The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 212: Instinct pursuit of life

The night has gradually deepened.

At the county office, Ling Tian had no intention of going to sleep. He sat cross-legged across from Nie Xiaoqian, and outside the house where he and Nie Xiaoqian were, all the people that Nie Xiaoqian brought were gathered there.

These people are all worried about Nie Xiaoqian's condition at this time.

Originally, Nie Xiaoqian had mastered some of the mysteries of yin and yang at night with Ling Tian's guidance, and then went back to her own room to realize it.

However, in the second half of the night, there was a problem with Nie Xiaoqian's comprehension.

No, maybe it wasn't Nie Xiaoqian's fault, but the new **** who was attached to Nie Xiaoqian. When Nie Xiaoqian understood the mystery of yin and yang, the new **** might have sensed danger, so he woke up.

Then, the yin and yang forces in Nie Xiaoqian's body immediately began to become unbalanced.

The power of the extreme yin attribute began to expand wildly.

At this time, Ling Tian was sitting cross-legged opposite Nie Xiaoqian, the power of pure yang attribute was constantly running out, and Ling Tian worked even harder to make up for Nie Xiaoqian's extremely yin attribute that exhausted the little bit of yang energy in his body. Controlling the changes of the two forces of Yin and Yang, trying to make the Yin and Yang in Nie Xiaoqian begin to rotate.

Lonely Yin does not grow, and Lonely Yang does not grow.

A person, or a life, can never exist solely on the basis of yin and yang alone. The coexistence of yin and yang is necessary for any life.

At this time, Nie Xiaoqian's extreme yin attribute has skyrocketed, but she has completely dissipated her yang attribute. If it can't be balanced and rotated, then no matter how strong Ling Tian's pure yang power is, it will never save Nie Xiaoqian's life.

However, since Nie Xiaoqian is the carrier of the new god, the new **** is a **** of extreme yin attributes.

At this time, Nie Xiaoqian's extreme yin attribute power that has been transformed from heaven and earth in situ is so huge that even Ling Tian's pure yang attribute cannot suppress it immediately.

For half the night, Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian were constantly confronting and intertwining the extreme yin attributes in their bodies, but at this time, Ling Tian was unable to restore the balance of Yin and Yang in Nie Xiaoqian's body at all.

Not only that, at this time, Ling Tian could even feel that outside the door, that power that was only inferior to Nie Xiaoqian, but also of Yin attribute was constantly expanding.

There is no doubt that the man who appeared on the night Nie Xiaoqian killed the rich man's family is about to appear again.

Although I had a good chat with that man last time, the new gods on Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian should still belong to the same camp. Now, Ling Tian fully supports Nie Xiaoqian to replace the new god. Ling Tian is not sure about that man. You will still be friendly with him.

It's just that Ling Tian Piansheng couldn't let go at this time, knowing that there was a great danger outside.

At this time, if Nie Xiaoqian didn't have Ling Tian's pure Yang attribute power instillation, he would have to be directly replaced by a new **** in minutes.

Ling Tian struggled to maintain the balance of yin and yang in Nie Xiaoqian's body. There was no superfluous expression on his face, but in his heart, he quickly analyzed and realized the extreme yin attribute in Nie Xiaoqian's body. The attribute comes from the new god, but too much sun will also cause damage to itself.

Therefore, in this world, after integrating true fire into his own martial arts, Ling Tian's newly created martial arts also has the essence of yin and yang balance. Before, because he only had the ultimate pure yang of true fire, he was able to exert himself. Just pure yang power.

Although this made him enough to fight against the seventh prince and the sect, it was only a fight.

Now, Nie Xiaoqian's extreme yin power has reached an uncontrollable level.

Ling Tian himself also needs to study the extreme yin attribute to help Nie Xiaoqian, and if he himself can fully understand Nie Xiaoqian's extreme yin attribute, then after the balance of yin and yang, his strength can also be greatly improved.

Comprehension is not an easy thing.

Nie Xiaoqian's extreme yin attribute power is not the power that Ling Tian had learned before. It can be learned and then improved through the system.

This extremely yin attribute comes from the new god, and it belongs to heaven and earth itself. Not to mention that Ling Tian's talent is not good, even if it is a top-level genius, there are a few who can directly perceive heaven and earth and comprehend the magical power.

Therefore, when he realized Nie Xiaoqian's extreme yin attribute power at this time, Ling Tian could only carefully take a trace of Nie Xiaoqian's power into his body, and then rely on personal experience to slowly figure out this power.

This process is extremely dangerous. Yin and Yang, although balanced and co-exist, are also opposites.

Nie Xiaoqian's extreme yin and Ling Tian's extreme yang are both pure to the extreme, and when they meet in an uncontrolled situation, they can easily explode.

And if that kind of power erupts, no matter how strong Ling Tian's body refinement is, he is afraid that he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

It was halfway through the night, and it was very close to dawn, Nie Xiaoqian finally slowly regained consciousness, and Nie Xiaoqian felt Ling Tian's actions at this time.

The kind of power that integrates the extreme yin attribute into the body, relies on the extreme yang to restrain it, and then slowly realizes it.

Nie Xiaoqian's eyes changed dramatically.

She was originally an ordinary Jianghu person, although martial arts looked pretty, but at Lingtian's level it was just juggling.

However, after all, being attached to the new god, Nie Xiaoqian had already sensed the existence of the power of the extreme yin attribute, so she could naturally understand how dangerous Ling Tian's behavior was at this time.

"You're impulsive..."

The emotion dissipated in his eyes, but Nie Xiaoqian's words were very unpleasant.

She looked at Ling Tian coldly.

"If I were you, I would stop doing stupid things right now, and immediately prepare to fight people..."

Even more unpleasant words sounded, Nie Xiaoqian still looked at Ling Tian coldly.

"And then, take the people you took in and leave Guobei County? ... Protect them from living like you..."

Ling Tian looked up at Nie Xiaoqian.

"If you don't know anything, you'd better keep your mouth shut. It's ridiculous that you think I told you to do this for their own good..."

Ling Tian frowned and continued to speak. At this time, he actually didn't want to talk much.

It is not easy to perceive power itself, not to mention that Nie Xiaoqian's power is so pure.

"I, the Seventh Prince and the sect are enemies. Now, there are four major families and a certain force that doesn't know what it is in this Guobei County. You're welcome, if I give up on you, you may be able to escape alone. Go away, and those who take you in will surely die..."

Ling Tian spoke ruthlessly, and then gave Nie Xiaoqian a cold look.

Outside the house, the man's gloomy aura had grown strong, Ling Tian was sure that it would not take long for the man to change.

And what's worse is that there are countless familiar atmospheres coming towards the county office at this time.

It is the aura of the masters of the four major families. Although the aura of these guys is hidden, at this time, Ling Tian's mental power is highly concentrated, and he can still feel the existence of these guys.

Apart from these guys, Ling Tian also felt a tyrannical aura. Those auras were extremely unfamiliar, not any power Ling Tian had encountered in this world, but those auras were equally terrifying.

In some respects, the last breath was more terrifying than those of the four major families. Although the breath of the four major families was strange and powerful, it was still sensible, and the last breath gave Ling Tian a more similar feeling. beast.

Crazy, tyrannical, don't know what fear and death are.

If the strong men of the four major families make Ling Tian feel that they are not human, then Ling Tian can be sure that this last breath of power is definitely not human.

It's a monster, or a demon, but not a human being.

"Shut up, if I can sense your power as soon as possible, help you become a god, at least help you suppress the power of extreme yin attributes first, then we all have a chance to live, if not, then I am afraid that I am the only one who has it in the end. I don't want to be driven away like a bereaved dog when I have the chance to flee in a panic..."

Ling Tian ended the conversation coldly, and blocked all Nie Xiaoqian's words in his throat.

However, with the end of this conversation, it was less than half a cup of tea, and outside the room, the gloomy aura had already taken shape.

A gloomy laughter, like a ghost crying at night, sounded outside the house.

Accompanying the laughter came the sound of a human body falling to the ground.

"Cao Donghua, why do you do this? You should have guessed something last time. Isn't it bad to have a relationship with a **** who is about to come? Don't you humans like to play with people, like to be familiar with each other, and like to hang out with big people? Why do you have to be an enemy of God…”

The man's voice sounded on the night that the rich man's family died.

It's not considered feminine, but it makes people feel so eerie that even the bone marrow is chilled.

The door of the house was pushed open, and the man walked in slowly.

A coldness instantly filled the whole room.

When the man entered the room, he did not rush to attack Ling Tian, ​​nor did he do anything to Nie Xiaoqian, but quietly looked at Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian.

"Zhiyang... It's amazing. It can restrain the power of my god's Zhiyang. I didn't expect that a mortal could cultivate it..."

With admiration, the man looked at Ling Tian and slowly opened his mouth.

While speaking, the man walked up to Ling Tian's side and squatted down extremely calmly.

"Teach me how to..."

Unexpected words sounded, the man looked at Ling Tian and said.

"The balance of yin and yang, the meaning of life..."

A little crazy, this man looked at the yin and yang forces between Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian. Nie Xiaoqian's extreme yin and Ling Tian's extreme yang really formed a balance of yin and yang between the two.

A more balanced and perfect balance of yin and yang than the vast majority of life in the world.

This balance already has a taste of transcending life, it is the power that does not limit life and death.

A new god, a servant of a god, no, or a companion creature, a companion creature that is more limited than a slave, a companion creature destined to forever submit to God...

Ling Tian looked at the man squatting beside him, and a thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

There is no doubt that this man appeared as a **** attached to Nie Xiaoqian.

However, this man was born faster than the **** who was attached to Nie Xiaoqian, and when he was born, he was no longer an ordinary human man during the day, but a non-human being, not a god.

Although this life is extremely incomplete, there is only a cold power in him.

Perhaps, his soul is not complete, but he is also an intelligent life with the same thinking as human beings, and he also yearns for freedom.

"If the new **** was never born, you would have the chance to obtain the only one. Otherwise, even if you learned the balance of yin and yang, you may not be able to escape the control of the god..."

Ling Tian looked at this man.

He didn't know if his guess was correct, whether this man would betray the new **** for freedom, but at this time, Ling Tian could only gamble no matter what.

"You won't let a new **** be born, right? I can see that you care about Nie Xiaoqian, so you won't let a new **** be born, so I don't worry about a new god, I only worry that if the new **** dies, I will disappear with it. , after all, I only have yin attributes and no yang attributes..."

The man was not moved by Ling Tian's words, and looked at Ling Tian indifferently.

"Balance of Yin and Yang is actually not difficult..."

Ling Tian hesitated for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth and told all the secrets he had mastered about the balance of yin and yang.

The man squatted there and listened quietly.

Yin-Yang balance, four words contain great mysteries, but in fact, Ling Tian mastered the summary of the mystery of yin-yang balance is not too long, thousands of words, has been completely finished in a short time.

And as the last word fell, the body of the man squatting there trembled slightly, and a faint yang attribute had already flashed on his body.

This man's talent is surprisingly Heaven and Earth are born, a new **** companion...

Ling Tian took a deep look at the man who was squatting there, and there was a hint of admiration in his heart. The creatures born in this world are indeed the darlings of heaven and earth.

"You said, in this world, do you want more people to be born with new gods, or do you want more people not to be born? Or, if the origin of new gods takes shape, it will have an impact on you..."

In his heart, he sighed at the man's talent, but a faint smile appeared on the corner of Ling Tian's mouth, looking at the man and said.

As soon as the sentence came out, the man was stunned for a moment, and the next second, the man's face changed drastically.

A trace of strangeness, tyranny, or terror has surrounded the county office in all directions.

"The Four Great Families..."


The expression on the man squatting there changed, and he squeezed two titles from his teeth.

There is no doubt that this man has had a deep understanding of the world after taking ownership of his current body countless times before. At this time, relying on the surrounding aura, he can easily identify the identities of those who surrounded the county government.

"The four major families, and the demons, guess what they want to do here, and then guess what they want to do, whether they simply want to prevent the birth of a god, or let a **** be born, or, Let the source of the gods be born, and then seize..."

Ling Tian looked at the man who was squatting and his face was constantly changing and said slowly.

At this time, he still couldn't stop giving Nie Xiaoqian the power of Zhiyang, but this man squatting here was what he needed, and he could block the four major families and demons that came over for him.


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