The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 219: Difficulty climbs

There is no chance of a turnaround.

At this time, the four major clan heads are all here, plus the masters they brought, not to mention a single princess, even if Ling Tian doesn't have the scruples of Nie Xiaoqian's soul, he may not be able to win.

Sighing to himself, Ling Tian was already planning to leave.

This Guobei County, that black bear, is naturally one of Ling Tian's mission goals, but this does not require Ling Tian to stay in Guobei County. For the time being, if he wants to keep Nie Xiaoqian, he'd better leave.

The source of the gods should not be perfect now, and the people of the four major families may not continue to hit Nie Xiaoqian's soul.

If he waited for the princess to be cleaned up, Ling Tian might not be able to leave even if he wanted to.

Today's Ling Tian may be considered to be the most top-notch existence, but there is no arrogance in his heart, and he will choose Gou without hesitation when it is time to go.

"It seems that I have no chance of taking away the source of this **** today..."

On the ground, the princess smiled wryly. Obviously, this woman also realized her tragic end.

The four major clan heads and the most elite masters are here, and she has no room for resistance.

"In that case..."

With a sad voice, the princess seemed to have given up, but only a few words fell. Suddenly, Ling Tian suddenly felt the space behind him tremble violently.

This tremor was so sudden that even Ling Tian felt it when the tremors spread out in space.

"you dare…"

And the patriarchs of the four major families also reacted violently when the space trembled and dispersed, and at the same time let out an angry roar.

Along with the roars of the four major family patriarchs, Ling Tian suddenly felt a holy force passing by his side. Immediately, the source of the gods disappeared with a faint luster in his real fire phantom and the power of the primordial spirit.


In anger, Ling Tian slammed a punch behind him, punching through the princess's abdomen fiercely. With blood splashing, the princess threw her whole body backwards. In the air, she spit out a belly full of crumbs like a broken rag doll. .

Ling Tian's furious punch obviously took the princess's life completely.

"She loves you, what would you do, haha, hahaha... my son is at home, it's a good family..."

Crazy laughter came from the princess' mouth. She looked at Ling Tian as if she wanted to watch a good show. However, when her body fell to the ground, her sanity had already begun to blur. In her blank expression, the princess unconsciously let out a subconscious expression. sound.

Perhaps, at this moment, the princess thought of something beautiful. A smile spread out from the corner of her mouth. The princess fell to the ground and completely stopped breathing.

Ling Tian naturally didn't care about the princess' life and life and her story, he turned to look at Nie Xiaoqian's phantom.

At this time, with the entry of the source of God, Nie Xiaoqian's originally bright eyes have gradually become cloudy, and her sanity is dissipating.

"Hold on, believe in yourself, you can survive..."

Ling Tian roared loudly.

While he was roaring, the heads of the four major families were slowly surrounding him.

It didn't feel terrifying, but an unfathomable force like an abyss immediately swept around Ling Tian, ​​and the patriarchs of the four major families looked at Ling Tian coldly.

"You can leave first..."

The cold words have a very clear meaning.

These four people want the source of God, and they need the power of Nie Xiaoqian's soul about the source of God. Now, the source of God is not in Nie Xiaoqian's shadow, but it is just right for these four.

Next, they only need to wait for Nie Xiaoqian to be completely melted by the source of God, and then take away the full version of the source of God. Ling Tian does not need to exist in this process, not only does he not need, even Ling Tian must not existing.

As the princess said before, the only possibility that people can replace gods is to overwhelm the spiritual will of gods. This requires emotional stimulation, and Ling Tian, ​​there is no doubt that the only possibility to stimulate Nie Xiaoqian is here. people.

"You are so sure that you can eat me..."

Ling Tian looked coldly at the head of the four major families, his spiritual will began to spread, and his mighty power began to show without limit.

He didn't want to fight. In fact, after knowing the real mission, Ling Tian knew that he and the Four Great Clans, the Seventh Prince, and the Laoshan Taoist had no incomprehensible hatred for anything.

On the contrary, more often, he may be able to cooperate with those people.

The Three Realms Passage, don't think that there are seven princes under the hands of demons, and the sects with the existence of gods like to open them.

On the contrary, they are the ones who most want the Three Realms channel to be closed.

The passage of the demon world is open, the Seventh Prince will never be able to truly subdue those demons, and the heaven is open, not to mention, even the strongest Taoist priests in Laoshan can't guarantee when the heaven will appear. Luo Zhenxian came.

And if the Three Realms Passage is closed, these problems will no longer be a problem.

Even these four major families are the same, they are stealing the power of God, but they never thought about going to the heaven to play in the heaven.

All they want is the prosperity of this world.

They have stolen the power of gods, and they are becoming more and more like gods, with no emotions and no mortal thinking.

In this case, they should be equally happy if the passage to heaven is closed.

That means, they don't need to worry about when they will go to heaven to be a so-called god.

"Actually, there is no unresolved hatred between us, and as for the origin of the gods, under the current circumstances, there are so many new gods, it shouldn't be difficult to find your four major families, so, for Nie Xiaoqian and I Is it worth it to start a war..."

With a tyrannical power, Ling Tian looked coldly at the head of the four major families.

Although he thought that there was no unresolved hatred between himself and the seventh prince, the sect, and the four major families, and there was a possibility of cooperation, Ling Tian knew better that these people were not good people.

Wanting to talk to them, relying on reason to convince people, any common goal is false.

If you want to convince them, you must show enough tyrannical power.

"God, it's not easy to find..."

The middle-aged man standing directly opposite Ling Tian hesitated slightly after hearing Ling Tian's words, and then spoke slowly.

God, of course it's hard to find...

This is true.

However, listening to this man's words, Ling Tian's face showed a faint smile.

"But it's not hard to find, at least, the second god, there won't be someone like me guarding it..."

Ling Tian looked at the man and said.

Between the words, the more terrifying real fire phantom began to condense.

The power of the real fire covered Nie Xiaoqian's phantom, and then, a strange power began to appear, quickly penetrating into Nie Xiaoqian's phantom.

Break yin and yang...

This is the power that the system has just rewarded. Its function is to divide Yin and Yang, to cut off the passage of heaven and earth, and also to cut off the process of new gods occupying the souls of mortals.

Ling Tian didn't talk too much with the heads of the four major families, but directly started to help Nie Xiaoqian.

In fact, he had just mastered Duan Yin Yang and discovered that Duan Yin Yang could help Nie Xiaoqian.

Although this made Ling Tian feel like he was being calculated by the system again, at this time, no matter how much he calculated, Ling Tian recognized it, and if he could save Nie Xiaoqian, then let's save it.

It just so happened that the patriarchs of the four major families should have been persuaded by him at this time, so Ling Tian would not hesitate to save Nie Xiaoqian because he suspected that the system was plotting against him.

A strange power controlled the real fire to pass into Nie Xiaoqian's phantom, or soul, and quickly found the source of the gods that he had entered before. Then, in the invisible soul space, Duan Yin Yang controlled the real fire and quickly wrapped the source of the gods. .

Now Ling Tian doesn't want Nie Xiaoqian to replace the god, so naturally the source of this **** doesn't need to be controlled by Nie Xiaoqian anymore.

Breaking Yin and Yang controlled the real fire to wrap the source of God, and Nie Xiaoqian's situation would not worsen. Immediately, Ling Tian's thoughts moved, and the source of God, which had been buried in Nie Xiaoqian's soul, turned into jade again and fell into Ling Tian's hands.

At the same time, Ling Tian continued to control Duan Yin Yang to search the depths of Nie Xiaoqian's soul.

In the seemingly fragile soul of a mortal, a trace of sacredness and tenacity was quickly found by Ling Tian.

It belongs to the origin of God...

The part of Nie Xiaoqian's soul that the New God is attached to.

Ling Tian's heart flashed with joy, this broken yin and yang actually allowed him to capture this, no matter how much he thought that the system had calculated him, Ling Tian would not make any calculations at this time.

The power of Duan Yin and Yang controlled the real fire and immediately swept over there.

With the previous process of taking out the source of God, Ling Tian thought that only one face-to-face was needed to take out the attachment of this new god.

Although the calculation of this system is uncomfortable, the tasks of this system are the same as the tasks in the game, which can be easily completed with a little time.

The next second, Duan Yin Yang controlled the real fire to cover the part that the new **** was attached to, but Ling Tian's expression changed drastically.

The real fire touched up, and although the part that the new **** was attached to was also affected, it began to grow as if being blown up. In the blink of an eye, the size of the original palm had doubled.

At the same time, a sacred and noble aura emanated from that little bit of origin.

Although this breath is sacred and noble, it gives people a feeling that they want to take it as their own.

Even Ling Tian, ​​feeling this breath, couldn't help but have the feeling of incorporating it into his body.

It seems that this breath evokes the biological instinct of human beings.

"Congratulations to the host for discovering the Qi of the Origin, which can improve the purity of the host's energy, increase the upper limit of the host's potential, and allow the host to perceive the power of rules..."

The mechanical and dull sound of the system suddenly rang out.

There were countless reminders in a row, each of which indicated that the breath was a good thing, but Ling Tian's heart sank violently.

The better the aura, the more terrifying the new gods attached to Nie Xiaoqian, how could such a terrifying existence be settled so easily.

The source of this god...

Ling Tian felt uneasy in his heart, subconsciously thinking that the source of the gods that he had just taken out was not a good thing.

At the same time, Ling Tian was madly trying to pull out the so-called Origin Qi from Nie Xiaoqian's body. At that time, whether he wanted to absorb this thing himself, or let the people of the four major families compete for it, he can talk about it. .

But, at this moment, a terrifying energy suddenly fell towards his back.

"Even if we have to fight..."

Ling Tian roared angrily. He naturally knew that this was an attack from the four major families. These guys might not attack him because of an ordinary new god, because it would not be cost-effective, but if the new **** is not easy , then, these four major families will definitely come to seek wealth and danger.

However, before the roar was completely out, Ling Tian turned his head halfway in his eyes with horror.

At this moment, around him, the masters of the four major families, even the patriarchs of the four major families, have blood-red eyes, which is driven to the extreme greed and hope.

Origin Qi, biological instinct...rules...

Ling Tian's mind came to the prompt from the system just now, and he couldn't help but cursed secretly.

With a thought in his heart, Ling Tian's Primordial Spirit power suddenly activated, and Nie Xiaoqian's phantom, who had not yet completely freed himself from the so-called "Original Qi", immediately fell towards the ground, and then quickly sank into the ground and was caught by Ling The power of the primordial spirit of the sky sank deep into the ground.

And after doing this, Ling Tian's hands probed, the real fire phantom burned, and it had slammed into the attack from the masters of the four major families.

"Stop, the source of God, including the one in Nie Xiaoqian's soul, I can take it out for you... We have nothing to hedge against..."

Quickly sinking Nie Xiaoqian's phantom into the ground, Ling Tian roared loudly.

While roaring, UU was reading www.uukanshu. Com Lingtian's wrist trembled, and the source of God extracted from Nie Xiaoqian's body was immediately thrown out.

The patriarchs of the four major families that besieged Ling Tian subconsciously jumped out one person to catch the source of the god, and immediately, the eyes of the four patriarchs regained some sanity.


The same roar sounded, the strength of the four patriarchs spread out, and quickly intercepted the elite masters of the four major families who wanted to continue their attack.

"The new **** in your woman is not simple... This is the first time I have seen a new **** that can confuse the four of us..."

One of the patriarchs of the four major families looked at Ling Tian and said.

"She's not me..."

Ling Tian looked at the patriarch and shook his head slowly. It was not easy, but it was not easy. If it was simple, everything would be resolved now, but if these patriarchs and experts avoided it, the matter would be easy to resolve.

Ling Tian was about to let these family owners avoid them when suddenly, his expression changed again.

Under the ground, the dark and extreme power flashed violently, and it was unexpectedly quick to swept away Nie Xiaoqian's phantom. dark power.

"There must be a lot of demons spying on such a new god..."

At this time, the voice of the head of the house continued.

Ling Tian looked at the head of the house coldly, and the latter seemed to have a sarcastic look on his face.

: . :

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