for the reincarnation of the gods, it is more because of the design of the Heavenly Wolf Clan, and now, the man transformed by the wild wolf can see that the young man in the air actually wants to cooperate with their Heavenly Wolf Clan. , do something in the South too.

"Here is the place where the new **** was born, and you should be able to perceive it, but the benefits of the gods are not so easy to take, and the belief and power of your Sirius are different from those in the Central Plains, so even if you get it The power of this **** is not very useful, so why can't we cooperate..."

In the air, the young man didn't care about the mockery of the man transformed by the wild wolf, but spoke slowly.

He really wanted to cooperate with the Sirius.

Moreover, in his words, it seems that cooperation is beneficial to both parties.

Following his words, a hint of hesitation appeared on the face of the man transformed by the wild wolf.

"The reason why the Heavenly Wolf Clan came to the Central Plains to participate in this new **** is just to prevent the current dynasty in the Central Plains from getting the power of the new god. Now, our four major families also want to get the power of the new god. Then, we and the emperor will inevitably have a conflict, which is not a good thing for you..."

The boy looked at the man transformed by the wild wolf and hesitated to speak again.

"You Celestial Wolf people are brave and good at fighting, but the prairie is a dangerous place. You must be lacking a lot of things, food, weapons, medicinal materials... and these are the least valuable in Jiangnan..."

Without stopping, the young man continued to speak, but all of a sudden he spoke to the vital points of the Heavenly Wolf Clan.

The prairie, the wind, frost, rain and snow, and the extremely harsh natural environment, made the Sirius clan more courageous, not afraid of death, and more courageous than the Central Plains sect.

However, there are pros and cons. The environment of the prairie is equally terrible and terrible. In such an environment, food is a joke. No matter how brave the Heavenly Wolf tribe is, the prey of the entire prairie will never satisfy the Heavenly Wolf tribe's demand for food. required.

As for weapons and medicinal materials, those things are not produced in the prairie at all. The weapons and medicinal materials they are using now are either robbed or smuggled from the Central Plains.

Even so, the Celestial Wolf Clan also urgently needed these, because even if Huo Xin was destroyed, the mobilization of the Twelve-Road Imperial Army was still enough to block most of the frontier, and the Celestial Wolf Clan could not freely enter the Central Plains to plunder.

As for smuggling, although one of the northern aristocratic families is involved, they are not fools.

They have business dealings with the Sirius Clan, but more of them are wars. There is a lot of smuggling, which means they are causing trouble for themselves. Therefore, their smuggling is controlled by the amount.

Earn gold and silver at a high price, and then control the various strategic material reserves of the Sirius Clan, so that no matter how the Sirius Clan develops, it cannot pose an absolute threat to the Central Plains.

And now, the meaning revealed in the words of the young man in the air clearly tells the man transformed by the wild wolf that if he is willing to cooperate, he will provide all the strategic materials that the Sirius Clan needs.

Unlimited offer.

The aristocratic families in the south would not care about what those families in the north cared about. Anyway, no matter how brave the Heavenly Wolf Clan were, they would never be able to cross the river that would divide the entire Central Plains dynasty in half.

"I'm afraid the materials in the south will not be able to be transported to the grassland..."

The man transformed by the wild wolf looked at the boy with a hesitant look in his eyes and said.

I have to say that the young man's words moved him, but after all, this man is not an ordinary Heavenly Wolf clan reckless man, so he thought about it a lot, no matter how beautiful the young man in the middle of the sky said.

It is true that the south has more supplies, and it is also true that the south does not have the many scruples of the north.

But in the past, why didn't the southern families smuggle smuggling into the grasslands, because the southern families didn't want to make money, or because the southern families gave the northern families face, or the southern families were patriotic.

That's all nonsense, the only reason is that the distance between the south and the grasslands is too far, and the transportation is too troublesome.

"Waterway, our four major families have just developed ships that can travel by sea, and in the north and northeast there are coastal areas, which are beyond the control of the Central Plains Dynasty, but I believe that your Sirius will be able to completely control there..."

The half-empty boy laughed.

His finger pointed out, and soon, a map of the north and northeast areas was drawn on the ground. On the periphery of the curved mountain range was a long coastline. In the northeast direction, and even further, the coastline spread endlessly. Boundless.

There, it has long been a place of transformation, a place of bitter cold.

However, the Heavenly Wolf Clan itself is also a demon clan that came out of the Bitter Cold Land. No matter how far it is, the Bitter Cold Land is nothing to the Heavenly Wolf Clan.

"Certificate, what do you have that can make us believe that after the cooperation, you will abide by the promise..."

The man transformed by the wild wolf stared at the map on the ground, and a trace of excitement flashed from his eyes.

As a member of the Sirius, he is still a member of high status. He has an understanding of most places in the north, and he can naturally see that the map drawn by the boy in the air is indeed the north. Maps of the Northeast, and beyond.

And if the man really has a sea boat that can directly reach the coastlines of those places, then the man's supplies can really be transported there.

In this way, the materials needed by the Sirius Clan can be smuggled by the man, or just as much.

"The seals of the four major families personally engraved a spell and oath..."

The young man in midair spoke slowly.

Although the seal of the aristocratic family looks much inferior to the seal of the emperor, the responsibilities it represents are not at all different. The seal of the family represents a family. nodded.

"how to cooperate……"

After nodding fiercely, before he could get the seal of the four major families to engrave an oath, the man transformed by the wolf had already looked at the young man and said.

"We have found the person who the new **** is attached to. All we need is that you bring your people to contain the person who protects the new god, so that we can take the new god. I will not hide from you, the person who protects the new **** is very Strong, strong and terrifying, to contain him will cause you to suffer heavy casualties, but this is also the reason why I asked you to cooperate, that person, with our strength in Guobei County, we can't contain him at all..."

The young man in midair looked at the man transformed by the wild wolf on the ground and said very sincerely. After saying a sentence, the man transformed by the wild wolf laughed, laughing loudly, the kind of laughter that felt that the young man was worrying, restraining a person, The casualties are heavy, will the Sirius care about this? This is a joke.


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